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Law sin death Romans 8:1-4 No condemnation for those in Christ.

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Presentation on theme: "Law sin death Romans 8:1-4 No condemnation for those in Christ."— Presentation transcript:

1 law sin death Romans 8:1-4 No condemnation for those in Christ

2 The Gospel is the power of God for salvation 1:16 To Spain 15:24 P P P

3 Romans 8:1-4 No condemnation for those in Christ The Gospel is the power of God for salvation 1:16 All have sinned 3:23 & face God’s wrath 2:5 Jesus is both redemption & propitiation 3:24+25 The future is secure, eternal life 6:23 Today.. Adam us Jesus

4 Believers are not under condemnation v1 Jesus died, we died They won We won

5 Believers are not under condemnation v1 Jesus died – we died: To sin 6:7+8, To law 7:4 Dead to the penalty of sin 6:23 Dead to the power of sin 6:19

6 Believers are not under condemnation because the Spirit of life has set us free from sin & death v2 We now live under the law, power of the Spirit He brings us assurance that we belong to Jesus He enables us to live for Jesus today

7 Believers are not under condemnation because Jesus has met the law’s demands v3+4 Jesus was fully human but sinless: He kept the law He died according to the law as our sacrifice The penalty of sin was paid, The power of sin was broken

8 + + = = me Jesus Life

9 + + = = Jesus me Life

10 Believers are not under condemnation because Jesus has met the law’s demands v3+4 We are to live out our status in Christ Unlike.. Lord Sewell Chair of privileges & conduct committee

11 Believers are not under condemnation because Jesus has met the law’s demands v3+4 We are to live out our status in Christ Reminding ourselves of what Jesus has done Looking to Jesus to help us

12 Romans 8:1-4 No condemnation for those in Christ Believers are not under condemnation v1 Believers are not under condemnation because the Spirit of life has set us free from sin & death v2 Believers are not under condemnation because Jesus has met the law’s demands v3+4

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