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Chapters 1-6 * Answers are at the end of the slide show. If you don’t study your vocabulary before the midterm, you will rue your choice to ignore it!

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Presentation on theme: "Chapters 1-6 * Answers are at the end of the slide show. If you don’t study your vocabulary before the midterm, you will rue your choice to ignore it!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapters 1-6 * Answers are at the end of the slide show. If you don’t study your vocabulary before the midterm, you will rue your choice to ignore it!

2 Detrimenta. Skillful in using the hands or body Vicarious b. Having to do with seeing, hearing, feeling, tasting or smelling Ostentatious c. Best possible; most favorable; most desirable Gregarious d. Careful about moral standards; conscientious Sensory e. Humorous; playfully joking Dexterous f. something that causes damage, harm, or loss Scrupulous g. meant to impress others; flashy Optimum h. sociable; enjoying and seeking the company of others discretion i. experienced through the imagination; not experienced directly Facetious j. good judgment or tact in actions or speaking

3 a. scrupulousb. vicariouslyc. optimumd. discretione. facetious f. dexterousg. detrimentalh. ostentatiousi. gregariousj. sensory k. perseverel. feignedm. frugaln. derisiveo. melancholy _____ 1. Cigarette smoking is __ to your health, causing premature wrinkles, emphysema, and lung cancer. _____ 2. In order to get out of taking his math test because he had not studied, Arnold __ illness and was sent to the nurse. _____ 3. Karen was tempted to follow her friends as they sneaked into the concert without paying, but her ethics wouldn’t allow her to do it. She was ___. _____ 4. The __ time to take photographs is early in the morning or very late in the afternoon because the light is softer. Other times of day are not as favorable. _____ 5. If you __, you can achieve anything. Don’t be a quitter. _____ 6. People who are __ often have large bank accounts because they don’t spend money lavishly. _____ 7. Amy and her sister are exact opposites. Whereas Amy is shy and quiet around people, her sister is __.

4 a. scrupulousb. vicariouslyc. optimumd. discretione. facetious f. dexterousg. detrimentalh. ostentatiousi. gregariousj. sensory k. perseverel. feignedm. frugaln. derisiveo. melancholy _____ 8. Mary went home and cried after overhearing a group of girls making __ comments about her. Their mocking remarks were cruel and hurtful. _____ 9. People who talk loudly on their cell phone while in public places are not using much __. They should use better judgment. _____ 10. Because I could not travel to Ireland with my brother, I experienced the Emerald Isle __ through his phone calls, texts, photos and letters. _____ 11. It’s sometimes difficult to tell if my grandfather is being serious or __ because he is so good at keeping a straight face. _____ 12. Houdini, the world-famous magician known as “The Handcuff King,” was extremely __. He could escape from a locked glass-and-steel cabinet overflowing with water while he was handcuffed and shackled. _____ 13. Jill loves to show off her wealth by wearing __ clothing. For example, she went hiking wearing a t-shirt studded with diamonds and jeans with Swarovski crystal beads on the pockets. _____ 14. To snap Raina out of her __ mood after she was laid off, her friends took her out to a comedy club and out to dinner. _____ 15. John Steinbeck is a master of using __ details in his writing. It is very easy to imagine what is happening in his books because of his extensive use of imagery.

5 If you’re having trouble remembering words, try the tips from this video: dd9dkKA

6 16. zealota.To work together on a project; cooperate in an effort 17. collaborateb.Downhearted; hopeless; overwhelmed with sadness 18. veneratec. To make fun of; to mock; to refuse to take seriously 19. despondentd. To silence or suppress; to crush 20. squelch e. Reviewing the past; considering past events 21. instigate f. Fundamental; necessary to learn first 22. scoff g. A person totally devoted to a purpose or cause 23. rudimentary h. To respect deeply; to revere 24. retrospect i. To bring about by moving others to action; stir up 25. resilient j. Able to recover quickly from harm, illness, or misfortune

7 a. collaboratedb. despondentc. instigated. resiliente. facetious f. retrospectg. detrimentalh. ostentatiousi. gregariousj. sensory k. rudimentaryl. scoffedm. squelchedn. venerateo. zealot _____ 1. Cigarette smoking is __ to your health, causing premature wrinkles, emphysema, and lung cancer. _____ 2. Sandy’s hopes for getting home were __ by the huge snowstorm that forced all the main roads in the county to close. _____ 3. Ginny and Tom __ on the project that won the science fair. Both deserved equal praise for the hard work they put into their experiment. _____ 4. When Alex first moved out of his parents’ home, his cooking skills were so __ that he survived on canned soups and peanut butter sandwiches for the first year. _____ 5. The Chinese __ their ancestors much more than Americans do. Some families even have shrines to show their respect. _____ 6. Many people __ at Wilber and Orville Wright for thinking man could fly, but after witnessing the brothers’ success at Kitty Hawke, North Carolina, their mockery turned to respect. _____ 7. The entire country was __ after 9/11. It took many months for the public to shake the melancholy mood brought about by the terrorist attacks.

8 a. collaboratedb. despondentc. instigated. resiliente. facetious f. retrospectg. detrimentalh. ostentatiousi. gregariousj. sensory k. rudimentaryl. scoffedm. squelchedn. venerateo. zealot _____ 8. The terrorists who were responsible for the attacks on 9/11 were religious __ who were promised extravagant rewards in the afterlife for their suicidal acts. _____ 9. Although the veterinarian told us that our dog’s injuries were probably fatal, Tubby proved to be __ and recovered. _____ 10. Sometimes we make decisions that, in __, we wish we could go back and change. Hindsight is always easier than foresight. _____ 11. It’s sometimes difficult to tell if my grandfather is being serious or __ because he is so good at keeping a straight face. _____ 12. Police are searching for the person who __ the mob violence in London this summer. When they catch whomever is responsible for beginning the riots, he or she will face legal proceedings. _____ 13. Jill loves to show off her wealth by wearing __ clothing. For example, she went hiking wearing a t-shirt studded with diamonds and designer jeans with Swarovski crystal beads on the pockets. Even her dog was outfitted with a diamond and ruby collar! _____ 14. Although Rudy wasn’t the most handsome of men, he never lacked a date because he was so __. Women loved his friendly, outgoing personality. _____ 15. John Steinbeck is a master of using __ details in his writing. It is very easy to imagine what is happening in his books because of his extensive use of imagery.

9 juxtapose a.Able to be interpreted in more than one way; not clear lethargy b.A person opposed to established ideas or beliefs, especially in politics or religion ambiguous c. To decorate; beautify by adding details inane d. Unintentional; accidental dissident e. To spend or use wastefully or thoughtlessly embellish f. Happening now and then; occasional subsidize g. To place close together, especially to compare and contrast squander h. To support financially; provide a grant or contribution inadvertent i. A great lack of energy; inactivity due to laziness sporadic j. Without sense or meaning; foolish

10 a. ambiguousb. lethargyc. subsidizingd. dissidentse. juxtapose f. sporadicg. embellishh. squanderingi. inanej. inadvertently k. despondentl. feignedm. facetiousn. optimumo. resilient _____ 1. The doctor could not figure out what was causing Martha’s __ rash. It would occasionally appear and then fade away without any rhyme or reason. _____ 2. Dan’s physical strength rapidly improved after his illness, proving that he is __. _____ 3. The bank helped the local school by __ its music program. Without the bank’s contribution the students would not have had any music classes. _____ 4. The __ time to take photographs is early in the morning or very late in the afternoon because the light is softer. Other times of day are not as favorable. _____ 5. “Don’t be __!” shouted Carol as Billy prepared to jump off the roof of the barn after she called him a chicken. “Only a fool would do something that crazy!” _____ 6. David gave a deliberately __ answer to his mother’s question regarding where he’d been because he knew he’d get in trouble if he told the truth. “Better to be vague than punished,” he reckoned. _____ 7. After her boyfriend broke up with her Alicia was __. She thought she would never feel happy again.

11 a. ambiguousb. lethargyc. subsidizingd. dissidentse. juxtapose f. sporadicg. embellishh. squanderingi. inanej. inadvertently k. despondentl. feignedm. facetiousn. optimumo. resilient _____ 8. When young __ and Ohio National Guardsmen clashed at Kent State, leading to the deaths of four unarmed college students, the resulting tragedy shocked the country _____ 9. The oppressive heat and humidity made even the most active people in town lack the ambition to move. Everything seemed to take too much effort, and __ replaced activity. _____ 10. Oliver could always be counted on to __ the furniture he made. Beautifully wrought details made his woodwork prized by people around the world. _____ 11. It’s sometimes difficult to tell if my grandfather is being serious or __ because he is so good at keeping a straight face. _____ 12. Alice died penniless after __ all of the money she had inherited. She epitomized the saying, “A fool and his money are soon parted.” _____ 13. The artist liked to __ startling color combinations and/or objects to catch his audience off guard. Placing a green cow adjacent to purple skyscraper, for example, surprised people and made them look more closely at his work. _____ 14. Harold __ backed his new car into a tree, causing great damage to the rear quarter panel. The accident cost him thousands of dollars. _____ 15. Nevil __ interest in his wedding in order to please his fiancée. In reality, he could not care less as she discussed venues, gowns, tuxes, flowers, and other assorted topics associated with their big day with him: He just pretended to care so she would be happy.

12 .beratea.To make unsympathetic or unfriendly; to alienate. estrange b.Not capable of error or failure; unable to make a mistake. euphoric c. To return to an earlier, generally worse, condition or behavior. Impetuous d. Overjoyed having an intense feeling of happiness and well being. infallible e. Existing or seeming to exist everywhere at the same time. maudlin f. To surrender (something); to give (something) up. regress g. The highest point or condition; peak. relinquish h. To criticize or scold harshly ubiquitous i. Tearfully sentimental; overemotional. zenith j. Done or acting in a hurry, with little thought; impulsive

13 a. beratingb. estrangedc. euphoricd. impetuouse. infallible f. sporadicg. embellishh. squanderingi. inanej. inadvertently k. maudlinl. regressm. relinquishingn. ubiquitouso. zenith _____ 1. The doctor could not figure out what was causing Martha’s __ rash. It would occasionally appear and then fade away without any rhyme or reason. _____ 2. Daisy and her husband balance one another nicely. Whereas he is overly cautious and very deliberate in his actions, she is __ and makes decisions without careful thought. _____ 3. Older people often become __ when they talk about the people they knew who have died before them. The stories they tell are so sentimental they bring tears to their listeners’ eyes. _____ 4. Phillip was __ when he learned that he had won the lottery. He said it was the happiest day of his life! _____ 5. “Don’t be __!” shouted Carol as Billy prepared to jump off the roof of the barn after she called him a chicken. “Only a fool would do something that crazy!” _____ 6. Parents sometimes have difficulty __ control over their children. It is difficult for them to surrender their authority over their sons and daughters. _____ 7. When I was a child I believe that my father was __. It never entered my mind that he could make mistakes. _____ 8. The __ golden arches of McDonald’s appear repeatedly across the American landscape. In fact, McDonald’s can be found in countries across the entire globe!

14 a. beratingb. estrangedc. euphoricd. impetuouse. infallible f. sporadicg. embellishh. squanderingi. inanej. inadvertently k. maudlinl. regressm. relinquishingn. ubiquitouso. zenith _____ 9. For reasons only he knew, Arnold broke off all contact with his friends and family and moved far away. He remained __ from everyone who’d loved him until the day he died.. _____ 10. Oliver could always be counted on to __ the furniture he made. Beautifully wrought details made his woodwork prized by people around the world. _____ 11. Many young musical artists like Jimmy Hendrix, Janis Joplin, and Amy Winehouse have died at the __ of their careers. Had they lived longer, they would have had an even greater impact on the music world. _____ 12. Alice died penniless after __ all of the money she had inherited. She epitomized the saying, “A fool and his money are soon parted.” _____ 13. Elderly people who develop Alzheimer’s Disease sometimes __ and think that they are young children again. _____ 14. Harold __ backed his new car into a tree, causing great damage to the rear quarter panel. The accident cost him thousands of dollars. _____ 15. Carol felt sorry for her friend Sally because Sally’s mother was constantly __ her. No matter how hard she tried, Sally could never do anything to please her mom.

15 precipitatea.Inactive; alive but not actively growing, as if asleep. corroborateb.To spread or scatter widely; to distribute. charlatanc. Not able to be canceled or undone; irreversible. illicitd. A rapid spread or increase hoist e. to support; to strengthen with further evidence; to provide proof of dormant f. to cause to happen quickly, suddenly, or sooner than expected proliferation g. to lift, especially with some mechanical means, like a cable disseminate h. a fake; a person who falsely claims to have some special skill or knowledge diverge i. to branch off in different directions from the same starting point irrevocable j. illegal

16 A. proliferationB. divergedC. instigatingD. irrevocableE. relinquishing F. charlatanG. disseminateH. illicitI. corroborateJ. inadvertent K. precipitatedL. infallibleM. hoistedN. regressO. dormant _____ 1. The highway __ without warning. If I hadn’t been paying close attention to the GPS, I’m sure we would have missed the split and continued down the wrong road. _____ 2. The ___ of garbage at the dump has local officials very concerned. Each year the tonnage of refuse has increased dramatically to the point where the town will soon need more acreage to dispose of its trash. _____ 3. Jehovah Witnesses __ information about their religion by going door to door with their pamphlets. _____ 4. Members of the Mafia became rich and powerful through __ activities like gambling and prostitution. _____ 5. Parents sometimes have difficulty __ control over their children. It is difficult for them to surrender their authority over their sons and daughters. _____ 6. When I was a child I believed that my father was __. It never entered my mind that he could make mistakes. _____ 7. Although the salesman had sworn that his magic elixir would instantly grow hair on Adam’s bald head, Adam’s pate remained as bare as ever. Adam had been duped by a ___. _____ 8. The editor of the Chatham Courier berated Helen for printing a story without verifying the facts. “All good reporters __ their sources, “she fumed. “Any cub reporter knows that!”

17 A. proliferationB. divergedC. instigatingD. irrevocableE. relinquishing F. charlatanG. disseminateH. illicitI. corroborateJ. inadvertent K. precipitatedL. infallibleM. hoistedN. regressO. dormant _____ 9. Avery denied __ the food fight in the cafeteria. “I may have thrown food,” he said, “but I did not start the fracas!” _____ 10. Some people think the extinction of the dinosaurs may have been __ by a meteor striking the earth. Regardless of what caused their demise though, these magnificent creatures died out very quickly. _____ 11.When Carol realized that she had __ told Patsy about the surprise birthday party her friends were planning for her, she slapped her hand over her mouth in despair. “Oh no!” she exclaimed. “I spoiled the surprise!” _____ 12. Flea eggs lie __ all winter, then hatch in the spring when the weather becomes warm and infest your pets once again. _____ 13. When three-year-old Sammy’s little brother was born, Sammy __. He began sucking his thumb, wetting his pants, and refusing to sleep without his blankie. _____ 14. After the hungry polar bear was found wandering through town, he was tranquilized, __ in a net and transported to the tundra where he was released into the wild. _____ 15. “Arthur’s decision to give a million dollars of his estate to charity is __,” Arthur’s lawyer told Arthur’s greedy relatives. “Nothing you can do or say can change that.”

18  ante, anti; chron, chrono; cide; de; dorm; extra; ject; liber, liver; vit,viv; voc, vok  ____________________________________ live, lively  ____________________________________ outside, beyond  ____________________________________ time  ____________________________________ free, freedom  ____________________________________ away, separation, removal  _____________________________________ before, preceding  _____________________________________ voice, call  _____________________________________ sleep  ______________________________________ throw, toss  ______________________________________ kill, killing, killer

19 Chapter 1 Matching Chapter 1 fill in the blank Chapter 1 Fill in the blank F1. G11. E I2. L12. F G3. A13. H H4. C14. O B5. K15. J A6. M D7. I C8. N J9. D E10. B

20 Chapter 2 Matching Chapter 2 fill in the blank Chapter 2 Fill in the blank G1. G11.E A2.M12.C H3.A13.H B4.K14.I D5.N15.J I6.L C7.B F8.O E9.D J10.F

21 Chapter 3 Matching Chapter 3 fill in the blank Chapter 3 Fill in the blank G1. F11.M I2.O12.H A3.C13.E J4.N14.J B5.I15.L C6.A H7.K E8.D D9.B F10.G

22 Chapter 4 Matching Chapter 4 fill in the blank Chapter 4 Fill in the blank H1. F11. O A2. D12. H D3. K13. L J4. C14. J B5. I15. A I6. M C7. E F8. N E9. B G10. G

23 Chapter 5 Matching Chapter 5 fill in the blank Chapter 5 Fill in the blank F1. B11.J E2.E12.O H3.G13.N J4.H14.M G5.E15.D A6.L D7.F B8.I I9.C C10.K

24 CHAPTER 6 Vit/viv extra chron/chrono liber de ante/anti voc/vok dorm ject cide

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