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Is obesity a disguise for a bigger probl em 星期五 3,4 節 陳宇軒 103001092 許育豪 103001114 陳冠穎 103001073 謝斯丞 103001101.

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Presentation on theme: "Is obesity a disguise for a bigger probl em 星期五 3,4 節 陳宇軒 103001092 許育豪 103001114 陳冠穎 103001073 謝斯丞 103001101."— Presentation transcript:

1 Is obesity a disguise for a bigger probl em 星期五 3,4 節 陳宇軒 103001092 許育豪 103001114 陳冠穎 103001073 謝斯丞 103001101

2 Guideline 1. The brief introduction of clip – 許育豪 2. Cushing's Syndrome - 謝斯丞 3. Insulin resistance - 陳冠穎 4. Conclusion – 陳宇軒

3 Clip

4 Brief introduction of clip 1. Peter Attia, a surgical resident 2. Obesity is the main evil of many disease. 3. Peter misunderstood his patient. 4. Obesity may be just a proxy. 5. Update our medical knowledge.

5 Cushing's Syndrome What is Cushing's syndrome? Cushing's syndrome is a hormonal disorder caused by prolonged exposure of the body's tissues to high levels of the hormone cortisol. Sometimes called "hypercortisolism," it is relatively rare and most commonly affects adults aged 20 to 50.

6 What are the symptoms of Cushing's syndrome? Symptoms vary, but most people have upper body obesity, rounded face, increased fat around the neck, and thinning arms and legs. Children tend to be obese with slowed growth rates.

7 Insulin resistance(IR) 1.Contribute to a diagnosis of diabetes  Especially to Type 2 diabetes or latent autoimmune diabetes of adults. 2.Pathological condition  Cells fail to respond to the normal insulin. 3.Cell respond  Resist to the insulin, and are unable to use it effectively. 4.Relate with fat  Leading to high blood sugar, and the fat in IR is stored in or around abdominal organs. 5.Cause and effect with obesity  Obesity is an outcome of IR, but often considered as reason.


9 Q&A

10 Thanks for your attention and advice

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