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Outcomes Data = Power Surgical Outcomes System = SOS.

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1 Outcomes Data = Power Surgical Outcomes System = SOS

2 Conflict of Interest Statement Fellowship Grants and/or Consultant Arthrex Smith Nephew Synthes Mitek Share Holder Tuckahoe Surgery Center & St. Mary’s ASC Comp Recovery AANA President and Member of the Board of Directors AAOS Coding, Coverage and Reimbursement Committee - member

3 Direction of Medicine/Orthopedics  End of Fee for Service – 2017?  Change from “Volume to Value” VALUE = OUTCOMES/COST  Creation of “Value Metrics” Who determines the metrics? Providers vs. Payors Who will collect the data? Providers vs. Payors How will that affect your “Administrative Burden”

4 Societies Leading Change to Value

5 Expected CMS Data Collection Requirements (My Opinion)  Mortality  Complications - expensive Return to the OR Infection/DVT  Patient Reported Outcomes (PRO’s)

6 AANA’s Goals - Outcomes Data Collection AANA’s Goals - Outcomes Data Collection  Provide our members with a turn-key system  Minimal burden for the surgeons  Inexpensive without expensive maintenance  System that avoids excessive regulations  Unite similar societies – AANA, ASES, AOSSM, AAOS*  Determine our own metrics with consistent data elements (AANA Favorites)  Share our data to protect patient access to care

7 Specifics - Two SOS Models Research ▪ IRB approval and oversight ▪ Written patient consent Healthcare Operations (HCO) ▪ Standard of care procedures ▪ No IRB oversight ▪ No written patient consent ▪ Need local IRB approval and consent if use for research in the future the future

8 Minimum Data Set and Research Sets  Shoulder - Hawkins/Tokish Core ○ VR-12, SANE, ASES, ○ Oxford Shoulder Score (for Europeans) Research ○ WORC (rotator cuffs) ○ WOSI (shoulder instability) ○ WOOS (shoulder osteoarthritis) ○ Penn Shoulder Score (general)

9 SOS Value Highlights ▪ Patient Reported Outcomes - Subjective ▪ Automatic emails ▪ Patient compliance tracking features ▪ Co-morbidity indices for risk adjustment ▪ VR-6 for cost-effectiveness and QALY ▪ “Favorite” templates ▪ Smart Device and tablet compatible ▪ Surgeon “Administrative Burden” = 2 minutes post-op!!!!

10 SOS = AANA Member Benefit!  AANA dues – currently $600/year  SOS - $1800/year incredible VALUE  Education grant from Arthrex!  Access to all the SOS programs (joints, spine, pediatric, hand, etc.)  Business People!!!

11 SOS – Ultimate Goal AANA Member BUY-IN Data Collection

12 Questions?

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