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Parr’s Ridge Elementary Carroll County Public Schools Readiness Fair April 14, 2016 Presentation 6:50-7:20 Home of the Polar Bears.

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Presentation on theme: "Parr’s Ridge Elementary Carroll County Public Schools Readiness Fair April 14, 2016 Presentation 6:50-7:20 Home of the Polar Bears."— Presentation transcript:

1 Parr’s Ridge Elementary Carroll County Public Schools Readiness Fair April 14, 2016 Presentation 6:50-7:20 Home of the Polar Bears

2 Time Allotted for Instruction ELA – 90 minutes – Whole group, small group, independent activities Lunch – 30 minutes Mathematics – 60 minutes – Whole group, small group, independent activities Specials – 60 minutes Social Studies/Science – 30 minutes Stations – 30 minutes Recess – 30 minute recess

3 (ELA) English Language Arts

4 ELA Curriculum First Quarter Expectations Identify all uppercase and lowercase letters and most letter sounds – Fundations (letter-picture-sound) Generate rhyming words Identify and match beginning sounds Understands concepts of print (book sense) Read more than 10 sight words Draw a picture, talk about it and label with beginning sounds Orally respond with proper grammar Listen to a story and demonstrate understanding of fiction and non-fiction stories Read on a level A or B text

5 Level A text

6 Level B

7 ELA Curriculum End of year expectations Read independently for 15 minutes Write complete sentences on a given or generated topic using correct grammar and mechanics 50 sight words Decode real and not real CVC words (bed, ved) Phonological Awareness Skills – Rhyme, Match Beginning Consonants, Blend and Segment, Delete and Substitute Beginning Sounds Reading on a level D text Does it look right? Does it sound right? Does it make sense? Demonstrate understanding of text by retelling and answering comprehension questions

8 Level D text

9 ELA Readiness Write and identify letters of their name (Sarah not SARAH) Oral word play – Rhyming (know what rhymes and what doesn’t) Letters of the alphabet – uppercase and lowercase Sight words Draw pictures and talk about them Listen to a story and talk about it Look at books independently – 5 to 10 minutes – Read the Pictures, Read the Words, Retell

10 Math

11 Math Curriculum First Quarter Expectations Identify, write, and represent numerals to 10 Use the words more (greater) and less to describe quantity Count groups of objects and answer “How many?” Breaking numbers apart in different ways (2+3=5, 4+1=5, using objects) Make combinations of numbers that equal 10 by using objects and drawings Represent addition and subtraction and solve word problems using objects and drawings

12 Math Curriculum End of Year Expectations Identify, write, and represent numerals to 20 Breaking numbers apart in different ways (10+3=13, 8+5=13, using objects) Identifying how many tens and ones in a teen number Represent addition and subtraction and solve word problems using objects and drawings and write a number sentence accurately Count to 100 by 1’s and by 10’s Name flat and solid shapes and be able to talk about attributes Use non-standard tools to measure Use appropriate vocabulary to compare weight, height, and length Demonstrate and understanding of positional words Solve + 1, -1, + 0, -0 facts to 20 (4+1=5, 14+1=15)

13 Math Readiness Match a number to a set of objects up to 5 Counting up with one to one correspondence Identify numerals to 5 or higher Rote counting to 29 Answering math questions, “How do you know?”

14 Personal / Social Skills

15 General Readiness Skills Self-Care Problem Solving Skills Following a 2 step direction independently Independence at Lunch Social skills, Playground Rules Computer Skills – Use a mouse, click, type Participate in whole group instruction and conversations Fine motor skills – Holding a pencil, using scissors, using glue, unzipping back- pack, etc.

16 Next Steps Incoming Assessments – you should have already registered, if you have not contact the office Kindergarten Orientation - August 25, 2016 2:00pm, before school starts for both students and parents Volunteer Training at Parr’s Ridge Carroll County Library – Summer Reading Program Bridge the Gap book and Fundations Letter Chart

17 At Kindergarten Orientation… August 25 from 2:00-3:30 Students will meet teachers and visit classrooms. Students will ride on the bus. Parents will meet with administrators to discuss school policies and procedures. Parents will meet with teachers to discuss schedules, homework procedures, and other curriculum information. Nurse will be available to collect medical forms and respond to medical concerns.

18 Contact Information Phone Numbers 410-751-3559 301-829-6585 If you did not receive all resources/hand outs please get them on your way out Website

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