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School for Social Care Research Improving the evidence base for adult social care practice People who fund their own social care: findings from a scoping.

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Presentation on theme: "School for Social Care Research Improving the evidence base for adult social care practice People who fund their own social care: findings from a scoping."— Presentation transcript:

1 School for Social Care Research Improving the evidence base for adult social care practice People who fund their own social care: findings from a scoping review Kate Baxter and Caroline Glendinning SPRU, University of York Presented to SPA Conference Sheffield, 14-16 July 2014

2 School for Social Care Research Content of presentation  Why self-funders?  Aims and methods  Findings  Size of evidence base  Characteristics of self-funders  Information needs  Provider experiences  Discussion

3 School for Social Care Research Definitions  Self-funders  people who pay for all of their social care from private resources  people who ‘top up’ their local authority funding  excludes means-tested contributions  Social care  care homes, domiciliary care, day care and extra-care housing

4 School for Social Care Research Why self-funders?  FACS eligibility thresholds increasing  Population ageing  Care Act 2014  Information and advice  Assessments of need  Care account/care costs cap

5 School for Social Care Research Aims and Methods  Published and grey literature from 2000 to present  Database and website searches  Data extraction  size and characteristics of the self-funding population  information and advice available or wanted  providers’ experiences with self-funders  reported gaps in evidence

6 School for Social Care Research Size of evidence base  70 references  22 both care homes and home care  29 care homes  12 home care  2 housing with care  0 day care  5 social care in general  Wide range of methods

7 School for Social Care Research Characteristics of self-funders  Overall numbers not clear, but increasing  Regional differences  Dependency levels lower  Limited evidence on ethnicity, age and gender

8 School for Social Care Research Information and advice  Onus on self-funders to ask  Perceived unwillingness of local authorities  Reluctance to share personal/financial situation  Conflated needs and financial assessments  Limited financial advice

9 School for Social Care Research Providers’ experiences  Very little evidence  Increasing knowledge of size and importance of self- funding home care market  Inequities between local authority-funded and self- funded residents

10 School for Social Care Research Discussion  Care Act 2014  Information and advice  Market failure  Identifying self-funders  Staff skills and culture  Self-funders’ experiences/pathways

11 School for Social Care Research Kate Baxter Social Policy Research Unit University of York These slides present independent research commissioned by the NIHR School for Social Care Research. The views expressed are those of the authors and not necessarily those of the NIHR School for Social Care Research or the Department of Health, NIHR or NHS.

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