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Amphibian Diversity. Amphibians Term “amphibian” means “double life.” During their life cycle, they live both in the water and on the land –When immature,

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Presentation on theme: "Amphibian Diversity. Amphibians Term “amphibian” means “double life.” During their life cycle, they live both in the water and on the land –When immature,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Amphibian Diversity

2 Amphibians Term “amphibian” means “double life.” During their life cycle, they live both in the water and on the land –When immature, they are fishlike and breathe through gills –As adults, they live on land and breathe through lungs and moist skin

3 Main Characteristics 3 main groups: –Frogs and toads - Anurans –Salamanders and newts – Urodeles –Legless amphibians - Caecilians Ectothermic - –Cold-blooded vertebrates whose body temperatures adjust with the outside environment

4 Main Characteristics cont. Quadrupeds Bony skeleton Double Circulation- sinuous venosus, two atria, ventricle Tympanic membrane- eardrum Nictitating membrane- moves up over eye Primarily oviparous

5 smooth or slimy skin warty and dry skin strong, long legs and stubby bodies with short webbed hind feet hind legs two bulging eyes parotid glands behind eyes lay eggs in clusters lay eggs in long chains small teeth in upper no teeth jaw Vs. Frogs have:Toads have:

6 Salamanders & Newts Have long bodies, tails, and short legs Only 440 species in the world Generally, the adults live on land and return to the water only for breeding

7 Metamorphosis

8 Main Characteristics,cont. Adult amphibians live in moist areas. Why? –In addition to breathing through lungs, they also breathe through their skin –They have thin, semi-permeable skin that needs to remain moist –Their eggs lack hard outer shells and must be deposited or laid in water

9 Where do they go in winter? Most frogs bury themselves in the muddy floor of a lake or pond during the winter; whereas toads tend to dig down into the ground below the frost line. Hibernation: a winter sleep during which time the animal can live on food stored in its body. The oxygen it needs can pass through its skin. A few species actually freeze solid during the winter. –Their body creates an “anti-freeze” that saturates their cells so they don’t freeze, although their breathing and heart stops

10 Amphibian Circulation How does blood not get Mixed? 1- spiral valve 2- asynchronous contractions of atria 3- different blood pressures between Pulmonary and systemic circuits

11 Frogs and Toads 92 species in USA 4,000+ species in the world

12 External Characteristics

13 Internal Characteristics

14 Idaho’s Frogs and Toads Tailed Frog Western Toad Great Basin Spade-foot toad Pacific Tree Frog

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