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Office of the Christian Teacher  Wednesday September 9  Taxes and Housing Allowance.

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Presentation on theme: "Office of the Christian Teacher  Wednesday September 9  Taxes and Housing Allowance."— Presentation transcript:

1 Office of the Christian Teacher  Wednesday September 9  Taxes and Housing Allowance

2 Don’t forget to enjoy when it snows

3 Todays topic is puzzling to some PCWs.

4 Bloom where you are planted

5 Question of the Day  Today: One of your CUAA friends has posted some old college photos of you on their FACEBOOK page. They are from your 21st birthday celebration which was not one of your proudest life events. You are worried someone from your Youth Group will see them. Your CUAA Friends say lighten up, and quit worrying. Should you tell your principal?  Tomorrow Since Health Care reform is stalled in congress, costs continue to rise. You become ill and needed emergency surgery one day before starting your new Call. Your health insurance took effect but since this prior condition occurred before your coverage and your parents stopped coverage on you the week before your surgery. (Thinking nothing would happen) you are responsible. The $60,000 surgery, hospital and rehab bill steals your breath. Your old CUAA Roommate says declare bankruptcy. What should you do?

6 Personal Finances--Taxes  What does it mean to be self-employed?

7 –Minister of Gospel –Housing Allowance deducted from Federal Income Tax –Quarterly Payments (April, June, Sept., Jan. 15 th ) –Social Security Paid on all income (15.3%) –Penalties for underpayment

8 Which will impact you more FICA or Social Security?  FICA paid on Income after deductions  What are sample deductions? –Giving –Housing Social Security is paid on your gross income at 15.3% rate> FICA rate depends on adjusted income

9 Example of saving for Quarterly Taxes  Salary = $30,000  15.3% = $4,500 Roughly  $4,500 divided by 4 = $1,125  $1,125 divided by 6 pay periods = $187.50 per check  Why would some chose to have it withheld?  Why might some chose otherwise?

10 Other Taxes  Federal Income Tax  Property Tax  City Tax (Detroit) (1.0%)  Sales Tax (Michigan 6%)  Michigan State Tax

11 Which will

12 Determining Housing Allowance  Clergy and ministers may claim a “Housing Allowance  What types of things do you think qualify?

13 Items for Housing Allowance  Rent or Mortgage  Garage rental  Down Payment, title fees  Real Estate Taxes  Property (Renters Insurance)  Utilities  Furnishings  Repairs/Remodeling  Lawn Care  Maintenance Items (Cleaners, light bulbs, pest control)  Home Owner (association) dues

14 How is my total compensation different from my salary?  Salary  Education Allowance  Mile/Car Allowance (Usually Pastors)  Medical Insurance  Health Insurance (individual – Family)  Disability  Retirement  Stipends (Coaching) Bonus (Christmas)  Flexible Savings Plan (Church’s Plan)

15 Mileage Consideration  Even if you do not get a car allowance, you may deduct mileage accumulated in ministry.  You should place a.99 notebook in your car for ……………………

16 How should you track your housing?  Highlighters  Develop a System  This is important if you are audited. (Chances are low)  A system helps you track your money.

17 Should you complete your own tax return?  Depends: –Are you doing it now? –Do you enjoy working with figures? –Does your church have someone who understands this and does it for others? –Treasurers handbook resource –Time –competency

18 Find the Article on PCW Indebtedness  What trends exist? Why?  Church workers are financially better then the national average in……….?  What message does the District send to congregations if we cut the synodical subsidy?  Should stewardship be taught as an undergrad requirement at CUAA?

19 Future Trends in Ministry  Consolidations Congregations/Schools  Endowment/Development Emphasis  24/7/365 Facility Usage  A recruitment Plan  Modernize & Clean Up – Outside Eyes  School and Congregational Consultants Become more Available and Common  Technology Seen as Ministry Tool

20 Future- Will Urban Centers contain a Lutheran Presence?  What keeps the LCMS from being a vital component in urban ministry?

21 More Future Trends  Male Teachers  Non Tenured Calls  Admissions Counselors  Multi Grade Classroom  Effective Parent Communication

22 You had to be on fire if you are suffering from burnout!  Burnout is:  Disengagement  Emotions Blunted  Emotional Damage Primary  Affects Motivation Drive  Sense of helplessness/hopelessne ss  Loss of motivation/Paranoia  Detachment/depression Distress is: Over Engagement Emotions are over reactive Physical Damage Primary Affects Physical Energy Loss of Energy/Fuel Produces Panic, Anxiety disorder Sense of urgency/hyperactivity

23 How are Church Workers Nurtured?  Lower Expectations  Pray For them, Practice Forgiveness  Encourage Self Care (Sleep, Exercise, Food)  Modeling of Quality Skills  Accountability Partner  Support Outside the Church (Heathen Friends)  Recognition, Salary, Sabbatical, Vacation, Day Off, Appreciation of Family  Grace Place and Other Agencies

24 What is the benefit if we care for workers?

25 Tomorrow  Read the Article “What Teachers hate about Parents” for tomorrow.

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