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Colonies Come of Age. Chapter Objectives Characterizing the plantation economy in the South Recognizing the varied economy in the North Summarizing the.

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Presentation on theme: "Colonies Come of Age. Chapter Objectives Characterizing the plantation economy in the South Recognizing the varied economy in the North Summarizing the."— Presentation transcript:

1 Colonies Come of Age

2 Chapter Objectives Characterizing the plantation economy in the South Recognizing the varied economy in the North Summarizing the impact of Enlightenment Thinking and the Great Awakening on people in the colonies Identifying causes and effects of the French and Indian War

3 Southern Plantation Economy Plantations = Huge farms Southern region developed as a rural society made up of self sufficient plantations. There weren’t many shops around because most supplies were either grown or produced at the plantations Specialized in in raising a single cash crop

4 Life in Southern Society Woman treated as second class citizens Most lived on small farms but large plantations ran the economy Southerners relied heavily on slaves to fill labor needs

5 Middle Passage Triangular Trade- Transatlantic system of trading goods and slaves between Africa, Europe, and the Americas Middle Passage- Voyage that brought African slaves to the West Indies and America (13% died during the passage)


7 Personal Account Olaudah Equiano – “The closeness of the place and the heat of the climate, added to the number in the ship, which was so crowded that each had scarcely room to turn himself, almost suffocated us. This produced copious perspirations, so that the air soon became unfit for respiration from a variety of loathsome smells, and brought on a sickness among the slaves, of which many died…”

8 Checkpoint What is the connection between slavery and the plantation economy in the rural American South?

9 Northern Commerce Economy Radically different than the South Ship building was a large industry Port cities grew in large part to expansion of trade Immigrants flocked to Northern cities

10 Farming in the North Unlike plantations in the South, a farm in the North would grow more than one cash-crop Growing wheat and corn required less labor Less need for slave labor

11 Checkpoint How was business in the North different from that in the South?

12 Enlightenment Enlightenment- Intellectual movement that began in Europe Scientist begin looking beyond religious beliefs Philosophers value reason and scientific measures

13 Enlightenment Benjamin Franklin- sought truth through experimentation and reason Affected politics Thomas Jefferson reasoned that human beings were born with natural rights This lead colonists to question British authority

14 Great Awakening Many Puritans began to lax in practicing their faith Great Awakening- religious revival Lasted throughout the 1730s and 1750s Challenged the church because of outdoor gatherings

15 Effects Both movements caused colonists to question authority Enlightenment by emphasizing reason Great Awakening by de-emphasizing the role of church authority

16 Checkpoint How did the Enlightenment and the Great Awakening effect American citizens?

17 French and Indian War The French and British were long time rivals Both had growing empires in North America The French got along with Native Americans better The French set up a fort near the Ohio River Virginia sends a militia to evict the French but are defeated (Washington) Washington returns with the aid of Great Britain

18 French and Indian War The French were finally defeated thanks in large part to the alliance made with the Iroquois tribe by the colonists and Great Britain The British kick the French out and take Florida from Spain Native Americans resent the way the British treat them and start attacking colonists


20 Checkpoint How was America different after the French and Indian War?

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