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Program Curriculum, T-L and Other Processes; Highly Doable and Highly Useful N J Rao and K Rajanikanth

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Presentation on theme: "Program Curriculum, T-L and Other Processes; Highly Doable and Highly Useful N J Rao and K Rajanikanth"— Presentation transcript:

1 Program Curriculum, T-L and Other Processes; Highly Doable and Highly Useful N J Rao and K Rajanikanth;

2 Criterion II: Program Curriculum and Teaching Learning Processes From SAR and Evaluation Manual: Program Curriculum and Teaching Learning Processes : 120 Program Curriculum:20 Teaching Learning Process:100 2

3 Program Curriculum 20 Process used to identify the extent of compliance of the University Curriculum for attaining the POs and PSOs; mention the curricular gaps if any 10 State the delivery details of the content beyond the syllabus for the attainment of the POs and PSOs 10 3

4 Curricular Gaps Process (One possible approach): Responsibility: Board of Studies Board of Studies (Typical Composition): HoD, Faculty, Alumni, Current Final-Year Students, Industry, University, Faculty from other Academic Institutes,... Map all the COs (Core Subjects only) to POs and PSOs If any POs / PSOs are addressed in common by all the electives, record them Examine the strength of mappings to the POs and PSOs Identify weakly addressed POs and PSOs! 4

5 Curricular Gaps (2) Process (continued) Record the MoM Communicate to the University (copy retained) Brainstorm the additional content required to address the identified curricular gaps and record the final decisions Deliver the content beyond the curriculum as planned Treat this as you would treat any other course! (Measure attainments, close the quality loop etc) (BoS can meet once a semester) 5

6 Curricular Gaps (3) Example: Analysis of mapping of all courses to POs and PSOs reveals that one of the PSOs that is not being addressed adequately by the University Curriculum is “Maintain Legacy Software Application Systems” Planned additional content: – An additional 4-Hour Module in the Software Engineering Course; Assessment is by Group Discussion of a Case Study – An additional 5-Day Hands-On Training Program on Software Maintenance delivered in collaboration with Industry; Assessment is by a Lab Test. 6

7 Teaching – Learning Processes Processes followed to improve the quality of Teaching – Learning 25 Quality of IA (Tests, Assignments etc)20 Quality of Student Projects25 Initiatives related to Industry Interaction15 Initiatives related to Industry Internship / Summer Training 15 Total (Teaching – Learning Processes)100 Discuss & Make Action Plans 7

8 Teaching – Learning Processes (2) Processes followed to improve the quality of Teaching – Learning Academic Calendar3 Pedagogic Initiatives3 Weak and Bright Students4 Classroom Teaching3 Laboratory Experiments3 Continuous Assessment in the Laboratory3 Student Feedback of T-L and Action taken thereof6 8

9 Teaching – Learning Processes (3) Processes followed to improve the quality of Teaching – Learning: Lesson Plan – Teaching Diary – (fortnightly?) Review – Recorded corrective action plans where necessary – Course-end review Activity-based learning Tool-supported instruction Tech-support for weak students (including LMS, Discussion forums, Google Groups,...) Challenges, learning resource support, and rewards (not in terms of class grades!?) for bright students 9

10 Teaching – Learning Processes (4) Processes followed to improve the quality of Teaching – Learning (cont’d): Open-ended experiments in the laboratories and support for conducting them Rubrics for continuous evaluation in the laboratory Mid-course, end-course surveys, data analysis, recorded improvement actions, follow-up on the effectiveness of such measures Case-study based learning (Tech) Book Study Clubs and follow-up......... 10

11 Teaching – Learning Processes (5) Quality of Internal Assessment: Process to ensure quality (5) Process to ensure quality of IA Papers (5) Evidence of coverage of COs (5) Quality of Assignments and relevance to COs (5) ---- Assessment plan – prepared, reviewed, revised, and shared up-front with students; Includes CO- Assessment Item mapping Academic audit of assessment instruments Incentives for assignments where they can not be part of formal internal assessment 11

12 Teaching – Learning Processes (6) Quality of Student Projects: Process to identify and allocate projects (3) Type, relevance, relation to POs and PSOs (5) Process for monitoring and evaluation (5) Process to assess individual and team performance (5) Quality of completed projects/working prototypes (5) Evidence of papers published/awards received (2) 12

13 Teaching – Learning Processes (7) Quality of Student Projects: Recorded process for announcing / allocating projects Support for project laboratory Materials/ Tools /Budget support for projects; a recorded process; defined budgetary allocations and monitoring Add-on module if required on project planning Milestones for review and evaluation; recorded evidence Rubrics for project evaluation......... 13

14 Teaching – Learning Processes (8) Industry-Institute Interaction: Industry – supported laboratories (5) Industry participation in Program Design and Course Delivery (even partial) (5) Impact Analysis of III and action taken there of (5) Internships, Summer Training: Industrial training / tours (3) Internship / Summer training (>15 days); post- training assessment (4) Impact analysis of industrial training (4) Student feedback on such initiatives (4) 14

15 Other Processes – Highly Doable and Highly Useful Several processes, procedures, policies, activities are highly doable and highly useful in the context of Accreditation Each of the above contributes in a small way only in terms of “points”; but collectively they can have significant impact on the total score Apart from usefulness from Accreditation perspective, these are useful in themselves for improving the quality of learning! (These are related to Criteria 4 onwards only! Others, Criteria 1, 2,, and 3 have already been discussed!) 15

16 To Do Discuss: Establish Student Chapters of relevant professional societies, organize some events, and maintain full records Bring out a technical magazine / news letter (Once or twice a semester ?) Faculty Performance Appraisal and Development System (FPADS) – Define, implement, and record Visiting / Adjunct Faculty (at least 50 hours of interaction per year): Organize, Record 16

17 To Do (2) Discuss: Record the Maintenance Process (Preventive / Corrective / Calibration) and record data Establish a Project Laboratory (Facilities, Rules for Usage etc) Define Safety Procedures and display in Laboratories; Define Review process and record MoM Establish an Academic Audit Cell, define its functions, articulate the process details, and record the actions etc 17

18 To Do (3) Discuss: Establish an Entrepreneurship Development Cell, define its functions, articulate the process details, and record the actions etc. Establish a formal Proctor System, define its functions, articulate the process details, and record the actions etc. Faculty Evaluation by Students: Process details, records, actions taken, rewards,... Comprehensive Student Feedback: On Resources, Procedures,... Self-Learning Facilities (other than traditional library) 18

19 To Do (4) Discuss: Career guidance, Training, and Placement Activities: Already exist! Record the processes, maintain records Records of co-curricular and extra-curricular activities Service Rules – Formal Document Recruitment and Promotional Policies – Formal Documents Formal budgetary planning, analysis......... 19

20 Conclusion Additional efforts required to attain the POs and PSOs Must follow the Quality Cycle Involve all the stake holders Maintain the Records 20

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