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Report from 5th PXD DAQ Workshop Tokyo University, November 19-20, 2012 Tokyo Daigakku = „Todai“ symbol is Ginkgo leafs.

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Presentation on theme: "Report from 5th PXD DAQ Workshop Tokyo University, November 19-20, 2012 Tokyo Daigakku = „Todai“ symbol is Ginkgo leafs."— Presentation transcript:

1 Report from 5th PXD DAQ Workshop Tokyo University, November 19-20, 2012 Tokyo Daigakku = „Todai“ symbol is Ginkgo leafs

2 EVO 27.11.2012S. Lange | Report from VXD DAQ Workshop @ Todai 2

3 EVO 27.11.2012S. Lange | Report from VXD DAQ Workshop @ Todai 3  organized by Higuchi-san (thanks!)  5th PXD DAQ Workshop was a VXD DAQ Workshop  dedicated almost 100% to DESY telescope test  Situation „as usual“ on PXD DAQ Workshop: presentations are interrupted frequently immediate discussion is fast, intelligent, direct, but always fair ! following what‘s going on by EVO difficult (maybe impossible)  DESY Test has 2 guidelines - Keep it as close to the final design - Keep it simple (whereever possible)

4 EVO 27.11.2012S. Lange | Report from VXD DAQ Workshop @ Todai 4 DESY Test Setup DHH #1 DHH #2 2 optical links 6 Gbps UDP (RJ45) EVB #1 (SVD only) HLT FastRECO (basf2, root histos) 2 optical links 2 Gbps KONTRON Switch ATCA backplane ROI broadcast Trigger IN ROIs #1 (RJ45) RJ45 SVD DATA ROIs #2 (RJ45) LVDS >>> JTAG <<< online track finder in basf2 Beam Copper EVB #2 (SVD + PXD) FTSW beam (silicon PM) GbE to MicroBlaze PEDESTAL UPLOAD PXD DATA Belle2Link DATCON FTB FADC Junction Box Junction Box Buffer FADC Control VME DHHC updated version post-BGM

5 EVO 27.11.2012S. Lange | Report from VXD DAQ Workshop @ Todai 5 DESY Test – keep it close to the final design  We will use FTSW for timing/trigger distribution (as no beam clock, Nakao-san will generate clock)  There will be a DHHC  DHH will be new ATCA module, if ready fallback solution: existing 3 DHH VME modules  DCE3 will be used (this implies: data in cluster binary format)  LVDS cable length 15 m (over wall) with preemphasis  COPPER  new : PrPMC boards (PC daughter cards on COPPER, which receive digitized data from FINESSE)  new : multiple-event-DMA  Go up with the rate <10 kHz  ATCA-EVB: UDP with handshaking (not TCP/IP)  CO 2 cooling (MARCO) and air cooling (T=−30 o C) (dry air or nitrogen not decided yet)

6 EVO 27.11.2012S. Lange | Report from VXD DAQ Workshop @ Todai 6 DESY Test - Keep it „simple“  PXD6 devices, not PXD9 (from Batch 3, possibly “mixed” designs) but a lot of development still to do (Cu metallization, flip chipping, kapton flex, testing etc.)  SVD modules: no wedges 3 large sensors existing (from „drawers“ in Vienna) Markus´ idea: 4th module will be very first (4‘‘) Origami module (77.7 x 25.6 mm 2)  DHH ! ONSEN: only 1 optical link ! no Aurora channel bonding ! no event building on ONSEN required  EVB: only 1 node (only 1 IP adress, point-to-point w/o packet loss) but parallellization in b2Sockets data will be stored on USB disk

7 EVO 27.11.2012S. Lange | Report from VXD DAQ Workshop @ Todai 7 Goal of the Test as well: not only get data, but (a) filter data online and (b) try slow control scheme  ROI  HLT will be ¸ 5 PCs  will be reduced ! 48 bit already for DESY test  New result on ROI size by Pit Vonhoefer, pT=50-100 MeV/c ! 40 x 40 pixels (large!)  quadratic ROIs are an option (advantage ! 32 bit) (reduction factor will be checked again with background data)  ROIs from 2 sources (HLT, DATCON) and ATCA backplane broadcast  outgoing data must be in sequence of HLT (need a protection, HLT must be 2nd to DATCON)  Slow control  There will be an „EPICS master“ (CSS+Archiver+Alarm Handler) ! this simplifies the NSM-EPICS interface (i.e. the EPICS master is one NSM client)  IPbus for DHH (UDP stack for FPGA, no PowerPC, no Linux)  NSMv2 (64 bit) is baseline (NSMv1 is backup)

8 EVO 27.11.2012S. Lange | Report from VXD DAQ Workshop @ Todai 8 SVD readout (belle2link !)  requires two b2l cores on Spartan-6  DATCON needs FTSW connection for flow control (not foreseen yet)  SVD event format (FADC format) still to be defined (Markus)  PXD data must be root -formatted for PXD+SVD event building (requires basf2 module on EVB #2) K. Hara-san Higuchi-san Itoh-san Nakao-san

9 EVO 27.11.2012S. Lange | Report from VXD DAQ Workshop @ Todai 9 PCs (HLT, EVB, Slow Control) will be contributed by DESY (thank you very much) needs basf2 Logistics

10 EVO 27.11.2012S. Lange | Report from VXD DAQ Workshop @ Todai 10 Compute Node v3 requires another iteration of Carrier Board (but not critical for DESY Test)

11 EVO 27.11.2012S. Lange | Report from VXD DAQ Workshop @ Todai 11

12 EVO 27.11.2012S. Lange | Report from VXD DAQ Workshop @ Todai 12

13 EVO 27.11.2012S. Lange | Report from VXD DAQ Workshop @ Todai 13 Next steps  More homework in Higuchi-san’s detailed summary &resId=0&materialId=slides&confId=11242 &resId=0&materialId=slides&confId=11242  Magnetic field in the cave (no flux return) is an overall concern shielding etc. must be foreseen  Combined DHP+DHH+ONSEN Test TUM+Giessen, around Wetzlar meeting @ Giessen  Next workshop Apr. 11 th and 12 th, 2013 @ DESY (incl. “gemba” meetings in the experimental hall) Thank you!

14 EVO 27.11.2012S. Lange | Report from VXD DAQ Workshop @ Todai 14 Beyond the DESY Test: issues for the PXD DAQ future  in the new accelerator scenario (A), there is no combined cosmic DAQ test anymore (PXD+SVD+other subdetectors)  Backpressure (flow control) not implemented not in belle2link, not in PXD DAQ if buffers are full, data will be dropped ! we need to think (option is ATCA rear transition module with LVDS to FTSW)  implications of revised neurotrigger (z trigger) design ? FPGA boards + Hough transform + multilayer preceptron we decided that PXD DAQ (DATCON) does not need it as seed (because efficiency too low for these tracks)  new cabling scheme ONSEN + DATCON will be located in E-Hut (if E-Hut is only radiation controlled area and can be accessed any time without stopping beam)

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