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Annual General Meeting 15 th October 2014. Agenda 1.Welcome and introductions 2.Chair and Chief Officers Report 3.Presentation of Annual Accounts 4.Questions.

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Presentation on theme: "Annual General Meeting 15 th October 2014. Agenda 1.Welcome and introductions 2.Chair and Chief Officers Report 3.Presentation of Annual Accounts 4.Questions."— Presentation transcript:

1 Annual General Meeting 15 th October 2014

2 Agenda 1.Welcome and introductions 2.Chair and Chief Officers Report 3.Presentation of Annual Accounts 4.Questions and Answers 2

3 CHAIR AND CHIEF OFFICER REPORTS Dr. Elizabeth Gill Wendy Carberry 3

4 Chair and Chief Officers Reports Appointments to the Executive Team MSK and Better Beginnings Havens Project Community Services Dementia Primary Care Co-Commissioning East Sussex Better Together The Better Care Fund 4

5 Working in partnership 1. Healthy living and Wellbeing 2.Proactive Care 3. Crisis intervention & admissions avoidance Prescribing 6. Maintaining independence 5. Discharge to assess 4. Bedded care Elective care We will work with partner agencies to deliver joined-up services around the specific needs of patients and service users in East Sussex A programme called East Sussex Better Together has considered the totality of health and social care spend; Operational Resilience Capacity Plans and System Resilience Groups are in place; Outcome based commissioning; Midwifery Led Unit design lead for East Sussex Six box (+ 2) model of care; development of exemplar localities – Havens, Bexhill and Hastings 5

6 Better Care Fund (BCF) The BCF is a critical enabler to support us to achieve our objectives of developing joined up proactive services focussed on the patient. East Sussex Better Together has identified savings opportunities across all areas of spend. Recurrent Investments are identified to deliver this saving plus application of the headroom on a non-recurring basis. The BCF is a key component of this investment. This will mean Multi-disciplinary teams for sub-locality level orientated around the patient; Single point of access; Access to care records – electronic read only solution; the Havens Project 6

7 Commissioning Intentions We will work with providers to effect the change our population and members have told us is needed Clinical leads are working on specific projects which will articulate pathways and material change required. These went to the Governing Body for agreement and were circulation to providers on 30th September A set of Commissioning Intentions has been published under the headings of Out of Hospital Care; Secondary and Mental Health. Including Social Care; The Better Care Fund; and Tertiary care.. 7


9 The Annual Report and Accounts 2013/14 The CCG achieved all its financial duties Delivered the planned surplus of £946k (0.5%) Both expenditure and cash payments were within the limits set by NHS England 2014/15 and beyond Entering a period of low growth in health funding and adult social care reductions At the same time increased pressure on health and social care budgets Important that we focus on transformational change to deliver CCG strategic objectives Important that we continue to focus on value for money 9

10 QUESTION AND ANSWERS Dr Elizabeth Gill / Governing Body 10

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