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COMMON CORE STATE STANDARDS AND THE SOCRATIC SEMINAR Mendez Fundamental – November 7, 2012 Presented by: Katherine Rich Topic: Common Core for Special.

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Presentation on theme: "COMMON CORE STATE STANDARDS AND THE SOCRATIC SEMINAR Mendez Fundamental – November 7, 2012 Presented by: Katherine Rich Topic: Common Core for Special."— Presentation transcript:

1 COMMON CORE STATE STANDARDS AND THE SOCRATIC SEMINAR Mendez Fundamental – November 7, 2012 Presented by: Katherine Rich Topic: Common Core for Special Populations

2 PURPOSE C: Deepen understanding of CCSS as it relates to EL and Special Education C: Question and examine theories and principles related to our profession L: Construct meaning through analysis, interpretation, listening, and participation S: Engage in collaboration with our colleagues They demonstrate independence. They build strong content knowledge. They respond to the varying demands of audience, task, purpose, and discipline. They comprehend as well as critique. They value evidence. (They use technology and digital media strategically and capably.) They come to understand other perspectives and cultures. Today’s Content, Language, and Social Objectives: CCSS Literacy Capacities for our Students:


4 DIRECTIONS:  Red Circle: = “High Expectations for All”  Green Circle “Instruction for Diverse Groups of Language Learners” 1.Do a Close Read of your Article excerpt. The text is already numbered, but please mark the text with your questions, connections, and observations. 2.Write two questions on a separate index card from “Socratic Seminar Question Stems” or create your own using “Open-Ended Questions for Socratic Seminar.” Be sure to include page and paragraph numbers. 3.GATE Accommodations

5 TRADITIONAL: INNER/OUTER CIRCLE Inner Circle: Discussing Outer Circle: Observing

6 PILOT / CO-PILOT Pilot Co-Pilot Outer Circle: Advising Inner Circle: Discussing Co-Pilot


8 LET’S ENGAGE… 1.Establish norms. 2.Arrange seats. 3.Discuss! Inner Circle

9 SHARE “High Expectations for All” “Instruction for Diverse Groups of English Language Learners”

10 REFLECT  Strength of session/day...  Suggestions for change...  Things I will apply to my work...  Things I need support with...


12 SOCRATIC SEMINAR BASICS  Students:  Study text closely  Lead discussion  Share insights and ask critical, open-ended questions  Challenge ideas in a rigorous, thoughtful manner while building critical thinking skills

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