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2 Why is Classroom Management an Integral Part of Teaching?

3 Ornstein (1990) states that in order to teach, one must be able to manage the students under him. No matter how much potential one has as a teacher, if he is unable to control the students in his classroom, little learning will take place. Classroom management is an integral part of teaching and techniques of managing students must be acquired by the teacher.

4 Classroom Management Defined as:
Classroom Management as the “Administration or direction of activities with special reference to such problem as discipline, democratic techniques, use and care of supplies and reference materials, the physical features of the classroom, general housekeeping, and the social relationship of pupils. Carter V. Good’s Dictionary of Education

5 Classroom Management includes operation and control of activities
Classroom Management includes operation and control of activities. Such as details as seating, attendance, use of instructional materials, classroom courtesies, and discipline require foresight and planning. A well-managed class is conducive to mental growth and development. Learning becomes interesting and enjoyable under favorable working conditions. Lardizabal, et al. (1991)

6 Approaches to Classroom Management
1. Assertive Approach Expects teachers to specify rules of behavior and consequences for disobeying them and to communicate these rules and consequences clearly. 2. Business-Academic Approach Emphasizes the organization and management of students as they engage in academic work. 3. Behavioral Modification Approach Spends little time on the personal history of students or on searching for the reasons for a particular problem. 4. Group Managerial Approach Emphasizes the importance of responding immediately to group student behavior that might be inappropriate or undesirable in order to prevent problems rather than having to deal with them after they emerge.

7 5. Group-Guidance Approach
Based on changing the surface behavior of the students on a group basis. 6. Acceptance Approach It is a discipline rooted in humanistic psychology and maintains that every person has a prime need for acceptance. 7. Success Approach It is rooted in humanistic psychology and the democratic model of teaching.

8 Elements of Classroom Management
Physical arrangement or environment Intellectual climate Social climate Emotional climate



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