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Post-Cold War America U.S. History Mr. Jeffers. George Herbert Walker Bush George Bush, the Elder, became president in 1988, defeating Dem. Mike Dukakis,

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1 Post-Cold War America U.S. History Mr. Jeffers

2 George Herbert Walker Bush George Bush, the Elder, became president in 1988, defeating Dem. Mike Dukakis, Gov. of Mass. Bush promised “no new taxes.” During his administration the Cold War came to a screeching halt with the fall of the Berlin Wall and the collapse of communism in Eastern Europe and the USSR.

3 George H. W. Bush In 1989, Bush sends troops to Panama to capture dictator Manuel Noriega, whose National Assembly declared a “state of war” on the U.S. In 1990, Iraqi troops under Saddam Hussein invade Kuwait and take over the oil fields.

4 1991 Persian Gulf War The U.N. and U.S. had set a deadline of January 15 for Iraqi withdrawal. Bush sent U.S. troops to Saudi Arabia as soon as the invasion had occurred. Because of successful air strikes, the ground war lasted fewer than 100 hours. Hussein set the Kuwait oil fields on fire.

5 Race Relations The beating of Rodney King by LAPD is caught on camera in 1991. When the police officers are acquitted, riots enflame the city of LA in 1992. The police officers were later convicted on federal civil rights charges. Clarence Thomas, Bush’s replacement for Thurgood Marshall on the Supreme Court was accused of sexual harassment by former colleague Anita Hill.

6 “It’s the Economy, Stupid” Unemployment tops 6.1%. 1992 Proposed Budget is $1.4 Billion and the Deficit exceeds $300 Billion. Bush refused to admit a “recession.” The econ. downturn led to a wide field of Democratic candidates seeking to challenge Bush in Nov. Clinton’s campaign mngr. James Carville reminded him, “It’s the Economy, Stupid.”

7 Election of 1992 Ark. Governor Bill Clinton won the Democratic nomination after allega- tions of marital infidelity and draft- dodging. He chose fellow southerner Al Gore as a running mate, winning several southern states. Texas Billionaire H. Ross Perot entered the race as an independent and won 19% of the popular vote, but NO electoral votes. Issues included free trade, Bush’s failed Issues included free trade, Bush’s failed promise not to raise taxes, national promise not to raise taxes, national health care, character, and the national health care, character, and the national debt. debt.

8 1992 Electoral Map

9 William Jefferson Clinton Became the youngest President since Kennedy. (1993-2001) 1 st President of “Baby Boomers” “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” allows gays in the military. Hillary Clinton is named to head a commission on health care, but her proposal fails in Congress. NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement) eliminates tariffs between U.S., Mexico and Canada.

10 Health Care Reform

11 Clinton’s Foreign Policy Civil War breaks out in Yugoslavian states of Bosnia and Herzegovina, ultimately requiring U.N. troops in 1995 Israel’s Yitzak Rabin and the PLO’s Yassir Arafat sign a peace accord. Britain and N. Ireland sign a peace pact in 1995. Lifting of the embargo on trade with Vietnam. Air strikes on Kosovo after Yugoslavian Pres. Slobodan Milosevic conducted genocide. Pres. Slobodan Milosevic conducted genocide. Air strikes against Iraq in 1998.

12 Pre-9/11 Terrorism 1993 1 st Bombing of the World Trade Center from the ground level. 1995 OK federal building bombed by Timothy McVeigh, killing 168, including 18 children. 1996 a bomb rocks the Summer Olympics in Atlanta and a U.S. military complex in Saudi Arabia. 1998 Bombings of U.S.S. Cole and U.S. embassy in Kenya & Tanzania U.S. embassy in Kenya & Tanzania 1999 A series of school shootings begins with Columbine High School

13 Crime and Punishment 1995 O.J. Simpson found not guilty of double homicide. He is later found liable in a civil trial. 1996 “Unabomber” Ted Kaczynski is captured after his 16 th victim. Clintons accused of improper financial dealings in “Whitewater” investigation that leads to the appointment of Special Prosecutor Kenneth Starr.

14 Politics and Scandal 1994: House Speaker Newt Gingrich leads a “Republican Revolution” in winning a majority in Congress, pledging a Contract with America. Clinton wins a landslide re- election in 1996 against Senate Majority Leader Bob Dole. Clinton works with Republicans to pass the 1996 Welfare Reform Act

15 Politics and Scandal While investigating Whitewater, Ken Starr uncovered a relationship that Clinton had with a White House intern, Monica Lewinski. When it was discovered that Clinton lied about the relationship under oath in the Paula Jones civil case, the Republican Congress moved to impeach Clinton. Although the House impeached Clinton on two counts of perjury and subborning perjury, a vote in the Senate acquitted him of the charges. Clinton is the 2 nd President to be impeached (after Andrew Johnson)

16 1990s Economy 1998: Federal Budget Surplus for the first time in 30 years. Unemployment was down to a 24 year low. Stock market soared in “bull market”. The NYSE broke 10,000 barrier. The NYSE broke 10,000 barrier. The economic boom was based largely on the NASDAQ tech stocks such as “dotcoms.” The economic boom was based largely on the NASDAQ tech stocks such as “dotcoms.” Consumer confidence at a 30 year high. Consumer confidence at a 30 year high.

17 Monetary Policy Federal Reserve Chair Alan Greenspan was very influential in the economic boom of the 1990s. (1986-2005) Loose monetary policy = lowering interest rates and increasing money in circulation to inspire consumer spending. (jump-starting the economy) Tight monetary policy = increasing interest rates and decreasing money in circulation to discourage consumer spending. (applying the breaks to the economy)

18 Election of 2000 Clinton’s VP Al Gore, Jr. won the Dem. nomination TX Gov. George W. Bush, son of the former president, won the Rep. nomination. The election ended in a stalemate in Florida, where Democrats demanded a recount. New words: hanging chads, dimpled chads, pregnant chads, and butterfly ballots.


20 Election of 2000 After weeks of indecision, the Supreme Court ordered an end to the manual recount, effectively awarding the electoral votes to Bush. Although Gore still won the popular vote, Bush won the electoral vote and became president. This is only the 4 th time in U.S. history this has happened. (others: Adams in 1824, Hayes in 1876, and Harrison in 1888.

21 2000 Electoral Map

22 Bush the Younger After the attack on the World Trade Center in NYC and the Pentagon in D.C., Bush’s foreign and domestic policy centered on anti-terrorism and national security. After 9/11 (2001), the U.S. sent troops to Afghanistan, toppling to Al-Quaeda-friendly Taliban regime, and then to Iraq, ending Saddam Hussein’s rule.

23 Important “Firsts” Maya Angelou: 1 st woman and black to speak at an inauguration (Clinton) Madeleine Albright: 1 st Female Secretary of State (Clinton) Janet Reno: 1 st Female Attorney General (Clinton) Colin Powell: 1st black Secretary of State (G.W. Bush) Condoleeza Rice: 1st black female Secretary of State (G.W. Bush) Hillary Clinton: 1 st First Lady to win election (NY)

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