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C & E Prestigious Dictionary Sean. Goal 1 Checks and Balances The balancing of the three branches of government.

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Presentation on theme: "C & E Prestigious Dictionary Sean. Goal 1 Checks and Balances The balancing of the three branches of government."— Presentation transcript:

1 C & E Prestigious Dictionary Sean

2 Goal 1

3 Checks and Balances The balancing of the three branches of government.

4 Committees of Correspondence Groups organized for colonial resistance against the king.

5 Double jeopardy A person can’t be tried for the same crime more than once.

6 Egalitarianism All men are equal; the idea of “natural rights”

7 Eminent Domain Government power to take privately owned property and use it as public property.

8 First Great Awakening A religious movement in the 1730s.

9 Free Exercise Clause The clause that forbids congress from creating laws against the free exercise of religion.

10 Judicial Branch Enforces laws through the federal court system.

11 Land Ordinance of 1785 This ordinance divided the land and allowed congress to raise money by selling the land to settlers.

12 Middle passage Ship’s slave route from Africa to North America.

13 Religious Pluralism Variety of religious beliefs.

14 Self-incrimination Defendants cannot testify against themselves in court.

15 “shot heard ‘round the world” The shot that started the American Revolution.

16 Theocracy A government based on religion.

17 Totalitarianism In this type of government the state is more important than the people.

18 Goal 2

19 Immunity No members of congress can be arrested while attending congressional sessions.

20 Popular sovereignty Belief that the government is created, and subject to, the will of the people.

21 Limited government The government must obey a body of laws.

22 Bill A proposed law that must go through congress.

23 Cloture Ends a filibuster with a 3/5ths vote.

24 Filibuster A tactic a senator uses to delay a vote on a bill.

25 State of the union address A speech that the president gives to congress in January where he reports on the state of the union.

26 Senate There are two per state, and they serve 6 year terms.

27 Medicare A federal program that provides health insurance for those over 65.

28 Patriot Act A law enacted in 2001 to prevent terrorism in the states.

29 Law A rule which society is legally bound to uphold and abide.

30 Speaker of the House The top post in the house of representatives.

31 Treaty A formal agreement between two or more countries.

32 Veto A way the president can reject bills by refusing to sign.

33 Revenue Money that the government takes in.

34 Goal 3

35 Referendum a proposed amendment presented to the citizens for a vote.

36 Preamble Opening sentence that defines the intent of the document.

37 Gerrymandering Process in which districts are drawn for the purpose of ensuring election outcomes.

38 Ordinances Laws specific to a particular city.

39 Fourteenth amendment Defines citizenship, which is anyone born or naturalized in the United States.

40 Citizenship Anyone born or naturalized in the United States.

41 Townships Towns, typically smaller than cities.

42 Register of Deeds Responsible for issues involving real estate.

43 Sales tax Tax on goods and services; equal to the percentage of item.

44 Fine Money paid as punishment for a crime or a civil offense.

45 Goal 4

46 Candidates People running for political office.

47 Democrats One of the two major political parties; favor a more active government.

48 Plank An individual policy within a platform.

49 Apathy The not caring attitude.

50 Criminal laws Deal with crime and define punishments for criminal offenses.

51 Civil laws Those laws that govern relationships between private individuals and/or entities.

52 Voting Citizens are able to influence who serves in a particular public office.

53 Petition A form signed by citizens in support of a certain change or government action.

54 Electoral College There is one electoral vote per each state senator and representatives.

55 Lawsuit Claim that a person or business has been wronged.

56 Jury duty Serving on a jury.

57 Republicans One of the two major political parties; believes less government is better.

58 Mass media The impact journalists, celebrities, writers etc. have on society via television, radio, and printed materials.

59 Fine Money paid as a punishment for a crime or civil offense.

60 Independents Those not affiliated with a party.

61 Goal 5

62 Debate Process in which opposing sides present their position on an issue.

63 Negotiation Process by which opponents come together to discuss how they might come to a conclusion acceptable to both sides.

64 Perjury A witness who lies under oath.

65 Verdict The decision the jury makes while in deliberation.

66 Capital offense Crime that is punishable by death.

67 Annexation The process by which a city expands by taking over outlying and previously independent areas.

68 Recall A vote against candidates they believe are guilty of failing to perform the duties of their office.

69 Petition Written request initiated by citizens asking that the government take certain action.

70 Special interest groups Advocacy groups for one side of a particular issue.

71 Conflict resolution Ending conflict ideally in a manner acceptable to both sides.

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