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The “Go Sailing & boating” Program Tackers is one of the four major participation programs supported by YV as part of Stage 2 of the Go Sailing & boating.

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2 The “Go Sailing & boating” Program Tackers is one of the four major participation programs supported by YV as part of Stage 2 of the Go Sailing & boating Program The other three are –Sailability – people of all abilites –Women in sailing – women –Schools teams racing – secondary school students


4 The objective of the “Tackers” program is to attract primary school age children to sailing, have them participate in an initial “fun” sailing experience and progress on a pathway, to a full sail training course, non competitive participation, and long term club membership.

5 Key Features Consistency across all clubs – like a franchise Non competitive – its about encouraging participation and building confidence not racing. An initial “Little Tackers” experience before progressing to a full YA Tackers training program (the YA GISBS syllabus), and non competitive racing

6 Why the need for a Tackers program ? Overall junior/youth club membership declining Sailing competes against 70 + sports in Vic. Sailing needs to attract and retain kids at a primary school age Kids want branded “image” and fun experience with friends Whilst some clubs do this well –Others need support –Success will increase with mass

7 What’s different about Tackers ? (to existing club programs) Consistent at every location Branded, contemporary presentation A pathway for maximum retention Low cost of participation –Club supplied new boats –Instructor subsidies

8 How has Tackers been developed ? Best in overseas programs eg Optimists & NZ Best in other states eg NSW Newport Foundation Best in Victorian club programs Best from other sports in Victoria eg Netball, Football and Cricket TRIALS and CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT

9 Key Ingredient = Fun Kid Centric – customer oriented Key Mantra – every session is so much fun with friends “I want to come back” Branded image, resources and materials Great instructors with “young” personalities

10 Key Ingredient = Boats Oziopti – only Cheap Indestructible Low Maintenance Coloured sails – strictly Seaworthy Capacity for two kids

11 What’s YV Provide ? Guidelines Subsidy for leading instructor (Fed funding 2008/9) Instructor guidance and mentoring Boats – via Sailing Future Project – dependent on funding donations Merchandise and materials

12 What do Clubs Commit to ? Following the Tackers guidelines – strictly Being a Yachting Australia Training Centre and following the requirements – strictly Funding instructor training Providing the resources and infrastructure – including all organisation etc Club Membership Category = Tacker

13 What do Instructors Commit to ? Fun The mantra “I want to come back” Tackers guidelines Completing the Tackers Training module YATC requirements Tackers advocates and ambassadors

14 The Tackers Training module 3 hours – classroom & practical What Tackers is and is not The Mantra Little Tackers content YA GISBS refresh Do’s and don’ts

15 YATC Guidelines Risk Management and Insurance Safety and safety boats Qualified (including Assistant) Instructors MyCentre – entry of all students and issue of materials and certificates The GISBS syllabus

16 Tackers Pathway Activity Tackers 1 GISBIS 1&2 YA Certificate 20 Hours Age 8-9 Little Tackers Non YA Cert 2.5 hrs – Sailing Experience Age 7-9 EventsTraining Non Club Racing (Treasure Hunters) Tackers 2 Better Sailing YA Certificate 12 Hours Age 9-11 Club Racing (Novice) Note ISAF modified rules Green Fleet Club Racing (Junior) Green Fleet

17 The Pathway Clearly defined pathway Kids progress at own pace ISAF Modified Rules for introductory racing NO racing under Blue Book Rules in Tackers environment until secondary school level

18 Pilot Programs The Boat Shed at Albert Park – Leader Westernport Yacht Club Royal Geelong Yacht Club Sandringham Yacht Club

19 The Role of parents Encourage involvement and qualification as Assistant Instructors Provide a social viewing & welcoming environment – at least an expresso machine If they want “kid” sitting – provide it

20 Fees & Financials Low cost, affordable, accessible sailing No fee “Tacker” Club membership (silver card and insurance in 2008/9 at no extra cost) Boats provided – by club, donors, sponsors or YV Sailing Future project Lead Instructor – YV subsidy for 2008/9

21 Suggested Fees Little Tackers $ 20-25 (2.5 hours) Tackers 1 Training $ 150-220 (20 hours – 2 per boat) Tackers 2 Training $ 150-220 (12 hours – 1 per boat) Guidelines only

22 Sailing Future Project Australian Sports Foundation registered = tax deductible Able to receive donations, pledges & bequests Donor may nominate preferred club Boats will be supplied to club for as long as they participate in Tackers and uphold guidelines Future supply of next level of boats

23 Acknowledgements Vichealth – for funding of program development Australian Government – for pilot funding of lead Instructors for 2008/9 - $40k Australian Sports Foundation – for registration of Sailing Future Project

24 Relationship with Steven Bond & Associates Pty Ltd. Separate entity Signed partnership agreement Joint ownership of IP Exclusive supplier of boats – Ozioptis. Sub tenant of Boat Shed at Albert Park for boat sales Sponsorship pursuit

25 CONCLUSION Vision – to create a nationally applauded and adopted program for attracting and retaining kids in sailing. Mission – increase junior club membership long term 2008/9 – 5 pilot projects in Victoria 2009ff – roll out in Victoria

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