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Welcome to Masterton Primary School Preparing for Primary One Parents’ Information Session Tuesday 10 th May 2016.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Masterton Primary School Preparing for Primary One Parents’ Information Session Tuesday 10 th May 2016."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Masterton Primary School Preparing for Primary One Parents’ Information Session Tuesday 10 th May 2016

2 Purpose of this Session To welcome you to Masterton Primary School and to provide some information about our school To share necessary information prior to your child starting school in August To provide you with the opportunity to meet representatives from groups within our wider school community and find out about their role

3 Our School Opened in November 2006 with only 5 classes 13 classes covering Primaries 1 – 7 with a role of 350 pupils

4 Our School A single storey building with 2 main teaching areas Primaries 1-3 are accommodated in one wing and P.4-7 are accommodated in another wing Currently one class (P.4/5) is based in the community lounge

5 Our School ICT suite and Wifi An assembly hall / gym hall, music room and library areas Large grounds with a large playing field timetabled for use by all the children and enclosed garden area

6 Our Shared Vision ‘We aspire to be a place where everyone feels valued and respected, where everyone will achieve their full potential in a welcoming environment that nurtures and challenges the whole child. We aspire to be a school where excellent quality learning and teaching takes place.’

7 Our Values Respect Responsibility Honesty

8 School Tours

9 Preparing for Primary One in August 2016

10 Before Your Child’s First Day Visit our School Tuesday 17th May 2016 from 2pm until 3pm Wednesday 25 th May 2016 from 9.15 am until 10.15 am Thursday 16 th June from 11am until 12 pm

11 Before Your Child’s First Day Optional Drop-in Session Tuesday 7th June 2016 from 3.20pm until 4pm

12 Help Prepare Your Child for School Ensure your child is toilet trained Help your child recognise their name Encourage independence and resilience Enthuse together about school

13 School Uniform Boys Grey/black trousers Grey/black shorts (summer) White shirt and school tie White polo-shirt (school/plain) School jumper

14 School Uniform Girls Grey/black pinafore, skirt or trousers White shirt and school tie White polo-shirt (school/plain) School jumper or cardigan Blue & white summer dress

15 Other Equipment Gym Kit Water Bottle PLEASE ADD NAME LABELS TO ALL BELONGINGS!

16 First Day at School Wednesday 17 th August 2016

17 First Day at School Arrive for 09.15 am Pupils line up at P1 entrance in the quad area of playground Pupils will have a snack at playtime (10.40) School ends at 12.30 pm. Children to be collected at the P1 door.

18 First Days at School Thursday 18th August until Friday 26th August 2016 Half school days - 9am until 12.30pm From Monday 29th August 2016 Full school days—9 am until 3.05pm

19 At School Cloakroom Morning Routine

20 At School Playtime (10.40-10.55am) Encourage healthy snacks Daily milk (if requested)

21 At School Playtime – Encouraging Friendships Staged into main playground Supervision

22 At School Lunchtime (12.35 – 1.25 pm) School Dinner Packed Lunch Home Dinner

23 At School Accident/Unwell First Aiders Bump Note Contact Medication

24 Communication Paperless Communication Newsletters and Curriculum Newsletters E-mails Letters/notes in blue bag Information from class teachers School website

25 Concerns/Queries Come into office (general enquiry) Phone E-mail Send in a letter Make an appointment to see class teacher/ SLT

26 School ToursHouse Captains and Vice Captains Mrs. Louise Reekie Administrative Assistant – School Uniform Mrs. Jane Mitchell Support for Learning Teacher Out of School ClubFiona Coote (Childcare Manager) School Dinners Isabel Hunter (Cook) Parent Council/ FrOMPSKirsty Boyd Information Stations

27 Questions

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