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PIRE Summer School - India Curriculum Planning Week 1: Urbanization and Global Sustainability Sustainability Systems Concepts Intro to Low Carbon & Local.

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Presentation on theme: "PIRE Summer School - India Curriculum Planning Week 1: Urbanization and Global Sustainability Sustainability Systems Concepts Intro to Low Carbon & Local."— Presentation transcript:

1 PIRE Summer School - India Curriculum Planning Week 1: Urbanization and Global Sustainability Sustainability Systems Concepts Intro to Low Carbon & Local Sustainability Priorities in Cities Intro to SEIS Framework

2 Text from Proposal Week 1. Urbanization and Global Sustainability will be covered in week 1 with overarching background concepts of global urban economic and population growth, human development and equity aspirations, issues of water-, energy- and materials- resource constraints, coupled with environmental pollution, global climate change and local public health in cities.

3 Key Concepts Week 1: Urbanization and Global Sustainability Global & Urban Population growth rates, population doubling times, infrastructure needs, data from China & India Growth for what? Human Development, Human capabilities & HDI – Components of HDI, Relationship with energy use, concept of Sufficiency Sustainable Development: Human Development w/ Finite Resources; Inter- relationships between Energy (peak oil), Water, Food, Land & Matls. – Energy units, conversion, water scarcity metrics, embodied energy/water – Global water, energy and material balances, critical materials Sustainable Development - Infrastructure, Pollution & Health – Infrastructure, environmental pollution, health impacts – Infrastructure, climate change, GHG emissions, climate-health impacts, vulnerability People and Governance: Systems Concepts - IPAT Equation, Tragedy of the Commons, Governance of the commons, Efficiency vs Rebound. Unique challenge of Low Carbon & Sustainable Cities – SEIS Framework – Multiple sustainability goals, multiple resource-pollution streams, many actors, and multiple infrastructures across spatial scale. – US, China, India – national vs city perspectives; politics of global carbon discourse among nationa vs local environment and health

4 Key Concepts Week 1: Integrating Inter-Cultural Discussions & Ethics Global & Urban Population growth rates, population doubling times, infrastructure needs, data from China & India Growth for what? Human Development, Human capabilities & HDI – Components of HDI, Relationship with energy use, concept of Sufficiency Sustainable Development: Human Development w/ Finite Resources; Inter- relationships between Energy (peak oil), Water, Food, Land & Matls. – Energy units, conversion, water scarcity metrics, embodied energy/water – Global water, energy and material balances, critical materials Sustainable Development - Infrastructure, Environmental Pollution & Health – Infrastructure, environmental pollution, health impacts – Infrastructure, climate change, GHG emissions, climate-health impacts, vulnerability People and Governance: Systems Concepts - IPAT Equation, Tragedy of the Commons, Governance of the commons, Efficiency vs Rebound. Unique challenge of Low Carbon & Sustainable Cities – SEIS Framework & PIRE – Multiple sustainability goals, multiple resource-pollution streams, many actors, and multiple infrastructures across spatial scale. – US, China, India – national vs city perspectives; politics of global carbon discourse among national perspective vs local environment and health Ethics & ICL

5 Assessment - Exposure to Concepts (From UCD IGERT Intro course Assessment)


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