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Tarquinius’s Attempt to become King Again. Due to the death of Lucretia, Brutus and the Romans ran Tarquinius Superbus and his family out of Rome.

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Presentation on theme: "Tarquinius’s Attempt to become King Again. Due to the death of Lucretia, Brutus and the Romans ran Tarquinius Superbus and his family out of Rome."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tarquinius’s Attempt to become King Again

2 Due to the death of Lucretia, Brutus and the Romans ran Tarquinius Superbus and his family out of Rome.

3 Brutus then changed the government from a monarchy to a republic.

4 Tarquinius, however, still wished to be king of Rome, so he requested help from Lars Porsenna, a neighboring king.

5 Lars agreed to help and sent an army to attack Rome, placing his troops on the opposite side of the Tiber.

6 There was a single bridge across the Tiber called the Pons Sublicius (“the bridge built on piles”).

7 Rome sent soldiers across the bridge, led by Horatio Cocles (“Blind in One Eye”).

8 According to legend, Horatio single-handedly fought Lars’ army while the Roman soldiers destroyed the Pons Sublicius.

9 When the Pons Sublicius was destroyed, Horatio then swam back to Rome across the Tiber.

10 Rome had outwitted Lars Porsenna. Would they be so lucky next time?!


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