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Photoshop Rasters/bitmaps. Download and unzip  Previously: downloaded Photoshop  On web site  Into InClass/Photoshop/images.

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Presentation on theme: "Photoshop Rasters/bitmaps. Download and unzip  Previously: downloaded Photoshop  On web site  Into InClass/Photoshop/images."— Presentation transcript:

1 Photoshop Rasters/bitmaps

2 Download and unzip  Previously: downloaded Photoshop  On web site  Into InClass/Photoshop/images

3 Images  constructed/edited via layers  Photoshop files end in.psd ( P hoto s hop D ocument)  The psd version contains the image, plus Photoshop information-- Layer names, layer adjustments, brightness adjustments etc  Burt Monroy – 700,000 layers in one graphic Burt Monroy  Show rulers, pixels  Open threepix.psd  What is the size in pixels? Note: File>Revert to re-load last time you saved

4 Photo guidelines  Rule of thirds

5 Guides…  Subject: Looking into the frame ( a.k.a. center of Interest)  Use of Leading Lines:

6 Frame your photo

7 Bitmap=raster  Zoom in until see pixels (ctrl-+)

8 Workspace  Window> Reset essentials

9 Rotate 90 degrees (Image menu…)  If bottom is background and locked  We Fix in class  Name England

10 Background problem  Locked  Rename as England…no lock any more

11 Selections  Magic wand  Quick Selection  Use Quick Selection to select sky  Feather  Lassos  Select “hut”  Add to selection?  Delete from selection?

12 More tools  Foreground color  Paint bucket  Edit>Step Backward  Like an un-do, Ctrl-z works also  History  Brush  …..let’s look at that a bit

13 Brush…  Create a selection  Use brush to color in

14 Brush Practice…  Using a brush to paint a selection  Quick Select to Select area around soldier  Select>Modify>Feathe r…50  Choose color will use to “brush”  Select Brush  40 pixels wide  Soft  Paint over selected area

15 Adjustment Layers  Benefit?  Use History to get back to where we selected only  Find adjustments tab:

16 Find hue and saturation Won’t affect original photo Look for hue and saturation Be sure to check Colorize Choose your sky color

17 More Selection tools  Marque tools  Magic Wand  Quick Select  Healing tools  Remember:  Ctrl-D to delete marching ants  Ctrl- H to hide them

18 Magic Wand  Selects on contrast, color  You specify a certain pixel  Tolerance dictates choosing pixels that are up to 32 shades darker, 32 brighter…assumes tolerance = 32

19 Why select?  One reason: So we can colorize the selection

20 Colorize: Using paint bucket  Select area (we did)  We saw how to use paint brush to colorize  Also we have a paint bucket.  Select Foreground color tool  Open swatches panel  Choose color  Paint Bucket to “paint”

21 Using the Brush tool  Also To colorize  Select it  In Control area choose brush hardness, width:

22 Quick Select  Works same as Magic Wand…does better job

23 Practice: in class  Select the sky around the smaller Stonehenge picture  Tricky because of the way the sky is involved.  Make the sky be a dark gray  Mine: Make the grass be brighter

24 Add clouds  Select the sky  Foreground color = white (255 255 255)  Choose background color…pale blue cmyk (55,13,6,0)  Add a new layer, name it Clouds  Select the new layer  Filter>Render>Clouds

25 So far:  Make selections using Magic wand, quick select  Add, delete from selections  Use Hue and Saturation adjustments on a selection

26 Lasso tools  Lasso  Magnetic lasso

27 Moving and cropping  Select the wide shot of Stonehenge  Crop to it  Image>Crop  See rule of thirds?

28 Practice; Select so can move selections  Select a rock  Move it:  Leave’s a hole  Clone stamp tool does better job…

29 Clone Stamp  Copies pixels from one location to another.  Alt-click location to pick up pixels, see bulls eye?  Paint/drag to where you want pixels to be copied to  Note + sign

30 Resizing  Image Size Image>Image size

31 This is the end  No more

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