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Welcome, ________ Educators! Please have a seat at a Question Card and fill out your name, school, role, subjects taught, and grades taught. You don’t.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome, ________ Educators! Please have a seat at a Question Card and fill out your name, school, role, subjects taught, and grades taught. You don’t."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome, ________ Educators! Please have a seat at a Question Card and fill out your name, school, role, subjects taught, and grades taught. You don’t need your laptops out yet! We will move you. Feel free to add some flair to your Question Card.

2 Introductions Meet the facilitators:

3 Logistics -Bathroom -Breaks and lunch -Attention Signal -Surveys/opportunities to give us feedback – Red, Yellow, Green

4 Norms and Expectations: -Maintain a positive learning environment -Help one another -Acknowledge that we are learning something new that is sometimes difficult -Celebrate and be excited about all progress -Model the dispositions we’d like to see in our students

5 Getting to Know You -Write 1-4 (with space) on Question Card. -For each task, find one person who meets that description and write down their name in that space/have them write your name on theirs. -Share some info about yourself with them while you wait. Image:

6 Task 1: Find someone who….. Has the same number of brothers and sisters as you. *Remember to introduce yourselves and write down your partner’s name in space 1.

7 Task 2: Find someone who….. Was born in the same month as you. *Remember to introduce yourselves and write down your partner’s name in space 2. Image: content/uploads/2013/04/TeachStarter_MonthsoftheYear_ThumbNail.jpg

8 Task 3: Find someone who….. Has the same favorite sport as you. *Remember to introduce yourselves and write down your partner’s name in space 3.

9 Task 4: Find someone who….. Has the same body temperature as you. *Remember to introduce yourselves and write down your partner’s name in space 4.

10 And your new partner is…. The person from Task 3: Same favorite sport! Please have a seat with your new partner. Place your name plates in front of you, visible to everyone in front.!_Ho oray!.jpg

11 Thoughts on pair formation Zones of proximity Smart self-selection Being sensitive to underrepresented groups

12 Pair Programming- a kids perspective Driver & Navigator protocols Switching often – (every 7 to 10 minutes)

13 About Project GUTS NM Adventures in Modeling (2003, NSF-ITEST) Project GUTS afterschool (2007, NSF-AYS) 2014+ embedding Project GUTS during the school day!

14 Workshop plan Day 1- experience the curriculum firsthand as students. Day 2 - practice teaching key activities in the AM; practice customizing models in the PM. Day 3 - break into content area groups; review module, practice teaching and making modifications to base models.

15 Our Goals for this PD -Build and use the models we’ll be utilizing in the classroom. -Become comfortable in leading lessons and activities. -Practice and be able to instill dispositions. -Get excited about using these new tools in your classrooms!

16 Goals for the Day Gain understanding of using models to run experiments Gain understanding of how CS relates to modern scientific practice Learn 4 characteristics of a Complex Adaptive System Learn how to create a simple Agent-based Model Learn how to add instrumentation to your model Learn how to run experiments using your model as a test bed.

17 Project GUTS resources Our website: www. projectguts.orgwww. -top menu, click on Resources All modules & resources are there GoogleDoc for this workshop- -scroll down towards bottom -this is where we will put links that we will use during the next 3 days.

18 Video Review Activity -Form Pairs -Watch Video -Summarize with 3 bullet points -Be prepared to share

19 Video Review Activity 1. Introduction to Complex Adaptive Systems 2. Introduction to Computational Science 3.Agent-based Modeling of Complex Adaptive Systems 4. Using Computer Models in Science 5. Models in the Classroom 6. Dispositions and Classroom Culture 7.Computational thinking and the Framework for K-12 Science Education

20 Complex Adaptive Systems (CAS)

21 Characteristics: Many agents following simple rules (interacting with the environment and/or with each other) Leaderless Self-organizing forming emergent patterns Difficult to predict

22 Complex vs. Complicated -Common Misconceptions - Having one of the four characteristic is enough - Complicated = complex

23 Review Game: Complex or Complicated? -Hold up your cup RED for a complex system or GREEN for complicated one -Ready, set, go!

24 A. Complex or B. Complicated?

25 The internet

26 A. Complex or B. Complicated? A hurricane

27 A. Complex or B. Complicated? The human body

28 A. Complex or B. Complicated? A symphony

29 A. Complex or B. Complicated? A growing borax crystal

30 A. Complex or B. Complicated? Ant bridge

31 Module 1: Introduction to Computer Modeling and Simulation -Introduction to Module -Progression of the day -Contents of Binder!!!! -Wall card for reflection -Recap of cups system

32 Modeling and Simulation Module 1: Lesson 1 Introduction to Complex Adaptive Systems and Computer Modeling and Simulation

33 Turn & Walk Activity Simple Rules You are an agent Form a circle (or not) Turn to face the person on your left Close your eyes and take three steps in that heading

34 Turn & Walk Computer Model Web-based StarLogo Nova Platform What is the relationship between the computer model and the real world? What was included and what was missing from the computer model of Walk & Turn? What are models good for?

35 Setup and Forever blocks

36 Before Break: -Open up your StarLogo Nova model from the guided intro. -Flower Turtle Project

37 Welcome back!

38 Introduction to StarLogo Nova and simple computer models Modeling and Simulation Module 1: Lesson 2

39 -In Lesson 2 you start off by pairing your students and having them complete the Guided Tutorial (Draw a flower.) -Instead of doing the Guided tutorial again now, please show off your model to your partner! -If you completed an extension, show your partner how you did it. Review Guided Tutorial

40 StarLogo Nova Blocks Review

41 Pedagogy for Lesson 2 -Pair Programming -Drivers -Navigators -Why??? 01310/208254582.jpg

42 Lesson 2 Continued -Review of code -Old commands -New commands -Our notebooks are a wonderful resource

43 StarLogo Nova A web-based software program Computer Science Concepts Instructions Computer Program Looping Iterations Public and Private Galleries Remixing

44 What does Random mean? What does wiggle mean? Discussion What do you notice about the drawers?

45 Lesson 2a- an extension -Painting Turtles (30 minutes) -Remix Flower Turtle project -Drivers and Navigators switch at timer -Specifications: -create many turtles -make turtles move (wiggle) and leave trails -Save with both names, upload and share

46 Painted Turtles Progress Monitor Goals!  Create Turtles [hint: Setup]  Make them walk around and leave Trails! [hint: Forever] Bonus!  Use the random block in turtle movement commands [hint: “right by” random amount]  Use one block you haven’t used before

47 Terms to Remember Agent Location Heading Steps Iteration Setup Runtime Random

48 Conditionals and Boolean Logic Trailblazer and Bumper Turtles Modeling and Simulation Module 1: Lesson 3

49 Review from Lesson 2 What commands enabled turtles to impact their environment? What could an agent leaving trails represent in a real world scenario?

50 How turtles can react to their environment Trailblazer Instructions Starting and ending in the same place. Using a pencil, draw the path in the CENTER of squares. Pick up ALL the gold while avoiding the hazards. Color the squares as necessary according to the following rules: – Take a step forward. – If you are standing on a RED square, then turn right by 90 degrees – Else If you are standing on a BLUE square, then turn left by 90 degrees – Else If you are standing on a BLACK square, then turn right by 180 degrees Trade your map with your partner.

51 Trailblazers and Algorithms  Algorithms are a set of instructions that are followed.  Each different path created in this room can be thought of as a different algorithm for the maze. Discussion-  Are some better algorithms than others? why or why not?

52 Setup and Forever blocks

53 New StarLogo Nova Blocks

54 Bumper Turtles Challenge Start with the program called “Bumper Turtles starter” program Click on the “Paint Landmarks” push button and see the program execute the code provided. Remix Your challenge is to make the turtles react to the landmarks created by the “Paint Landmarks”

55 Bumper Turtles Progress Monitor Goals!  Add logic so turtles react to red squares by turning right by 90 degrees  Add logic so turtles react to blue squares by turning left by 90 degrees  Add logic so turtles react to black squares by turning around 180 degrees Bonus!  Change the number of landmarks drawn in the “Paint Landmarks” procedure  Use one block you haven’t used before

56 Partial Solution

57 Discussion If/then vs. if/then/else What could these trails and bumpers represent in Bumper Turtles model? Terms to remember: conditional, Boolean, expression and evaluation.

58 Before Lunch: Reflection Please place a dot on the area of the chart which best describes your current comfort level with today’s activities.

59 Probability with Dice and Data, Wiggle Walk, and Colliding Turtles Modeling and Simulation Module 1: Lesson 4

60 New in Lesson 4 Today we are going to learn about probability (or the likelihood of something happening). Then we are going to use probability to make turtles do a “wiggle” walk.

61 Lesson 4 -Dice and Data

62 Roll one die Record the result using a hatch mark.

63 In StarLogo Nova We use a single random function like a single die.

64 Roll two dice Record the result with a hatch mark 2 dice (subtraction) # of occurrencesSum of tally 5 4 3 2 1 0 -2 -3 -4 -5

65 Wiggle Walk What is the most common result of rolling two dice? What is the next most common result? If we were to visualize the number of occurrences of each result using a histogram, what would it look like?

66 Why are some results more common than others? Results of rolling two dice Student 2 Student 1

67 What does this have to do with a wiggle? One die represents right turn amount, the other represents left turn amount. Most common is ? 1 2 3 4 5 -1 0 1 2 3 4 -2 - 1 0 1 2 3 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0

68 Chances Are We can mimic a roll of a die in StarLogo Nova using the random command. Random 6 will return a number between 0 and 5.

69 Chances Are Random can be used within other commands. For example, used within a left turn command, what do you think this command now does? If we used this command in an agent’s walk, what would it’s trail look like?

70 In StarLogo Nova We use two randoms to represent rolling two dice.

71 Wiggle Walk What’s the difference between a walk that uses one command And two commands?

72 What’s really going on?

73 Self-test of understanding

74 Lesson 4 Continued -Colliding Turtles

75 Colliding Turtles New Command: Collision Collisions occur when two agents bump into one another. (They do not need to be centered on the same patch.)

76 Colliding Turtles New Command: Collision

77 Colliding Turtles New Command: Collision with a condition

78 New StarLogo Nova Blocks

79 Agent-Agent Interactions Your Challenge: Goals!  Create turtles of two different colors, red and blue, (do not have them leave trails).  Have the turtles move forward with a little wiggle in their walk.  Add detection block (collision) so turtles react to each other  Change a turtle’s trait after a collision [size, color, shape, ?]  Save your project, upload, and share! Bonus!  Upon colliding with a red turtle, have blue turtles react by changing their color to red.  Create use probability when turtles collide to have a 50% chance of turning red.  Use one block you haven’t used before

80 Review from Lesson 4 What could collisions represent in the real world? Why do we use probability in models?

81 Epidemiology Modeling the Spread of Disease Designing and Running Experiments Modeling and Simulation Module 1: Lesson 5

82 Lesson 5 Introduction to Epidemiology. Creating a slider for transmission rate. Using the slider value to determine whether or not to pass a disease from agent to agent. Creating a slider for recovery rate. Using it to determine if a sick agent recovers.

83 What is MRSA? MRSA is a bacteria called Methicillin resistant Staphylococcus Aureus. Staphylococcus means grape-cluster in Greek. Viewed at 10,000 x magnification.

84 Picture of MRSA cycle MRSA transmission Colonized Susceptible (Healthy) Infected

85 New in Lesson 5 CS concepts: Variables and Procedures We are going to turn our colliding turtles model to make it into an epidemic model. Let’s add a new widget called a slider. We will use this slider to hold a value called the transmission rate. This rate is the percentage of time a disease gets passed from one person to another upon collision.

86 Traits & Variables Traits & variables are containers for holding values. Think of a variable as a box with a label. In StarLogo Nova, Sliders can be used to hold values and set values as inputs to the model.

87 Procedures Procedures are stacks of commands that perform a particular function and can be given a name.

88 Create a New StarLogo Nova widget population

89 New StarLogo Nova widget Make a new slider to control the initial number of turtles. Change the max value to 500 by typing in 500 next to max and hitting the return key. Click on “Edit Widgets” again to get out into editing mode and back into play mode.

90 Use the New Widget We now have a way to set the number of turtles through the user interface with a slider. We can get the value of population in code. Replace the # in create do block with population slider value. population

91 2 nd slider- Transmission Rate Add a second slider for transmission

92 Use the Transmission Rate Widget We are rolling a 100-sided die. If the result is less than the transmission rate, pass the disease on. How often should we roll less than the transmission rate? What kind of distribution does the roll of a single die give us?

93 Save and Test your Model Try changing the transmission rate Where in your code will the transmission slider value go? Next Steps- What is missing if you wanted to use your model as an experimental test bed?

94 Extension: Adding Recovery People sometimes recover from a disease How can we use probability to determine when a sick person recovers?

95 Adding Recovery Recovery will be a new procedure. At each step a sick person has a chance of recovery.

96 Adding Recovery Create a new slider for recovery rate. Use that slider in the recover procedure to determine whether the sick agent recovers (becomes healthy again).

97 Lesson 5 -Modeling the Spread of Disease and Instrumentation -Teacher Practice

98 Adding Recovery Create a new slider for recovery rate.

99 Adding Recovery Use that slider in the recover procedure to determine whether the sick agent recovers (becomes healthy again or blue).

100 Review from Lesson 5 What does this model tell you? What is the impact of changing the transmission rate? And recovery rate? What other things move through a population like a disease?

101 Epidemic Model Progress Monitor Goals!  Create several hundred blue turtles and a few red turtles [hint: Setup]  Make them wiggle! [hint: Forever]  Create a collision block in which blue turtles turn red when they encounter red turtles [hint: Lesson 4 Student Activity #2 Guide]  Create a slider and an if-then for the probability of transmission rate [hint: Lesson 4 Student Activity #2 Guide]  Create a slider and an if-then for the recovery rate [hint: Lesson 5 Student Activity #2 Guide] Bonus!  Add a line graph with a line for infected turtles and one for healthy turtles [hint: Lesson 6 Student Activity #1]  Add a slider (or more) for one (or more) of the following:  Number of original healthy population  Number of original sick population  Use one block you haven’t used before

102 Adding Instrumentation Designing and Running Experiments Modeling and Simulation Module 1: Lesson 6

103 Instrumenting your Model Definitions: Qualitative means relating to, measuring, or measured by the quality of something (its size, appearance, value, etc.) rather than its quantity. Quantitative means relating to, measuring, or measured by the quantity of something rather than its quality.

104 Instrumenting your Model We need some way of tracking the spread of disease. What data should we collect?

105 Instrumenting your Model Let’s create a new “line graph” widget called “Population Healthy and Sick.” We’ll use it to track #red (sick) and #blue (healthy) over time.

106 Instrumenting your Model Drag the line graph off to the side of Spaceland. Double click on New Series and change its name to “CountHealthy” then select blue as its line color. Add another Series and change its name to “CountSick” then select red as its line color. Finally, click “Edit Widgets” to leave editing mode and returning to play mode.

107 Instrumenting your Model We want The World to update the line graph each time through the forever loop.

108 Test your Model Does the line graph work? What patterns can you see that were difficult to see without the line graph?

109 Designing and Running Experiments Have the students use the Experimental Design form to describe your experiment. Plan and run their experiments. Describe and share their findings. – Think-pair-share – Round-robin – Group discussion

110 Review from Lesson 6 Why is it important to instrument models? How can computer models of epidemics be used to better understand the spread of disease?

111 Student Extensions Researching diseases and adding in real transmission rate values.

112 Last Assignment: -Extensions and ideas! -Pair up with a pair (groups of 4ish) -Brainstorm and record a list of ideas for extending or expanding the epidemic model…like you can have your students do

113 Online Reflections -Survey -Debriefing

114 Progress Review -Wrap-up -Revisit goals One more thing….

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