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ECEN5553 Telecom Systems Dr. George Scheets Week 11 Read [25] “All Smart, No Phone” [26a] "A Surge in Small Cells" [26b] "Riding the Data Tsunami in the.

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Presentation on theme: "ECEN5553 Telecom Systems Dr. George Scheets Week 11 Read [25] “All Smart, No Phone” [26a] "A Surge in Small Cells" [26b] "Riding the Data Tsunami in the."— Presentation transcript:

1 ECEN5553 Telecom Systems Dr. George Scheets Week 11 Read [25] “All Smart, No Phone” [26a] "A Surge in Small Cells" [26b] "Riding the Data Tsunami in the Cloud" Exam #2 (Internet thru Fiber Optic Systems) 28 October < 4 November (Distant Learning) Term Paper 6 November (Live) 13 November (Distant Learning

2 Term Paper Reminders n Statement not "Common Knowledge"? u Cite in Main Body of the Paper n Don't plagiarize! u Copied word for word? Cite it & put in "quotes". u Don't cut & paste, and then change a few words. n Probe Further n Don't Get too Bubbly n Watch out for dated references n Good Score u Good Read, Factually Correct, Follows Outline n Feel Free to have someone proofread your paper

3 Paper Delivery  No Paper Copies  Submit Electronically via EMail or D2L...  Word Perfect  Word  Writer (Open Office).odf files  PDF

4 Web Citations n Provide sufficient info so I can pull up your article!! Use common sense. n http://web site/directory/filename is best (include author, title, year if available) u Don't just put http://web site n author, title, journal, year (available at Search Engine XYZ) is fine n Beware the long URL generated by search engines u Sometimes they work. Sometimes they don't.

5 Fiber Capacity Growth Source: High-Capacity Optical Transport Networks, IEEE Communications, November 2012

6 Modulation n Up to 10 Gbps, typically OOASK u On-Off Amplitude Shift Keying u Detecting presence or absence of a light pulse n 40 Gbps, starting to see phase modulation u Differential Phase Shift Keying (DPSK) u Better BER than straight OOASK n 100 Gbps, starting to see Coherent Detection u More sophisticated, better BER than DPSK

7 Design Dilemma: Revisited Offered Trunk Load Average Delay Bandwidth Glut - WDM is keeping this option alive Keep Trunks Lightly Loaded Use simple Routers/Switches (FIFO) All StatMux traffic has low delays. Average

8 Design Dilemma: Revisited Average Average Delay Bandwidth Crunch Keep Trunks Heavily Loaded Use complex Routers/Switches Prioritize Traffic High Priority Delays identical to BW Glut. Offered Trunk Load High Priority Low Priority

9 Mortal Enemy of Buried Fiber Oops!

10 Line Switched Ring Affected traffic treated as indivisible entity. OKC NYCDET TUL From/ToOKCTULDETNYC OKC-123 TUL1-45 DET24-6 NYC356- 1+2 2+4+5 3 1+2 5+6 2+4+5 3 5+6 X

11 Line Switching NYC ↔Tulsa Traffic Now Inefficiently Routed OKC NYCDET TUL From/ToOKCTULDETNYC OKC-123 TUL1-45 DET24-6 NYC356- 1+2+5+6 2+4+5+5+6 3+5+63+5+6 1+2+5+6 5+6 2+4+5+5+6 3+5+6 5+6 X NYC

12 Path Switching Affected Flows Individually Rerouted OKC NYCDET TUL From/ToOKCTULDETNYC OKC-123 TUL1-45 DET24-6 NYC356- 1+2+5+6 2+4+6 3+5+63+5+6 1+2+5+6 5+6 2+4+6 3+5+6 5+6 X NYC

13 Failure Analysis/Survivability Suppose LA ↔ Dallas link fails. Suppose LA ↔ Denver Traffic routed as shown.

14 Failure Analysis/Survivability 1-30 Paths 31-60 Paths 61-90 Paths 91-120 Paths 121+ Paths Figure 1) 17 Node, 27 Link Test Network with 500 End-to-End Optical Paths. Links are color coded based on traffic density. If Line Protection, the affected Line's traffic is rerouted around break. Rerouted LA ↔ Denver.

15 Failure Analysis/Survivability LA ↔ Denver.

16 Anaheim - Dallas Fails Example here is Path Protection. All affected city pairs are rerouted. Note changes in NE. Rerouted LA ↔ Denver.

17 Line vs Path Protection n Line Protection is faster u Treats affected traffic as indivisible Reroutes all flows over same links u Affects fewer network switches u Requires more spare BW n Path Protection is slower u Reroutes each individual flow u May affect most all network switches u Requires less spare BW

18 Note that The Internet has no specified Physical Layer... n 7 Application n 6 Presentation n 5 Session TCP n 4 Transport TCP n 3 Network IP n 2 Data Link n 1 Physical

19 On the WAN, SONET/OTN fits the bill! n 5 Session TCP n 4 Transport TCP n 3 Network IP n 2 Data Link SONET/OTN n 1 Physical SONET/OTN n LAN: Ethernet n MAN: T-Carrier, SONET/OTN, & Ethernet

20 SONET Ring SONET ADMs & Cross-Connects Fiber Optic Cables in the ground (up to 40 Gbps per SONET λ) OSI Level 1 & 2 Physical Network

21 4 3 2 Trunks ISP Backbone (Logical Network) OSI Level 2 Note Logical connection between router 1 & 3. 1 4 3 ISP Routers

22 ISP traffic riding on a SONET Ring Physical fiber optic cables might be connected as shown. OSI Level 1 & 2 1 4 3 2

23 ISP traffic riding on a SONET Ring Router trunk circuits may ride over the SONET network as shown. SONET trunks dedicate time slots to each trunk. OSI Level 1 & 2 1 4 3 2 X

24 4 3 2 Trunks ISP Backbone (Logical Network) OSI Level 3 Note Logical connection between router 1 & 3. 1 4 3 ISP Routers X X

25 SONET/OTN is Important on the WAN n Internet, OSI Layer 3 u Needs something at Layer 1 (& 2) n Carrier Ethernet, OSI Layer 1 & 2 u Not "Carrier Grade", Insufficient OAM n T1 & T3 Leased Lines sold end-to-end u T1 (twisted pair) & T3 (coax) on last mile u SONET time slots on long haul n SONET Layer 2 importance decreasing u SONET is circuit switched TDM geared towards voice u Optical Transport Network faster & more packet friendly u IEEE 802.17 Resilient Packet Ring

26 OSU 2009 Internet Connectivity

27 POTS Connectivity Phone CO Fiber Optic Trunk Copper Local Loop Copper Local Loop 4 Wire 2 Wire ‘4 Wire’ Analog Digital 64 Kbps TDM

28 POTS Connectivity (ISDN) All-Digital Phone System V1.0 Phone CO Fiber Optic Trunk Copper Local Loop Copper Local Loop 4 Wire 2 Wire ‘4 Wire’ Digital 64 Kbps

29 Integrated Services Digital Network n Basic Rate Interface (BRI) u Aimed at typical home users, SOHO crowd u Provides 2 x 64 Kbps Bearer Channels... F Phone & Computer usage u... & 16 Kbps signaling channel. n Looked good in early '90's u Compared to a 14.4 Kbps dial up modem n RBOC's deployed ISDN capable switches slowly.

30 ISDN n SBC was gearing up to push this in mid '90's. Then... u Internet use exploded u DSL came along n BRI = Too Little, Too Late n n Voice calls will eventually be all-digital, but not as envisioned with ISDN u u VoIP or VoMPLS RIP

31 ISDN n Primary Rate Interface (PRI) u Aimed at medium to large business u Provides 23 x 64 Kbps Bearer Channels... u... & 64 Kbps signaling channel. n Has seen more success. u Reasonably common way to connect corporate PBX to PSTN u [19c] "SIP Trunking: The Savings Are There But Transition is Complex" F Covers transition from PRI to Internet SIP Trunking

32 All-Digital Phone System V2.0 IP Phone IP Phone Router ISP LAN Digital, ?? Kbps Router

33 All-Digital Phone System V3.0 Cell Phone Cell Phone ISP Digital, ?? Kbps Router

34 Radio Frequency Facts n Wavelength = Propagation Speed = λ Frequency n Rule of Thumb: As antenna size > 1/4 wavelength, EM radiation becomes significant. n Small antennas require high frequencies

35 0 1.5 -1.5 0.000005 1 vp 1 MHz 1 MHz Sinusoid freq (Hertz) Power Spectrum 1,000,000

36 1 MHz EM Wave 1 MHz Sinusoid Source An oscillating Electric voltage, connected to an antenna via a cable, will cause an Electro-Magnetic field to radiate away at nearly 3*10 8 m/sec. Analogy: Waves radiating from pebbles continually being dropped at the same location into a pond.

37 1 MHz EM Wave 1 MHz Sinusoid Source EM wave will radiate in all directions. Propagates at near speed of light in a vacuum. Shown: Electric Field propagating to right. Not shown: Electric field in other directions. Not shown: Magnetic Field 300,000,000 meters/second

38 1 MHz EM Wave 1 MHz Sinusoid Source 300 meters Situation at t = 0 Field Strength Meter 300 + 300 + 75 = 675m 375m

39 1 MHz EM Wave 1 MHz Sinusoid Source 300 meters Situation at t =.000000250 seconds Field Strength Meter 300 + 300 + 75 = 675m 375m

40 RF Free-space Power Loss vs Optical Fiber Power Loss 0   10 6 RF Fiber 0 1,000 m distance Free Space Laser & Copper Cabling normally fall between these extremes. Fiber Loss = 1.047 RF Loss proportional to distance 2

41 EM Waves and You source: Solids: Concrete Wood Similar Effect. Glass: Similar except around visible light & infrared. Metal: Blocks everything. Gamma can punch thru thin sheets. MHzGHzTHzPHzEHz

42 Atmospheric Absorption source:

43 Do Cell Phones Cause Brain Cancer? n Studies in [24b] show mixed results u Some show increased chances u Some show decreased chances n World Health Organization says maybe n Laws of Physics & Frequencies Used Today u Localized "Heating" possible u 1 watt cell by ear? 1/2 watt hits head. n Oklahoma Mesonet, 2:50 pm, 31 October 2011 u 600 watts/meter 2 solar radiation falling (hazy) u Top of Dr. Scheets' head ≈ 0.03 meters 2 u 19.2 watts of solar radiation hit top

44 Radio Transmission n Want a reasonable size antenna? u λ (= velocity/frequency) needs to be small u Signal needs high frequencies n Injecting pulses directly into antennas? u Won't work well u All pulses have a lot of low frequency energy Won't radiate well n Need to shift all pulse's energy to higher frequency range

45 0 1.5 -1.5 0.000005 1 vp 1 MHz 1 MHz Sinusoid freq (Hertz) Power Spectrum 1,000,000

46 0 1.5 -1.5 0.00001 1 MHz Binary ASK Two different Amplitudes are transmitted 10 cycles/.00001 seconds = 1 MHz 5 cycles/symbol 200 K symbols/second = 200 K bits/second

47 0 1.5 -1.5 0.00001 Binary FSK Two different frequencies are transmitted Symbol #1) 5 cycles/.000005 seconds = 1 MHz Symbol #2) 10 cycles/.000005 seconds = 2 MHz 1.5 MHz Average (center) Frequency 2 symbols in.00001 seconds = 200 K symbols/second = 200 K bits/second

48 0 1.5 -1.5 0.00001 1 MHz Binary PSK Two different phases are transmitted 10 cycles/.00001 seconds = 1 MHz 5 cycles/symbol 200 K symbols/second = 200 K bits/second

49 M-Ary Signaling n One of M possible signals transmitted each symbol interval n Tends to be used where bandwidth is tight & SNR decent at the receiver. n Each symbol can represent log 2 M bits n Example: In 16 FSK u one of 16 possible frequencies is transmitted every symbol interval u each symbol can represent 4 bits

50 0 1.5 -1.5 0.000015 1 MHz 4-Ary ASK 4 different Amplitudes are transmitted (3 shown) 4th symbol might be 0 volts for 5 μ seconds 15 cycles/.000015 seconds = 1 MHz 5 cycles/symbol 200 K symbols/second = 400 K bits/second

51 0 1.5 -1.5 0.000015 1 MHz Quadrature Amplitude Modulation (form of M-Ary Modulation) Different amplitudes and phases are transmitted 15 cycles/.000015 seconds = 1 MHz 5 cycles/symbol 200 K symbols/second = Log 2 M*200 K bits/second

52 Unfiltered 802.11b Spectrum


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