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Rush Branding Update July 2010 Mary Katherine Krause Associate Vice President, University Relations Assistant Professor, Rush University College of.

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1 Rush Branding Update July Mary Katherine Krause Associate Vice President, University Relations Assistant Professor, Rush University College of Health Sciences 1

2 Topics to be covered: What led to the Rush rebrand
Rush master brand and associated Rush logos Rush Stationery and business card system Rush University and Corporate brand guidelines Creative application of re-branded Rush University marketing materials Rush University templates Resources

3 Background University branding process 2008-09
2003: Name change from Rush-Presbyterian-St. Luke’s Medical Center to Rush University Medical Center 2008: Rush University Medical Center not perceived as encompassing the entire enterprise No name distinguished the hospital / clinical enterprise from the entire enterprise Current nomenclature made communication about the entities awkward and created confusion Master brand needed “Rush” was already an unofficial but recognized version of the working brand, familiar and meaningful to internal and external audiences, has equity

4 Rush Master Brand Definition of master brand A specific overarching brand name serving as the main anchoring point on which all underlying products are based. A master brand creates a strong association between all of the organization’s “products” and what the brand represents. While individual products will always have their own names/brands, it is the master brand that contributes to the audience’s belief that each product is different compared to all others in its class. Also called “family brand” and “umbrella brand.”

5 Master Brand Descriptor Copy
This portion of the front and back brochure cover shows how descriptor is to be applied on university materials.

6 Rush Logos Rush brands: Rush University = Academic Enterprise
Rush University Medical Center = Clinical Enterprise Rush Health = Physician Hospital Organization (formerly Rush Health Associates) Rush Oak Park Hospital = Community Hospital Rush = Entire Enterprise

7 Rush University and College Logos

8 Stationery Example: Rush University (Entity)

9 Stationery Example: Rush University (Department within entity)

10 Stationery Example: Rush University (personalized)

11 Stationery Example: Rush Employee with Multiple Titles and Entities

12 Stationery and Business Cards: Nuances Related to Rush University
Not employed by Rush: Stationery and business cards for only that academic/University purpose and used for only that purpose.

13 Ordering Rush Stationery

14 Rush University Brand Guidelines

15 Rush University Brand Guidelines

16 Rush University Brand Guidelines

17 Rush University Brand Guidelines

18 Taglines and Headline Clarification

19 Rush University Brand Guidelines

20 Corporate Colors and Fonts

21 Illustration of Brand Guidelines:
Rush University Marketing Materials

22 Illustration of Brand Guidelines:
Rush University Marketing Materials

23 Rush University Marketing Materials
Viewbook cover and inside spread

24 Rush University Marketing Materials
Sample Student Recruitment Ad

25 Rush University Templates

26 Rush University Templates

27 Rush University Templates

28 Rush University Templates
Rush University Power point cover page and inside presentation pages

29 Rush University Templates
Rush University Newsletter template in Microsoft Word

30 Resources The Office of Marketing and Communications is charged with ensuring proper use of the logo and is available to assist with questions. The Intranet should be your primary resource for guidelines, instructions and resources: Stationery with the new branding can be ordered on the Rush Print Shop’s web portal: Additional questions about logo usage should be directed to Kim Sareny, director of graphic design: (312) or Additional Rush University resources available at Questions about Rush University Marketing and Recruitment Materials should be directed to Mary Katherine Krause, Associate Vice President University Relations: (312) or

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