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Particle Physics at Budker INP Novosibirsk, Russia Novosibirsk, Russia Yu.Tikhonov Instr2014, Feb 24-March 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Particle Physics at Budker INP Novosibirsk, Russia Novosibirsk, Russia Yu.Tikhonov Instr2014, Feb 24-March 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Particle Physics at Budker INP Novosibirsk, Russia Novosibirsk, Russia Yu.Tikhonov Instr2014, Feb 24-March 1

2 Particle Physics at Budker INP Outline  General information on BINP  Operating machines and detectors  VEPP-2000 with SND-2 and CMD-3 detectors  VEPP-4M and KEDR detector  VEPP-3 and “DEITRON” experiment  Detector R&D  Future plans  Super Charm-Tau Factory  BINP outside collaboration  Conclusion

3 The Institute of Nuclear Physics (Novosibirsk, Russia) was founded in 1958 on the basis the Laboratory for new acceleration methods, then headed by academician Gersh Budker. The Lab was part of the Institute of Atomic Energy (Moscow) headed at that time by academician Igor Kurchatov. Academician Gersh Budker (1918-1977) Budker INP is the Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

4 1.Particle PhysicsParticle Physics 2.Physics of AcceleratorsPhysics of Accelerators 3.Plasma PhysicsPlasma Physics 4.Synchrotron Radiation ResearchSynchrotron Radiation Research 5.Accelerators-Recuperators and Powerful Free Electron LasersAccelerators-Recuperators and Powerful Free Electron Lasers 6.Electron Accelerators for IndustryElectron Accelerators for Industry 7.Accelerators & Detectors for Medicine and SecurityAccelerators & Detectors for Medicine and Security 8.Theoretical PhysicsTheoretical Physics 9.Collaborations:Collaborations: -participation in experiments (CERN, KEK, SLAC, BNL, FNAL, IHEP, PSI, Dubna, Kurchatov Center, ITER………. ) -development and supply of the unique scientific equipment Total staff 2800 Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics Research activity:

5 Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics Key institute infrastructure – the machine shop The machine shop is very important for the Institute Missions: The machine shop is very important for the Institute Missions: Provides flexibility for fabrication of unique equipment for research at BINP Provides flexibility for fabrication of unique equipment for research at BINP Fabrication of equipment for other lab’s includingFabrication of equipment for other lab’s including small serial production (additional funding source for our research!) small serial production (additional funding source for our research!) Wide Product Groups (magnets for accelerators, Wide Product Groups (magnets for accelerators, SC wigglers and undulators, vaccum SC wigglers and undulators, vaccum components, electron accelerators for industry, etc…) components, electron accelerators for industry, etc…)

6 Particle Physics at Budker INP A few generations of the colliders and detectors A few generations of the colliders and detectors World-wide recognized contributions to particle and accelerator physic Collider 2E, Gev Detectors Operation VEP-1 (e - e - ) 0.32 2 detectors 1965-67 VEPP-2 1.4 3 detectors 1967-72 VEPP-3 2.0 2 detectors 1972- (booster and Nucl. Phys) VEPP-4 11.0 OLYA, MD-1 1980-85 VEPP-2M 1.4 OLYA, ND, CMD 1974-2000 SND, CMD-2 VEPP-4M 11.0 KEDR 2004- VEPP-2000 2.0 SND, CMD-3 2009- Tau-Charm Factory ?

7 L max =4x10 30 cm –2 sec –1 at E 0 =510 MeV; Total integrated luminosity 80 pb –1. Some results: - Development of the resonant depolarization technique for precise measurements of particles masses (from 1975) - Detailed study of K, , , and  - mesons (precise measurements of parameters, rare decays and etc) Data analysis is not completed yet VEPP-2M Collider Complex operated 1974-2000;

8 e + e – annihilation cross section measurements by SND and CMD-2 detectors at VEPP-2M presicion ~1% e + e – annihilation cross section measurements by SND and CMD-2 detectors at VEPP-2M presicion ~1% These measurements are very important for calculation of the hadronic vacuum polarization contribution to g-2 of muon and 

9 Expected precision in Fermilab 5 times better! +(g-2/EDM experiment at JPARC) New challenge for e+e-  hadrons measurements ! g-2 measurements BNL Fermilab Theory 

10 VEPP-2000 Collider VEPP-2000 Collider Status: in operation since 2009 CMD-3 Cryogenic Magnetic Detector SND Scintillator Neutral particles Detector injection Round beams, 2 x 1000 MeV (1x1 bunch) Present status: ξ=0.14! L=2x10 31 cm -2 c -1 at 2E=1.0 GeV

11 VEPP-2000 with CMD-3 and SND detectors

12 Limited e + production rate Energy rampin g VEPP-2000 averaged luminosity  VEPP-2000 luminosity  VEPP-2M luminosity Luminosity will be increased by 10 times with new positron injector commissioning

13 VEPP-2000 luminosity integrals collected by SND detector Total luminosity integral: 62 pb -1 (CMD-3) + 70 pb -1 (SND)… …compare to ~80 pb -1 (by all detectors @ VEPP-2M, 1974-2000)

14 Study of hadronic cross sections e + e – →2h, 3h, 4h …, h= ,K, ,… Precision measurement of R=  (e + e – → hadrons)/  (e + e – →  +  – ) Study of light vector mesons excitations:  ’,  ’’,  ’,  ’,.. Comparison of the energy dependence of e + e – → hadr. (I=1) cross sections with spectral functions in  -decays Measurement of the nucleons electromagnetic form factors and search for NN- resonances Study of e + e – -annihilation into hadrons at low energy by radiative return (ISR) Two-photon physics High order OED processes 10 years of very interesting physics in future !!!!! Physics at VEPP-2000

15 SND at VEPP-2000 1 – beam pipe, 2 – tracking system, 3 – aerogel, 4 – NaI(Tl) crystals, 5 – phototriodes, 6 – muon absorber, 7–9 – muon detector, 10 – focusing solenoid. Advantages for VEPP-2000: 1- cherenkov counter, n=1.05, 1.13 – e/  separation E<450 MeV,  /K separation E<1 GeV, 2 –drift chamber – better tracking

16 Some results from SND detector

17 Cryogenic Magnetic Detector-3 1 – vacuum chamber 2 – drift chamber 3 – electromagnetic calorimeter BGO 4 – Z – chamber 5 – CMD SC solenoid 6 – electromagnetic calorimeter LXe 7 – electromagnetic calorimeter CsI 8 – yoke 9 – VEPP-2000 solenoid

18 Some first result from CMD-3 at VEPP-2000 e+e-  π+π- cross section e/π/μ- separation

19 VEPP-4M Collider Complex 4. Detector KEDR ROKK-1M 2Е=2  11 ГэВ L=2х10**30 см-2с-1 L= 8х10**31 см-2с-1

20 Detector KEDR 2004-2011 L= 21 пб-1 was collected: study of  - mesons, D-mesons,  -lepton, R-measurements and etc. 2012-2013 –upgrade and reparation 2014-2017- next run

21  The luminosity of VEPP-4M is rather low than at B-factories  But some advantages: Large energy region 2Е=2  11 ГэВ Technology of high precision measurement of the beam energy (concentration on high precision particle mass measurement). Detector KEDR equipped by LKr calorimeter with high energy and space resolution. High resolution tagging system (two-photon physics). VEPP-4M and KEDR detector  Physics at VEPP-4M & KEDR is concentrated on high precision measurements High precision measurements of particle masses: J/ ,  (2S),  (3S), D-mesons,  -lepton,  (1S)  (2S)  (3S), Y(4S) Spectroscopy of cc and bb states The measurement of R in the energy region 2E=2-7 GeV Two photon physic: total cross section  hadrons, study of C-even states

22 22 High precision measurements at VEPP-4M&KEDR Best known particle masses  J/ ,  (2S),  (3S), D-mesons,  -lepton masses and some other parameters of these particles have been measured with best precision using these methods Resonance depolarizationCompton backscattering VEPP-4M energy calibration

23 DEITRON experiment at VEPP-3 Study of Deitron using electrons and positrons at VEPP-3 Fixed target experiment (super thin gas polarized target)

24 Test beam facility at VEPP-4M

25 Detector R&D at BINP Cryogenic Avalanche Detector (Ar, Xe)- particle physics (dark mutter, cohernt neutrino detection….) MCP PMT- particle physics (PID, TOF) Aerogel counters - particle physics (PID) Crystal Calorimeters –particle physics +applications Detector for applications: -synchrotron radiation detectors -detectors for medicine -detectors for security

26 26 Existing new injector complex (in 2013 – operation with positron beam) Tunnel for 2 GeV Linac is ready Linac 2 GeV Linac 500 MeV Ист.е- е-е+ convertor Damping Ring Detector Super Charm-Tau Factory Two rings Crab waist L = 1×10**35 cm-2s-1, Variable energy Ecm= 2 – 5 GeV Longitudinal polarization Two rings

27 ► D-Dbar mixing ► CP violation searches in charm decays ► Rare and forbidden charm decays ► Standard Model tests in  leptons decays ► Searches for lepton flavor violation  →  ► CP/T violation searches in  leptons decays Requirements: L > 10 35 cm -2 s -1, longitudinal polarization, General Purpose with perfect PID Super C/tau Factory at Novosibirsk (physics)

28 Polarization at Super C/tau Factory Michel parameters CP-violation in  -decays Polarization may increase sensitivity by several times! If even one beam polarized,  almost 100% longitudinally polarized near the threshold

29 Artistic view of future Charm-tau factory Accelerator Complex 207 MEuro Detector 91 MEuro Buildings infrastructure – 100 MEuro BINP has already invested 37 MEuro in the capital construction and injection complex 29

30 New injection complex (will be used for VEPP-2000, VEPP-4M and Super Charm-Tau) First positron beam - March 2013 E = 500 MeV, Nmax = 10 11 е+/s 500 MeV Linac Damping ring Transfer line

31 31 Detector for Super Charm-Tau factory 1- Vertex detector (Si) 2- Drift Chamber 3- Particle Identification (FARICH) 4- Calorimeter (Pure CsI) 5- SC solenoid 6- Magnet yoke and muon system

32 PID is a key system for Detector at Super Charm-Tau factory FARICH – Focusing Aerogel RICH μ/π-separatiion Search LFV in τ → μγ decay (μ/π-разделение) Tagging of τ -leptons, D- mesons and etc. Импульс мюонов из τ → μγ при Ecm=4.2 ГэВ S= 21 м 2 SiPM for photon detection 32

33 FARICH – Focusing Aerogel RICH A.Yu.Barnyakov et al., NIM A553 (2005)70 T.Iijima et al., NIM A548 (2005) 383 33 FARICH was suggested by BINP group and BELLE Collaboration in 2004. Technology of multi layers aerogel fabrication was developed by BINP and IC of SB RAS

34 Test of FARICH prototypes at CERN (2012) and at BINP (2013) SiPM- for photon detection π /K: 7.6σ @ 4 GeV/c μ/ π: 5.3σ @ 1 GeV/c π /K: 7.6σ @ 4 GeV/c μ/ π: 5.3σ @ 1 GeV/c p e, μ, π, K P=6 ГэВ/c, L=200мм Philips Matrix DPC: 2034 pixels, 20x20 см 2 Cooling down to -40°C 4- layers aerogel Focus 200 mm Philips Matrix DPC: 2034 pixels, 20x20 см 2 Cooling down to -40°C 4- layers aerogel Focus 200 mm 34 ~14 ph.el/mip

35 Super Tau-Charm factory project status and plans Project was preliminary approved by Russian Government (2011) CDR –has been completed (2012) Road map –is ready (6 years for realization) Very positive statement of ECFA (2012) Collaboration is growing (now 10 Institutes from Russia and 9 Institutes from other countries) Design of the building has been completed (2013) Conception model for computing is ready (2013) R@D for machine and detector in progress Injection complex construction in progres Very positive reply of EU review Committee (2013) Funding decision and construction ? 35

36 Budker INP collaborations Budker INP collaborations (HEP) CERN: LHC machine, ATLAS, LHCb KEK: BELLE, Suber-KEKB, BELLE-2, JPARC: Comet, g-2/EDM SLAC: BaBar Super-B ? PSI: MEG FAIR: Machine, PANDA BNL/FNAL: g-2 IHEP (Beijing): BES-III DUBNA : NICA

37 Conclusion A few generations of colliders and detectors successfully operated at Budker INP with world- wide recognized contributions to particle physics VEPP-4M and VEPP-2000 with 3 detectors are in operation at present  interesting physics in the coming years Budker INP successfully collaborates in a few outstanding experiments outside Super Tau-Charm is a future ( but funding approval is necessary!)

38 VEPP-3 VEPP-4M VEPP-4 From VEP-1 to Tau-charm factory! VEP-1 VEPP-2 VEPP-2000 Tau-charm

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