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NEED OF IFMS All non finance officer , while discharging their duties comes in contact with finance department in all phases of time . Future period –For.

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Presentation on theme: "NEED OF IFMS All non finance officer , while discharging their duties comes in contact with finance department in all phases of time . Future period –For."— Presentation transcript:


2 NEED OF IFMS All non finance officer , while discharging their duties comes in contact with finance department in all phases of time . Future period –For preparation of financial budget .Ex- Beams, obtaining DCPS number ( Sevaarth) , preparation of Pension case ( Sevaarth- pension) Present period – Preparation & payment of employee claim (Seventh & Treasury net), Preparation & payment of other claim ( Beams & Treasury net ) , Preparation & payment of direct beneficiaries claim ( Beams & Treasury net ),Budget control (Beams ),Watching bill flow (Koshvahini), Service Book verification ( Vetnika) , New DDO code ( Beams) preparation of bills for various claims ( Bill portal, Sevaarth) Past period – preparation of monthly expenditure statement ( Koshwahini Beams ) preparation of appropriation accounts ( Beams) , receiving financial information ( Koshvahini , Beams ) To cater all these needs Finance Department has developed various computerized software and brought them under website ,and in common parlance it is called as IFMS

3 OBJECTIVE OF IFMS To cater various financial needs of all government agencies . To bring all financial software of finance dept under one umbrella . To enhance efficiency , effectively & transparency in financial transaction To bring standardization simplification & , rationalization in processes . To use single source of data for all possible application To free data using agency from data feeding task. To allow various software to transfer data seamlessly & interact freely on real time basis with each other . To manage master data centrally . To resort to maximum utilization of computer intelligence for repeatative task management .To manage working of various software centrally. To provide adequate MIS reports as per requirement user department. To provide facility to citizen like online disbursement of government dews, to watch and analyze government activity.

4 Components Various Systems covered under IFMS are as follows :
Budget Estimation, Allocation & Monitoring System (BEAMS) -- System to Estimate, Distribution of Budget Grants, Expenditure Authorization And Monitor Probable Expenditure. Treasury Net - System caters to all Processes in Treasury SEVAARTH - System for Salary Payments (SEVAARTH) Recording essential Details of Employees and Generate Salary Bills and Timely Payment directly into the Bank Accounts of Employees. DCPS - Accounting, Maintenance of Annual Accounts, Refunds, Generate Annual Accounts Slips for Employees covered under New Pension Scheme (DCPS) System to Process Loans & Advances Payable to Government Employees and Maintenance of GPF for Group-D Government Employees. Pension Payment (SEVERTH - PENSION) Timely payment of pension directly into Bank accounts of Pensioners. GRAS - Government Revenue Collection (GRAS) through ePayment Gateway.

5 Components MIS (Koshwahini) MIS In Public Domain for MIS.
ARTHVAHINI – Dats master data management portal. .VETNIKA - service book verification control . CMP – Product of SBI for online payment . BILL PORTAL – Software in development for catering requirement of preparation of various bills.

6 Agenda Sevaarth/Shalaarth BEAMS DCPS Pension Treasury Net GRAS
Vetanika Koshwahini Government Employees Loan Module Class Employees GPF Module BEAMS

7 BEAMS (Budget, Estimation, Allocation & Monitoring System)
This is an online computerized system to facilitate budget estimation, allocation of grants and authorize expenditure against the allocated grants. It also facilitates various fund transfer related activities such as allocation, distribution, re-appropriation, withdrawal, surrender of grants at various level. eBudget file containing budget sanctioned in the legislature is uploaded in the system. Thus budget is available to the Finance Dept. (Budget Branch) for releasing it to other departments. Fund transfer option is available as Allocation, User can see Demand Number wise display of grants received by him, allocated by him and balance available. Option for authorizing expenditure is available at DDO level. Every bill being submitted to treasury has to be accompanied with an Authorization Slip. This slip includes details like Budget Classification, Gross Amount, Deductions, Net Amount, Payee details, etc.

8 Authorization Slip

9 BEAMS – Salient Features
The system provides for monitoring monthly cash flow limits set by the Department up to DDO level. Monitoring of expenditure against allocated grants is possible at all levels (Administrative Department, Controlling Officer, Drawing & Disbursing Officer [DDO]). Quick and accurate transfer of grants. Integration with CPSMS has been achieved. Maker Checker principle used. Generation of PDF orders on approval of each transaction. Bill cum BDS has been done in respect of Contingent Expenditure Bill (MTR-31) MIS Reports available in Public Domain.

10 BEAMS Flow Chart Legislature Approves budget for the State.
Finance Department (Budget Section) Uploads e-budget file on BEAMS Finance Department Allocates Grants to Administrative Departments Administrative Departments Distribute Grants to Controlling Officers under their control. Controlling Officers Distribute Grants to DDOs under their control. DDOs authorize expenditure on BEAMS and submit bill in Treasury along with authorization Slip.

11 Agenda Sevaarth/Shalaarth BEAMS DCPS Pension Treasury Net GRAS
Vetanika Koshwahini Government Employees Loan Module Class Employees GPF Module BEAMS

12 SEVAARTH Sevaarth (including DCPS) and Pension Applications & Applications relating to Loans & Advances and GPF to Group-D Employees are all modules of the same system.. A System which can be called a Semi Central System was introduced, wherein the User Down Loaded Data from Central Server on his Desk Top, Processed Monthly Pay Bill and Up Loaded Incremental Data on to the Central Server. The Present Central Web Based System was Introduced in The Application was Developed by the National Informatics Center, Pune. However, the system has been got redeveloped from M/s Tata Consultancy Service Ltd., Mumbai. According to Needs and Changes/Improvements in Rules, this system is updated from time to time and made user friendly for Drawing & Disbursing officers and employees. The use of this system has been made compulsory to obtain accurate statistical information of different types relating to various Government Offices for tactical use by the Government.

13 SEVAARTH - Objectives To build a centralized database of Offices / DDOs / Employees. To generate monthly pay and other bills on the system to avoid manual labour, reducing time and energy. To ensure rule based correct and accurate computation. To ensure Role Based Work Flow. To ensure maker checker principle. To build a credible system to transfer funds electronically by capturing the bank details. To provide a statewide information system to monitor various aspects ensuring financial discipline & correct decision-making at various levels in the Government. To provide a facility to individual employees to view their own data / profile (Employee corner). To eliminate possibility of existence of ghost employees. To create an effective MIS for use of various departments of the government and the Accountant General. To provide a transparent and open information system for the use of various offices, departments and other entities as well as the common citizens to know the information about various offices, etc.

14 SEVAARTH - Benefits Information has to be entered once. Thereafter only changes are to be made (Change Statement). Accuracy in Bill Preparation. Speedy Generation of Pay Bills. Reduction in Time required for Audit in Treasury. Reduction in Number and Occasions of Objections. Employee wise pay related data automatically created. Salary Payment through Central Electronic System. (Through CMP Server) Appropriate Checks And Balances Ensured. Rule Based Work Flow and hence Ensuring Observance of All Salary Related Rules. Data exchange with various applications under IFMS. Master Management Module- Single point control of Master Data. Rule Engine to be with the Master Data Controller. Integration with other Systems and with those of A. G., Banks, etc.

15 SEVAARTH – Achievements So Far
100% Pay Bill generation on Sevaarth for State Government Employees. Total DDOs Covered under Sevaarth 15,171. Total Monthly Pay Bills are Generated through Sevaarth without exception. Average Monthly Pay bill count – 35,000. 6.76 lac government employees covered. Payment is being made electronically to DDO’s Bank Accounts in an Off Line Mode ( DDO transfers to Employee’s Bank A/c through ECS). No transfer of employee on the system is possible without generation of Last Pay Certificate. Trainings for DDOs are arranged. Similarly, help desk provided at each treasury.

16 Action By Drawing & Disbursing Officer
SEVAARTH – Workflow Action By Drawing & Disbursing Officer Entry of Administrative Dept. And Field Dept. By Administrator Enter Employee Details Entry of Office Details Entry of Sanctioned Posts by Admin Deptt. Generate Pay Bill Map Employee With Post Enter Other Relevant Details Provision To Add Non Computational Allowances & Deductions Map Employee With Bill Group

17 SEVAARTH – Work Underway
Development of customized applications for other organizations (e.g., Zilla Parishads, Aided & Recognized Primary/ Secondary Schools and Colleges, Universities and Institutions under them, etc.) Direct (Central) payment electronically to the Bank accounts of the employees. Reduce need for various schedules not required by A. G. and making available them in electronic format wherever they are needed. Reduce the Pay Bill to a Summary Bill with Change Statement and to study the feasibility of giving data in electronic format to A. G. If A. G. agrees, doing away with printed copies of bills and other documents. Add facilities for generation of Employee related bills (e.g., G. P. F. Bills, Loans and Advances Bills, Medical Reimbursement Bills, Traveling Allowance Bills, etc.) Develop MIS Reports which could be useful to the Administrative Departments, Heads of Departments, Heads of Offices, DDOs, Employees, other organizations and citizen. Integrate Pay Roll with MAHAONLINE (Non-financial Personal Service Record of Employees), Bio Metrics. Map employee data with UID.

18 Agenda BEAMS Sevaarth/Shaalarth Pension Treasury Net DCPS GRAS
Vetanika Koshwahini Government Employees Loan Module Class Employees GPF Module DCPS

19 DCPS – Need to Evolve Own Architecture
The State Government was keen to join the New Pension System announced by the Central Government. However, the architecture was not being finalized by them for a long time. The State Government therefore, felt a need to develop their own architecture since the Government had made the scheme applicable from 01/11/2005. Therefore, decision to establish a State Record Keeping Agency (SRKA) was taken in July, 2007. S. R. K. A. is an authority which implements the scheme. It monitors registration of new employees, deduction of their contributions, add equal contribution of the State Government and post interest on the amount collected, maintains accounts and issues annual accounts slips.

20 Employee’s Contribution Employer’s Contribution
DCPS – Present Facts Total DCPS Employee : 1,64,706 (As on 31/03/2013) Interest at the rate equal to that fixed for G. P. F. by the Government has been paid at the end of each financial year. Year wise Amount of Employees’ Contribution, Employer’s Contribution and Interest paid is as follows Year Employee’s Contribution Employer’s Contribution Interest Total 11.90 Cr 0.31Cr 24.11 Cr 59.06 Cr 6.80 Cr Cr Cr 20.55 Cr Cr Cr Cr 53.05 Cr Cr Cr Cr Cr Cr Cr Cr Cr

21 DCPS – Present Facts Of the 1,64,706 employees, 7159 belong to Group A services, 3150 to Group B Gaz., 3208 belong to B Non-Gaz., to Group C and to Group D services. From September, 2007 till March, 2013 an amount of Rs crore has been collected under the scheme, by way of employees’ contribution. Total Amount collected so far under this scheme is Rs crore

22 DCPS – Scheme Functionality for State Government Employees
The State Record Keeping Agency functions under the administrative control of the Directorate of Accounts and Treasuries and the Finance Department. The employee’s contribution is deducted every month from his salary through Sevaarth. Maker - checker rule is followed. Actual deductions started from September One month’s arrears are collected along with regular monthly collection from the employees. On entry of a Government employee in to the service, DDO has to enter his details in Sevaarth. DDO has to submit this Form to the concerned Treasury Office online. Treasury Officer verifies the online form received from DDO with physical printouts attested by DDO. After online verification and approval by the Treasury Officer, a system generated unique Permanent Employee Number is given to the employee. Rejected forms are available to DDO for making corrections.

23 DCPS – Scheme Functionality for State Government Employees
The System is able to cater to the needs of different categories of employees (like Judicial Officers, Teachers, Professors, etc.) The Present System is able to recover and account for Delayed Payments, Pay and D. A. Arrears, etc. This Scheme is made applicable to the State Government employees at present. It is also applicable to the Zilla Parishad employees, employees of Universities including Agricultural Universities and Colleges / Organizations under them, to Primary and Secondary recognized and aided Private Educational Institutions. However, employees of these organizations are in the process of joining this scheme.

24 DCPS - Workflow

25 Agenda BEAMS Sevaarth/Shalaarth DCPS Treasury Net GRAS Vetanika
Koshwahini Government Employees Loan Module Class IV Employees GPF Module Pension

26 Pension - Facts The Pay and Accounts Office and 33 District Treasuries are entrusted with the duty of Pension disbursement in the Maharashtra state. Around 6 Lac pensioners in the State. 84% of Pension payment is made through ECS/EFT State pensioners include IAS/IPS/MLA & Other State’s Pensioners, Defense pensioner etc.

27 Pension - Computerization
Computerization started in 1995. Initially Stand alone System Software Developed by NIC (in Fox pro DOS base). In 2003 Pension Automation System Developed in Ms-Access Database (window base) by NIC. In 2004 the Multi user Pension Automation System Software Developed by NIC in VB & DB2 database. It’s a stand alone system which rests on a server in treasury. Generates monthly pension and credits the same to the account of pensioner. To bring uniformity in pension process, a web based model called Nitvrutivetanwahini was developed in 2008 with the help of N. I. C. Redevelopment has been got done from M/s T. C. S. The new System made live from April, 2012.

28 Pension – Computerization (contd.)
It gives details of Pension and keeps track of amounts disbursed. Pension case based on 5th and 6th Pay Commission scales can be prepared from this system. In the first phase, generation of bills has been completed. Data of Approved Cases is transmitted by the A. G. on line. Thus no need to do data entry again. Development of on- line generation of pension case, its transmission to A. G. is complete. It is being modified as per the requirements communicated by the A. G. and will be made live within a month.

29 Pension - Workflow

30 Pension - Benefits Auditor can handle more pensioners (approx 2.5 times) than the prescribed norms. Pension being credited in pensioner’s bank account on time. Information can be available to pensioner himself or through Pensioner’s Corner. Payment and Other Registers not required to be maintained manually. Over payments are avoided, arrears calculation becomes easy. Better control over Pension Process. Constant Monitoring. Pension calculation based on rules automatically so no detail audit required. Standardization of Processes. MIS Reports availability.

31 Pension – Future Plan Online preparation and submission of pension cases by Department to Accountant General. Online Pension Payment through core banking, centrally. Pensioner’s Corner : Pensioner can get any information regarding pension (Prescribed Forms, G.R., Income Certificate, pension statement etc. ) Customization of software for use of Zilla Parishads, Agricultural / Non-Agricultural Universities, Institutions under them, etc. Linking Pensioner to UID. Digitization and Scanning of PPO. If A. G. agrees, doing away with hard copies of bills and giving data electronically to A. G. Rule Engine to be available with the Master Data Controller. Electronic Money Order facility for the pensioner who opt payment through Money Order.

32 Agenda BEAMS Sevaarth/Shalaarth DCPS Pension GRAS Vetanika Koshwahini
Government Employees Loan Module Class IV Employees GPF Module Treasury Net

33 Treasury Net Treasury Net is a flagship application of Treasury Accounting designed and developed by NIC, Pune. This is Rule and Role based System, capable to add/create new users, assign functions to different users. It is capable of integrating with other applications, so as to transmit and obtain required Data. It works on local server situated at each District Treasury. All these servers are connected to Central Server through MPLS Connectivity.

34 Treasury Net - Functions
Scroll Module - to receive bill in treasury. Audit Module - to verify /audit and pass claims presented to Treasury. Cheque /EFT Module - to make payment through cheque / Electronic Mode (EFT/NEFT). Delivery Module - to deliver cheque / EFT advice. Compilation Payment - to prepare account of Payment made through Treasury. Compilation Receipt - to prepare account of receipt received by Treasury. PLA - to authorize PLA payment and prepare account thereof. Stamp Module - to control Stamp Sell and prepare its account

35 Treasury Net – Functions (contd.)
Sub Treasury Incorporation - to incorporate sub treasury account into treasury’s account. Treasury Officer Module – to manage bill flow and other activities by Treasury Officer. Treasury Officer Module - to see various MIS reports and perform administrative activity. DBA Module to manage Treasury Net System in Treasury.

36 Treasury Net - Workflow
Drawing and Disbursement Officer – Prepares Bill and Authorization Slip. Submits bill to Treasury Treasury In Counter Scroll Operator – Receives Bill using Bar Code Reader and gives Paper Token Scroll Supervisor – Generate BTR (Bill Transmit Register). Forward bill to Audit Section Audit Section Audit Operator – Receives Bill on system and audits it. Audit Supervisor – Verifies the bill. Audiot ATO – Approves the bill and sends it to cheque section for payment. Forward bill to Cheque Section. Cheque Section Cheque ATO – Receives Bill, generates voucher number and sends it for payment. Cheque Operator – Prepares cheques on system, fills necessary details of EFT. Cheque Supervisor – Verifies cheque / EFT Payment. Cheque ATO – Approves Cheque payment / Electronic Payment. Generates mandate for EFT / NEFT Cheque, EFT advice is delivered to DDO through delivery counter EFT/NEFT mandate is sent to bank in electronic format

37 Agenda BEAMS Sevaarth/Shalaarth DCPS Pension Treasury Net Vetanika
Koshwahini Government Employees Loan Module Class IV Employees GPF Module GRAS

38 Government Receipt Accounting System (G R A S)
First Virtual Treasury established in the Country. G2B, G2G , G2C Transactions possible. From Preparation of Challan till Submission of Accounts to AG, every process done electronically. Hassle free 24 X 7 remittance of tax and non- tax revenue into the Government Account. Provides for generating and printing of e-Challan. Facility to one time register as a user to avoid entering personal data repeatedly. Facility to pay tax and non-tax revenue to any department of the State with single login. Facility to Deface challan after service is provided. Reconciliation between Virtual Treasury , Bank and RBI possible.

39 GRAS – Modes of Payment Following Modes of Payment are available in GRAS Internet Banking ( 13 banks) Debit Card ( Only provided by SBI) Across the bank Counter Payment SBI Branches BOM - All Branches IDBI Branches

40 GRAS – List of Banks External Interfaces: Integration with following Banks done Bank of Baroda Bank of India IDBI Bank Indian Overseas Bank Union Bank of India Punjab National Bank State Bank of India State Bank of Hydrabad Bank of Maharashtra Canara Bank Dena Bank Indian Bank State Bank of Patiala

41 GRAS – Current Status of Implementation
Departments Covered : RTO Offices Covered – 51 New Vehicle Registration Payments by the dealers IGR Offices Covered – 533 Purchase of Franking Code, e Stamping, Registration Fees High Court Offices covered – 18 District & Session Court, Wardha Court Fees only Excise Offices Covered – 47 Excise Duty and other Taxes of the Department

42 GRAS – Current Status of Implementation
Directorate of Accounts and Treasury Office Offices Covered – 33 Stamp Vendor Receipts for issuing Non Judicial Stamps Food and Drug Administration One office for State License Fees Department of Co-operation, Warehousing & Textiles Repayment of Loans and Interest

43 GRAS - Statistics Total No of Challans Generated - 5,34,288
Total Amount Collected (till 31/03/2013) - 33,413 Cr. Total Registered Users - 8,834 Highest Single Challan Amount ,68,19,200.00 (56 Crore 68 Lac 19 Thousand and Two Hundred )

44 GRAS - Dashboard

45 GRAS Comparative table for Time and Cost Efficiency
Procedure Actual Time Taken at Treasury Actual Time Taken at GRAS Virtual Treasury Payee gets Challan authorized by Department 1 Day Immediate Payee makes Payment Across the Bank Counter 1-2 days 5 Minutes max Bank confirmation of Payment Cash- Same Day Cheque/DD days Immediate, on the spot Agency Bank Remitting Funds to RBI Standard decided T+3 for local & T+5 for outside (actual time taken varies) Standard decided T+1(Including Put Through Date) Scroll Submission by banks to Treasury Standard decided- Next working Day (Actual time taken +30 days in many cases) Standard decided- Next working Day electronically Trips to various offices(bank, Government office, treasury) 4 2 Loss of wages of user 2 days Nil Remittance Cost involved per transaction Approximately Rs.300 Mistakes in transaction 1% approx. 0% Requirement of payment of non-formal charges for speedy service Yes No

46 GRAS Comparative table for Time and Cost Efficiency
Procedure Actual Time Taken at Physical Treasury Actual Time Taken at GRAS Virtual Treasury Saving Bank confirmation of Payment Cash- Same Day Cheque/DD days Immediate on the spot Agency Bank Remitting Funds to RBI Standard decided T+3 for local & T+5 for outside (actual time taken varies) Standard decided T+1 (Including Put Through Date) EG:1 Crore Receipt Collected Avg 8 Days 1 day Accrued Interest (Hypothetical) Approx Rs 22,000/- Per Day 30 Crore Collection Per day 100 Crore Collection Per Day Approx Rs 6,60,000 Per Day Rs Crore (300 Days) Approx Rs 22,00,000/- Per Day Rs 66 Crore (300 Days)

47 GRAS – Future Plans Integration with Payment Gateway for Debit card / Net Banking payments. Integration with All the Nationalized Banks (26).         NEFT mode to cover all other Banks not participating in GRAS. Other services like Entertainment duty, heavy duty vehicle tax, electricity duty, excise duty, etc.

48 Integration of Systems
BEAMS CPSMS Planning Department Sevaarth & Pension TreasuryNet GRAS Central Plan Scheme Monitoring System Government Receipt Accounting System (proposed) Treasury workflow and accounting system Personnel and Pay bill package

49 Agenda BEAMS Sevaarth/Shalaarth DCPS Pension Treasury Net GRAS
Koshwahini Government Employees Loan Module Class IV Employees GPF Module Vetanika

50 Vetanika DDO Submit their employee’s Service Book for Pay Verification to Pay Verification Units under Directorate of Accounts & Treasuries. (DAT) On Verification, Service Books are returned to DDO with Verification Certificate/Objection Slip To bring in Transparency, Vetanika Module is developed for Service Book Verification of all state government employees. All DDOs, Pay Verification units, Field Dept, have been given log-in to this portal. User ID is same as BEAMS portal. DDO will log-in to this portal & fill employee Sevaarth ID & other necessary information of the employees who’s service book needs to be submitted for Pay Verification.

51 Vetanika (contd.) Service Book along with system given token number is submitted to Pay Verification unit. Pay Verification units has to follow online sequence for the verification.(FIFO basis) As objections are filled in the system by Pay Verification unit, DDO can’t overlook it. DDO and Field Depts. are given opportunity to see the status of their Service books. All Stake Holders are given required MIS. Online Pay fixation aspects of this system is under development. It is also planned to integrate this module with Pay roll package, so that employee data may be fetched from Sevaarth.

52 Agenda BEAMS Sevaarth/Shalaarth DCPS Pension Treasury Net GRAS
Vetanika Government Employees Loan Module Class IV Employees GPF Module Koshwahini

53 Koshwahini (contd.) Financial data is very much essential for decision making, reviewing monitoring & evaluating the schemes and works at the State Government level. The idle information system can help the department in exercising effective control over revenue receipts and expenditure. An efficient financial information System supports sound decision making. It is an online financial information system designed with the help of National Informatics Centre, Pune. With the computerisation of treasuries up to sub-treasury level, the data in electronic form is extracted on daily basis. Treasuries have been given facility to upload the data to Arthwahini on day to day basis through INTERNET. This bill wise/challan wise data is collected into the web portal named KOSHWAHINI. This data is made available on intranet and also INTERNET for the users.

54 Koshwahini (contd.) Koshwahini makes available the voucher wise/summarized information of each receipt as well as expenditure at the click of a button. It enables the departments to know the expenditure incurred as well as the pending bill in the Treasury/sub Treasury offices all over the State. The object of Koshwahini is to make available up to date financial information required for various departments of the Government. The system gives detailed information of monthly expenditure, Receipt and Bills in Process. It also gives reports for various payments more over, its gives reports on Budget with Expenditure for various combinations. This information is available to citizen in public domain without any user ID / password.

55 Agenda BEAMS Sevaarth/Shalaarth DCPS Pension Treasury Net GRAS
Vetanika Koshwahini Class IV Employees GPF Module Government Employees Loan Module

56 Govt. employees Loan Module
Presently Government employee loan authorization recovery & accounting is processed manually by Head of the Department. As it is time consuming & laborious task, HOD faces problem in obtaining loan application, sanctioning loan and effecting recovery thereof. To cater the needs in employee loan processing, government employee loan module is being developed. It is on platform similar to payroll package using the same database. On receiving application from employee, DDO will file it online to HOD. Considering available funds, HOD will sanction the loan online, generating online sanction order & bill.

57 Govt. employees Loan Module (contd.)
After passing the bill in treasury recovery of the loan will be automatically effected through monthly payment. Employee wise ledger as well as broad sheet will be automatically maintained. All DDO & HOD will be given MIS useful for various purposes. This module has been developed & implemented for all DDO’s under Directorate of Accounts & Treasuries. On evaluation of actual working in DAT, it will be modified & implemented to all other departments through out the state.

58 Agenda BEAMS Sevaarth/Shalaarth DCPS Pension Treasury Net GRAS
Vetanika Koshwahini Government employees Loan Module Class IV employees GPF Module

59 Class IV employees GPF Module
Presently Class IV employees GPF account is maintained manually by HO. Because of ignorance of rule, many times mistakes are committed & its result in wrong accounting/payment. Beside this being manual work it is laborious task to perform. Class IV employees GPF module will overcome the above mentioned lacunas. It is developed by TCS on platform similar to pay roll package using the same data base. The beginning employee wise opening balance will be manually entered by DDO in this module.

60 Class IV employees GPF Module (Cont…)
Thereafter as & when pay bill is generated on Sevaarth & gets passed in treasury, Class IV employee wise subscription/recovery will be added to this system automatically. DDO is in position to maintain up-to-date account i.e. ledger, broadsheet etc. of every employee. All required MIS reports will be made available to DDO, HOD & other stake holders. DDO will be given facility to prepare GPF advance/withdrawal bill online. Annual accounts statement will also be printed & given to employees. This module is at UAT (user acceptance test) stage.

61 Future Plans Coverage of receipts of all departments.
Integration of GRAS with other department’s portal (e.g., Government Insurance, Sales Tax, etc.) Development of software for Travelling Allowance Bills of Government employees. Seamless integration with other systems for eliminating physical copies of bills. Elimination of cheque payments by effecting all payments electronically. Paperless bills system in consultation with A.G. Receiving and sending all data electronically to all agencies like A.G., Banks, etc., Use of digital signatures and single sign on. Provision to generate Provisional Pension / Gratuity Bills online. All Gratuity bills to be generated by treasury. Use of bio metrics for identification of pensioners. Integration with Banks.

62 Future Plans Coverage of receipts of all departments.
Integration of GRAS with other department’s portal (e.g., Government Insurance, Sales Tax, etc.) Development of software for Travelling Allowance Bills of Government employees. Seamless integration with other systems for eliminating physical copies of bills. Elimination of cheque payments by effecting all payments electronically. Paperless bills system in consultation with A.G. Receiving and sending all data electronically to all agencies like A.G., Banks, etc., Use of digital signatures and single sign on. Provision to generate Provisional Pension / Gratuity Bills online. All Gratuity bills to be generated by treasury. Use of bio metrics for identification of pensioners. Integration with Banks.

63 Thank You!

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