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General Chemistry Lesson plan The discovery of the nucleus. (Rutherford's Experiment)

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1 General Chemistry Lesson plan The discovery of the nucleus. (Rutherford's Experiment)

2 Pennsylvania Academic Standards for Science: 3.1.12 Unifying themes of science. Provide big ideas that integrate with significant concepts. 3.4.12 Physical Science, Physics, and Chemistry. Apply concepts about the structure of matter.

3 Assessment techniques  Concept mapping: E.g. Venn diagram  Questions and answers  Worksheet.

4 Enduring Understandings  Atom is the basic building block of matter.  Exploring the structure of the atom leads to conceptual understanding of the structure of matter.

5 Important knowledge concept principles skill and facts  Models describe small things & difficult concepts  Theories can be changed with new info. & discoveries  Describe how e - s p + s, and n 0 s influence the identity & identity of an atom

6 Objectives  Explain protons, Electrons, and neutron.  Define composition, & position of nucleus  State the mass and charge of the subatomic particles.  Draw several historical models of the atom. (Dalton, Thomson, & Rutherford)

7 Methods  Demonstrations  Hands on using tissue, darts sponge and pins  Small group discussion  Computer animations stry/essentialchemistry/flash/ruther1 4.swf stry/essentialchemistry/flash/ruther1 4.swf  Do the assignment

8 Materials  Computer animations or simulation/Animation  Thin Sponge and needles  Napkins and darts  Foil paper (to mimic gold foil)

9 Assignment  Draw and label diagrams to show what most people thought the atom looked like before 1911 and what most people today think it looks like. Before 1911Today  Explain why the gold leaf experiment showed that the plum pudding model of the atom could not be accurate.  Rutherford was the first person to split the atom. List some of the benefits and problems which have resulted from this knowledge. BenefitsProblems

10 Procedures  Warm up: State the 5 points of Dalton’s atomic theory  Introduction Point out that that Dalton’s theory has been modified. (Atoms are divisible) Briefly mention Thomson’s discovery of electrons Briefly introduce Rutherford’s exp.

11 Procedure cont. Hands on Hand in materials  Thin Sponge and needles  Napkins and darts  Ask students to pierce the sponge and napkin with the needle and the dart and write their observations.  A few groups share their observations

12 Procedure cont. Imagination How would explain a phenomenon where a dart bounces back off a napkin target? All students MUST WRITE THEIR RESPONSES. A few good ones will share. Watch the animation/simulation try/essentialchemistry/flash/ruther14.swf

13 References School Distirct of Philadelphia: planning and Scheduling timeline. (2007-2008) Core curriculum standards alignment resources. Core curriculum resources. Holt chemistry by Myers, Oldham and Tocci

14 References cont. pedia/R/Rutherfords_experiment_an d_atomic_model.htm istry/essentialchemistry/flash/ruther 14.swf istry/essentialchemistry/flash/ruther 14.swf 02788/atomsandelementsstudentwor ksheets.pdf

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