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IB History of the Americas U.S. Immigration Policy.

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Presentation on theme: "IB History of the Americas U.S. Immigration Policy."— Presentation transcript:

1 IB History of the Americas U.S. Immigration Policy

2 U.S. Immigration 1830-2000 “Open” Immigration National Origins Acts (Quota Acts) Gentlemen’s Agreement Chinese Exclusion Act Immigration & Nationality Act

3 Why do people immigrate? Push Factors: Reasons why migrants leave their homelands. Pull Factors: Reasons why migrants are attracted to certain areas.

4 Three Waves of U.S. Immigration First Wave (Old Immigrants) 1840-1860 Second Wave (New Immigrants) 1880-1920 Third Wave (Newest Immigrants) 1965- Present

5 First Wave (Old) Immigrants Arrived: 1840-1860 Origins: Ireland & Germany Most were Catholic Push Factors: Potato Famine, Religious & Political Persecution and Instability Pull Factors: Jobs in northeastern factories A Nativist Political Cartoon

6 Discrimination Against Asians Chinese laborers recruited for railroad construction in the West CA excluded from mining Chinese Exclusion Act (1882): Prohibited Chinese & Korean Immigration to U.S. Gentlemen’s Agreement (1907): Japan would not allow its citizens to migrate to the U.S. By Thomas Nast (1882)

7 Second Wave (New) Immigrants Arrived 1880-1920 Origins: Southern & Eastern Europe Diverse Languages & Religions (Catholic, Jewish, & Eastern Orthodox) Push Factors: Religious persecution, economic & politicl instability Pull Factors: Jobs created by industrialization

8 Second Wave Immigration 1880-1920

9 Third Wave (Newest) Immigrants Arrived 1965-Present Origins: Everywhere... (Esp. Latin America, Asia, Eastern Europe) Push Factors: Lower standard of living, ethnic or religious persecution Pull Factors: Jobs & economic prosperity A Naturalization Ceremony for New Citizens

10 Nativism Nativism: Anti-Immigrant Feelings The Know Nothings: Anti- Immigrant Group in the 1850s… mainly targeted Irish & Germans Anti-Chinese discrimination & violence in the 1880s The Ku Klux Klan: In the 1920s, northern faction mainly targeted immigrants (mainly Catholics & Jews) The Quota Acts were clear examples of Nativist legislation.

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