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North West Surrey CCG Health Profile 2015. Health Profile Summary Population – current, projected & specific groups Wider determinants Health behaviours.

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Presentation on theme: "North West Surrey CCG Health Profile 2015. Health Profile Summary Population – current, projected & specific groups Wider determinants Health behaviours."— Presentation transcript:

1 North West Surrey CCG Health Profile 2015

2 Health Profile Summary Population – current, projected & specific groups Wider determinants Health behaviours Disease prevalence Multi-morbidity Life expectancy Healthy life expectancy Health inequalities Conclusions

3 Mid 2013 Estimate of Population by 5 year age group and gender

4 Population projection 2015 to2025

5 Non-white ethnic group percentages

6 Religion and belief

7 Specific population groups People with a physical disability Around 21,235 working age adults have a moderate to serious physical disability Nearly 10,000 people have a moderate to serious personal care disability People with a learning disability 5,072 adults (aged 16 -64) are estimated to have a learning disability and 1,266 65 and over 40% with moderate or severe learning disabilities live with their parents

8 Specific population groups People with mental health conditions Estimate of around 64,000 with one or more mental health conditions during any year (23%) 14,339 people are diagnosed with depression (QOF) 2,345 with psychotic illness Carers The 2011 Census shows that there are around 32,000 people in North West Surrey CCG who provide unpaid care

9 Specific population groups LGBT Between 6,000 and 9,300 people identifying as LGBT Armed forces, veterans and military families Approximately 600 of armed forces in Surrey are living in communal establishments, mainly in Pirbright Barracks Further 659 members of the armed forces living in the community, possibly with families Adult social care Over 5,000 adults were receiving personal support in May 2015. A third of these are 85 years or older, but a quarter were young adults aged 18 to 54.

10 Births and deaths Around 4,511 births each year and it is likely that mothers give birth at an older age than nationally Higher rate of births among traveller communities with associated poorer maternal and infant health outcomes There were 13,859 deaths between 2008 and 2012 Considerable variation between CCG wards driven by differences in deprivation but also in concentration of care homes

11 Wider determinants of health

12 Overall local deprivation by LSOA (10 is most deprived)

13 Fuel poverty

14 Access to GP

15 Health behaviours

16 Alcohol Increasing risk, higher risk and binge drinking rates for Surrey adult population (16+)

17 Smoking prevalence estimates by ward

18 Percentage of children aged 10-11 classified as having excess weight by ward

19 Physical activity Percentage of active adults (achieving at least 150 minutes of physical activity per week)

20 Disease prevalence, incidence and mortality

21 Dental health

22 Hypertension

23 Diabetes

24 Coronary Heart Disease Emergency hospital admissions ratio by ward

25 Coronary Heart Disease Standardised mortality ratio by ward

26 Stroke Stroke emergency hospital admissions ratio by ward

27 Stroke Standardised mortality ratio for deaths from stroke by ward

28 Atrial fibrillation

29 Cancer Standardised mortality ratio for deaths from all cancer by ward

30 Respiratory disease COPD emergency hospital admissions ratio by ward

31 Respiratory disease Standardised mortality ratio for all respiratory disease by ward

32 Osteoporosis Emergency hospital admissions ratio for hip fracture in those 65 and over by ward

33 Dementia

34 Depression

35 Psychotic disorders

36 Complex patients with multiple co- morbidities

37 Life Expectancies, Potential Years of Life Lost and Health Inequalities

38 Life expectancy Life expectancy at birth for men by ward

39 Life expectancy Life expectancy at birth for women by ward

40 Life expectancy Life expectancy at age 65 for men and women

41 Healthy Life expectancy Healthy life expectancy at birth for men and women

42 Healthy Life expectancy Healthy life expectancy at age 65 for men and women

43 Potential Years of Life Lost All conditions considered amenable to healthcare

44 Potential Years of Life Lost Specific conditions considered amenable to healthcare

45 Health Inequalities due to Deprivation Percentage contribution of causes of death to the life expectancy gap in men

46 Health Inequalities due to Deprivation Percentage contribution of cause of death to life expectancy gap in women

47 Health inequalities due to serious mental illness

48 Link to NWS CCG Health Profile urceID=1613 If you have any questions please contact : Anu Shaikh ( Adwoa Owusu( )

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