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Magnetic responsive cellulose nanocomposites Sonja Päärnilä 8.3.2016.

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Presentation on theme: "Magnetic responsive cellulose nanocomposites Sonja Päärnilä 8.3.2016."— Presentation transcript:

1 Magnetic responsive cellulose nanocomposites Sonja Päärnilä 8.3.2016

2 Production of magnetic fibers Coaxial wet spinning Applications Overview

3 Production of magnetic fibers Lumen-loading Physical Magnetic NP + cellulose pulp Vigorous stirring Washing Heterogeneous composite In situ co-precipitation Chemical Iron ions + cellulose pulp Vigorous stirring NaOH  Fe 3 O 4 Better control of magnetic properties Modification: stepwise dipping process Liu et al. 2013

4 Fibers with coaxial wet spinning Kou et al. 2014

5 Other morphologies Films Microspheres Hydrogels and aerogels A) B) Liu et al. 2013

6 Applications Magnetic imaging Magnetic shielding Lutz et al. 2006 Sonehara et al. 2009

7 Applications FiltersCell and protein separation Other applications: magnetic paper, electromagnetically driven printing, sensors, information storage etc. Munaweera et al. 2014 Pinchuk et al. 1994

8 Lumen-loading and in situ Coaxial wet spinning one possible method to produce fibers Many applications for magnetic nanocomposites Conclusions

9 Kou, L. & Huang, T. & Zheng, B. & Han, I. & Zhao, X. Gopalsamy, K. & Sun, H. & Gao, C. 2014. Coaxial wet-spun yarn supercapacitors for high-energy density and safe wearable electronics. Nature communications. Vol 5. Pp. 1-10. Liu, S. & Luo, X. & Zhou, J. 2013. Magnetic responsive cellulose nanocomposites and their applications. Cellulose – medical, pharmaceutical and electronic applications. Pp. 105-124. Lutz, J.F. & Stiller, S. & Hoth, A. & Kaufner, L. & Pison, U. Cartier, R. 2006. One-pot synthesis of PEGylated ultrasmall iron-oxide nanoparticles and their in vivo evaluation as magnetic resonance imaging contrast agents. Vol 7. Pp. 3132-3138. Munaweera, I. & Aliev, A. & Balkus, K.J. 2014. Electrospun cellulose acetate-garnet nanocomposites magnetic fibers for bioseparations. ACS Applied materials and interfaces. Vol 6. Pp. 244-251. Pinchuk, L.S. & Markova, L.V. & Gromyko, Yu.V. & Markov, E.M. & Choi, U.S. 1994. Polymeric magnetic fibrous filters. Journal of materials processing technology. Vol 55. Pp. 345-350. Sonehara, M. & Noguchi, S. & Kurashina, T. & Sato, T. & Yamasawa, K. & Miura, Y. 2009. Development of an electromagnetic wave shielding textile by electroless Ni-based alloy plating. IEEE transactions on magnetics. Vol 45:10. Pp. 4173-4175. References

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