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Glasgow City Council CARE HOME FRAMEWORK TENDER Provider Session - 21 March 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "Glasgow City Council CARE HOME FRAMEWORK TENDER Provider Session - 21 March 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 Glasgow City Council CARE HOME FRAMEWORK TENDER Provider Session - 21 March 2014

2 Glasgow City Council The Local Market - 85 Care Homes / 4,137 Beds / 520 Vacancies - Poor Quality / Moratoria - Highest rate pr 1,000 pop aged 65+ spt in care homes in Scotland (Glasgow 48.1, Scotland average 34.1, Lowest 21.1) - Significant failures in care over last 2yrs (particularly in specialist / high cost services)

3 Glasgow City Council Future Requirements - Demographics - Population projections taken as a baseline - % change in population calculated and applied to occupied care home placement rate for 3,5, 10years - Adjustment to take account of reducing placement rates (56.2 in 2002/03 to 48.1 in 2011/12) - RCOP - Homecare reablement - Intermediate Care - Outcome - 32% reduction over the 10yr period to 2022/23

4 Glasgow City Council Placement Type GCC purchases over 3,500 placements within and outside Glasgow Over 2,500 GCC placements are made within Glasgow Around 700 Glasgow care home residents are self funding Placements from other local authorities Direct service provision of 604 beds

5 Glasgow City Council Self Funding Projection If current trends and demographic changes continue an additional 300 self funding residents is projected after 10 years These projections are subject to significant uncertainty Levels of self funding demand in care homes may be substantially influenced by other factors eg RCOP

6 Glasgow City Council Detailed Placement Projections YearResidentialERC Intensive Care & SuppNursing Intermed CareTotal Year on Year Reduction% Change 2013/14 -----3393-- 2014/15 43918918620052003019374-11.0% 2015/16 39112913819472002805214-7.1% 2016/17 347699419032002613192-6.8% 2017/18 32595718792002470143-5.5% 2018/19 3200451855200242050-2.0% 2022/23 3200451855200242000%

7 Glasgow City Council Over 65 Population Projections By Area North East North WestSouthGlasgow 201224,85126,27329,63180,755 3 Year24,97226,66629,85781,495 5 Year25,18526,90530,07482,164 10 Year27,18029,07632,49688,751 % Change over 10 years7.9%8.1% 8.0%

8 Glasgow City Council Sector Capacity Current occupancy level around 88% Some vacant capacity within sector required for contingency planning Benchmark level projected to be around 93% occupancy

9 Glasgow City Council Framework Tender Lots to be part of tender Residential Care Nursing Care Intensive Care & Support (Replacing current specialist categories of care)

10 Glasgow City Council Framework Tender Queries Intermediate Care Respite Equalities Requirements Intensive Care & Support – focus on presenting need / dedicated units? Changing Service User Need ?

11 Glasgow City Council GCC Market Share Currently 604 beds / approximately 15% of care home beds in Glasgow Will reduce to 550 through capital programme Decision taken by elected members / work going back to 2007.

12 Glasgow City Council Future of Residential Care in Scotland Recommendations: Evolution & Expansion of Extra-Care housing Residential sector focused on Rehabilitation & Prevention Smaller, more specialised residential sector focused on delivering high quality 24hr care for people with substantial care needs GCC / JSCP approach is consistent with the review

13 Glasgow City Council Engagement Groups Future Capacity Modelling Contract (Miriam Jackson) Quality (Miriam Jackson) Provider Capacity re Tenders (Ranald Mair) Fee Rates / Funding (Colin Christie)

14 Glasgow City Council Fee Rates / Funding Base Position & Uplift Minimum Wage Living Wage Regulation Increased costs of ‘higher end care’ GCC specifications of differing levels of care

15 Glasgow City Council QUESTIONS & DISCUSSION

16 Glasgow City Council TENDER TIMELINE & PROCESS

17 Glasgow City Council Tender Headliners (Recap) - Framework Agreement (2yrs+1yr+1yr) - Open Tender (EU regs, Public Procurement Legislation) - New Business and what was NCHC and Commissioned - Not Price Competitive / Fee level for each category - Uplift identified for the period of the Agreement; implemented in year 2 through to year 4.

18 Glasgow City Council Timescales & Milestones - ITT is anticipated to be published on the 31 st March 2014. - Tender Proposals to be returned by the 19 th May 2014 (49 Days) - Evaluation will take approx 70 days in total (28 th July 0214). - Framework commencement expected middle to late Sept’14. - Public Contract Scotland Tender. ( - Providers can register prior to ITT publication date.

19 Glasgow City Council Categories of Care & Lot Selection - 3 Lots comprising of 4 Categories of Care -Nursing Care, Residential Support, Intensive Nursing Care and Intensive Residential Support. (Either on Long and Short term admission) - Limited Lot selection will impact on a providers ability to deliver other unselected Categories of Care.

20 Glasgow City Council Important Points to Note -Respite is not requested; however if a Provider wishes to deliver respite then the Council may purchase as per current arrangements. -If a providers fails to submit a tender proposal or is unsuccessful during evaluation then GCC will not be able to purchase future business from that provider. - A new tender for Care Home services is unlikely to be issued within 4 years from commencement of Framework.

21 Glasgow City Council Questions?

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