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Let’s Write!. Tone Attitude! Character Development Sentences flow Good thesis Strong transitions Irony Colorful verbs Specific nouns Logical sequence.

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Presentation on theme: "Let’s Write!. Tone Attitude! Character Development Sentences flow Good thesis Strong transitions Irony Colorful verbs Specific nouns Logical sequence."— Presentation transcript:

1 Let’s Write!

2 Tone Attitude! Character Development Sentences flow Good thesis Strong transitions Irony Colorful verbs Specific nouns Logical sequence Engaging lead Hyphens Semicolons Sentences have rhythm Thought provoking motivation Interesting Metaphor Personification Different sentence types IDEASORGANIZATION VOICE SENTENCE FLUENCYWORD CHOICE CONVENTIONS What is good writing?

3 “Technically Sound Writing” Voice Word Choice Sentence Fluency Organization Ideas Conventions Typical Models “Technically Sound Writing” KABLOOEY! Write Traits What we discovered: Delivering complete writing instruction is a lot like climbing a ladder.

4 French Food Chinese Food Italian Food Sea Food The Master Chef BAM! Kick it up another notch! Recipes Proportion Season Sauté Select Ingredients Hungry for more information? Here’s an analogy you can sink your teeth into...

5 The Master Writer ! Narrative Descriptive Response to Lit. Research Report IDEAS ORGANIZATION VOICE SENTENCE FLUENCY WORD CHOICE CONVENTIONS Expository Reflective “BAM”? Persuasive

6 The Writing Process Draft Revise/Edit Final Draft Prewrite Publish ideasorganization word choice voice conventions sentence fluency ideas organization ideas word choice voice sentence fluency

7 Draft Revise/Edit Final Draft Prewrite Publish ideasorganization word choice voice conventions sentence fluency ideas organization ideas word choice voice sentence fluency The Big Idea: Whenever you execute one of the steps in the writing process, you are manipulating one or more traits!

8 Here’s an example! Trait-based instruction helps teachers and students understand difficult writing concepts...

9 Good VOICE is built upon three other traits VOICE IDEAS SENTENCE FLUENCY WORD CHOICE When you change these... You change your “voice!”

10 One example: VOICE IDEAS SENTENCE FLUENCY WORD CHOICE When you change your WORD CHOICE... Your “voice!” automatically changes! VOICE

11 Another example: IDEAS SENTENCE FLUENCY WORD CHOICE When you change your ideas... Your “voice!” automatically changes! VOICE

12 What Teachers Are Saying: “Using Write Source has helped me with starting small and working toward the bigger picture. My students seem to understand the pieces of an essay and paragraph. With this information we have more time to focus on the other traits now. I’m pleased with the fourth grade results (we can do better, much!) but, we have a solid foundation to begin with from here on out. The program has helped me with my own level of comfort because I can see the small picture that needs to be enlarged. (Paragraph to Essay)” LaShalle Willis, grade 4

13 “As the curriculum “person” at Tyler I saw an excitement about teaching writing that I’ve never seen before. It is usually the subject that teachers like to skip, it was too much work, and there was never any clear-cut guidelines to follow. The Write Source and the 6-Traits of Writing provided the clarity teachers needed to implement a writing program without tearing their hair out. Even after the pilot ended, the writing at Tyler continues. The teachers and students are enjoying the curriculum and are becoming more successful in the writing arena! I believe that writers are good readers, the Write Source is the way to go!” Patti Cumming, Program Specialist

14 Write Source: The New Generation

15 Components For the Student: Student Book SkillsBook Interactive CD For the Teacher: Teacher’s Guide SkillsBook TG Transparencies Daily Language Workouts Assessment Booklet

16 Implementation Guide Write Source Expository Focus Key Terms SDAIE Techniques Embedded Pre/Mid/Post Assessment Connected to Reading Sessions

17 Implementation Guides Reading Session #1 1 hour - Pretest Writing Session #1 1 hour - Pretest Reading Session #2 30 - What is Reading? 30 – What is the Reading Process? Writing Session #2 30 – Understanding the Writing Process 30 – The Process in Action Reading Session #3 30 - Before Reading 30 – During Reading Writing Session #3 30 – One Writer’s Process- Prewriting 30 – One Writer’s Process-Draft Reading Session #4 30 – After Reading 30 – Making Inferences / Drawing Conclusions Writing Session #4 30 - One Writer’s Process-Revise 30 – One Writer’s Process-Final

18 Implementation Guides Reading Session #3 30 - Before Reading 30 – During Reading Writing Session #3 30 – One Writer’s Process- Prewriting 30 – One Writer’s Process-Draft Reading Session #4 30 – After Reading 30 – Making Inferences / Drawing Conclusions Writing Session #4 30 - One Writer’s Process-Revise 30 – One Writer’s Process-Final Reading Session #5 30 -Comparing / Contrasting 30 –Evaluating / Predicting Writing Session #5 30 – One Writer’s Process-Assess 30 – Analyzing an Essay Reading Session #6 30 – Becoming an Active Reader 30 – Reading Paragraphs / Finding Subject Writing Session #6 30 - Expository Paragraph Structure 30 – Expository Paragraph Prewriting

19 Revising with Rubrics

20 Imagine...Delivering an effective writing lesson on the first day of school! Students all know the same process. Students all know the same terminology. Students share a common perception of quality writing. Students and parents understand exactly how papers will be assessed. Students can use WT6 strategies to write across the curriculum.

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