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Human and Environment Interaction- Cuba has a beautiful environment that brings in around 3 million people each year. Cuba has gorgeous beaches like the.

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Presentation on theme: "Human and Environment Interaction- Cuba has a beautiful environment that brings in around 3 million people each year. Cuba has gorgeous beaches like the."— Presentation transcript:

1 Human and Environment Interaction- Cuba has a beautiful environment that brings in around 3 million people each year. Cuba has gorgeous beaches like the Varadeno and breath taking mountains including the Pica Turquino. On this island there is also abundant amount of farm land in which they grow tobacco and sugarcane. These crops are shipped all over the world and are the countries biggest exports. 25% of the population in Cuba work in the agriculture industry. Cuba's biggest server weather threat is hurricanes but they know exactly what to do when one hits. The Cuban people are informed of the weather right away and are evacuated immediately from any unsafe locations, then they protect their resources in the economy. But hurricanes are not Cuba's only threat, there is also deforestation. Only around 28% of Cuba's forest remains today. Location Imagine closing your eyes and waking up in the beautiful city of Havana, the capital of Cuba. If you thought Florida looked pretty, Cuba is absolutely stunning. At 21 degrees west and 77 degrees north, this country is home to the Sierra Maestras, a beautiful mountain range and tourists. Cuba is surrounded by the beautiful, clear waters of the Caribbean Sea. Cuba is a very populated country with 2.2 million humble people. In fact, most Cuban's can't afford to eat out because they can't afford it.

2 Place: Cuban people wear lightweight clothes that let their bodies breathe from the tropical climate that usually stays at 60 degrees (F). The cotton and linen shirts and blouses with colored detail and bright, bigger and better detailed sleeves. The girls wear tiered (layered) and ruffled skirts with these while the men wear less attention-drawing pants. There was a time where the African and Cuban clothes mixed and people wore head-wraps and bandanas with their regular clothes. It isn't as common anymore but it still is socially accepted. They live in a mix of older, colonial-era Spanish houses/palaces and modern European apartments, house, et cetra. And the religions span from Roman Catholic, newer Cuban religions, and African religions. Some of these religions have also mixed together to make their own, newer religions. Cuba is covered by huge mountains by more than one third. The remaining portions are covered by flat plains. There is a very large number of water bodies, and that is the same with the flora and fauna. Region Cuba the huge tropical island off the coast of Florida it is one of the most beautiful islands on the planet. on the island there is over 200 different rivers the longest of them all is the Cuato river it is over 230 miles long rice, cattle, and sugarcane are raised along this river. To dial for the police in cuba you dial 106. if you were to fly to Cuba in the next hour you would feel like you had just time traveled to the 1980s the cars they drive are a bright yellow or turquois if you were to drive down a street in Cuba the homes are designed and colored. Food is very cultured the island is surrounded in ravishing ocean tides and beaches its so clean you can see to the bottom being in the tropical climate its in Cuba has palm trees, pine, Majagua, logwood, and cottonwood the national tree of Cuba is called the Ceiba. The currency in cuba is the peso the peso is used in Argentina, Mexico, Columbia, Uruguay, and of course Cuba. Movement In Havana Cuba you will see lots of beautiful gardens created by the Residents themselves. Just about anywhere you look a garden with lots of delicious vegetables will be in sight. You can find these gardens on beautiful rooftops, balconies, porches, backyards and often concrete ground. They multilayer garden on self constructed terraces for more space. Each garden found there has lots of agricultural fruits vegetables and more. Most gardens are 100% organic from the food they grow to the fertilizer they use. The fertilizer most residents use are from food compost from their very own houses. All this gardening around Havana provides 50%of fresh food. Not only is food being distributed to Canada, China, Venezuela, Spain, and Netherlands but cultures too. Santeria is a religion brought to Cuba in the time of slavery by the Yoruba people of West Africa.The Yoruba were brought to Cuba by the slave trade. The slave trade also brought Africans to Brazil, Haiti, Southern USA, Puerto Rico, Trinidad, and other Caribbean countries. In Cuba the Yoruba slaves were called "Lucumi". Some believe they were called this because they called each other by saying "Oluku Mi", meaning " My friend".

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