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The Building Blocks of a Sentence. Write the answer you selected. Write why you would not select the other answers. Warm-Up.

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Presentation on theme: "The Building Blocks of a Sentence. Write the answer you selected. Write why you would not select the other answers. Warm-Up."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Building Blocks of a Sentence

2 Write the answer you selected. Write why you would not select the other answers. Warm-Up

3 Objectives: Content Objectives: I can identify the parts of a sentence. I can identify and revise a fragment sentence. Language Objectives: I can read a sentence and label the subject and the predicate. I can read a sentence, explain why it is a fragment, and revise it to make it complete.

4 A sentence has… 1)a subject 2)a predicate 3)a complete thought Flocabulary What Makes a Sentence?

5 Draw This: Subject Predicate Complete Thought?

6 I hit the ball. For Example:

7 Marina ate ice cream and went to the movies. For Example:

8 Zoe and Emma visited the zoo and saw the giraffes. For Example:

9 After September, the leaves fell from the tree and swirled to the ground. For Example:

10 While we walked outside. For Example: Is this a complete sentence?

11 Fragment: a piece or part of something. A fragment sentence does not contain all of the elements of a complete sentence. Fragment Sentences

12 1) Last Saturday after the ball game at the ice cream shop. 2) Some of the girls going together to the mall. 3) As we were walking downstairs. Fragment Examples: No subject or predicate! No predicate! Not a complete thought!

13 Around the room, there are papers containing both complete sentences and sentence fragments. Go to the station assigned to your group. On a half sheet of paper, identify the sentence as either a fragment or complete. Write down what’s missing from the sentence if it’s a fragment. Remember to use your chart! Stations

14 Check These For Fragments:

15 On the right, list the three ways that you can correct a fragment sentence. Inside each flap, write the fragment on one side and the revision on the other side. Foldable

16 1) Add a subject or a predicate. How To Correct a Fragment: Sentence Fragment: Revised Sentence: Under the bed. I found my socks under the bed.

17 2) Attach the fragment to another sentence: How to Correct a Fragment: Sentence Fragment:Revised Sentence: After seeing the doctor. I felt much better after seeing the doctor. -or- After seeing the doctor, I felt much better.

18 3) Remove the word or phrase that makes the thought incomplete. How to Correct a Fragment: Sentence Fragment:Revised Sentence: While Fred was in Paris.Fred was in Paris.

19 My Wonderful Discovery After I had gotten up. I ate my breakfast. While I was eating breakfast. I heard a squeaking sound at my door. It was a little puppy that was crying. I wept. It was really cute. That I picked it up and took it inside in order to give the puppy a big bowl of warm milk and a soft blanket. I took the day off so that I could take him to the veterinarian. The vet told me he was fine. Because I had given him what he needed: milk and a warm blanket. He still needed a home. I asked all my friends to take him. They wanted the little guy. However, they couldn't keep pets in their apartments. Now, he is my pet and friend. Correct The Paragraph

20 My Wonderful Discovery After I had gotten up. I ate my breakfast. While I was eating breakfast. I heard a squeaking sound at my door. It was a little puppy that was crying. I wept. It was really cute. That I picked it up and took it inside in order to give the puppy a big bowl of warm milk and a soft blanket. I took the day off so that I could take him to the veterinarian. The vet told me he was fine. Because I had given him what he needed: milk and a warm blanket. He still needed a home. I asked all my friends to take him. They wanted the little guy. However, they couldn't keep pets in their apartments. Now, he is my pet and friend. Correct The Paragraph

21 A run-on sentence contains two or more sentences that can stand on their own and are not properly joined. Run-On Sentences

22 1) The books are heavy don’t carry them. 2) The game is going to be very close, you have to play your best. 3) Mother packed my lunch today she forgot to pack dessert. Run-On Examples:

23 A comma is NOT STRONG ENOUGH to separate them! When two sentences are joined together by a comma, it is called a comma splice. When joining two complete sentences...

24 1) Separate the run-on into two or more sentences. How to Correct a Run-On Run-On Sentence:Revised Sentences: I have a cold my nose is running. I have a cold. My nose is running.

25 2) Separate the sentences with a semi-colon. NOTE: a semi-colon should only be used to join the sentences if they are very related and flow together. How to Correct a Run-On Run-On Sentence:Revised Sentences: I love candy, black licorice is my favorite. I love candy; black licorice is my favorite.

26 3) Separate with a subordinating conjunction. How to Correct a Run-On after how although if unless as inasmuch until as if in order that when as long as lest whenever that now that where as soon as wherever as though since while because so that before than even if Though even Run-On Sentence:Revised Sentences: Paul ate a veggie burger, he is a vegetarian. Paul ate a veggie burger because he is a vegetarian. -or- Because he is a vegetarian, Paul ate a veggie burger.

27 4) Separate with a comma AND a coordinating conjunction. How to Correct a Run-On Run-On Sentence:Revised Sentences: Carmen loved traveling in Italy she felt Rome was too hot. Carmen loved traveling in Italy, but she felt Rome was too hot.

28 “Why did we become blind, I don't know, perhaps one day we'll find out, Do you want me to tell you what I think, Yes, do, I don't think we did go blind, I think we are blind, Blind but seeing, Blind people who can see, but do not see.” ― José Saramago A Quick Disclaimer

29 Jose Saramago won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1998 and was a world-renowned, best-selling Portuguese author. His works have been translated into over 25 languages. REMEMBER that there’s a difference between formal language and informal language. It’s okay to “bend” the rules when writing creatively. It’s not okay to “bend” the rules in a formal paper! A Quick Disclaimer


31 Directions: The following sentences are all run-ons. Correct them using any of the four methods. There may be more than one correct answer. 1. The girls played basketball the boys played tennis. 2. Einstein is famous for E=mc² Edison is famous for the invention of the light bulb. 3. Titanic is my favorite movie I love eating popcorn. 4. Americans shake hands when they meet the Japanese bow. 5. Mother's Day is always on a Sunday Thanksgiving is always on a Thursday. 6. William loved visiting Montreal Sally preferred just to stay in Quebec. 7. My car broke down I need to buy a new one. 8. At one time few people had enough money to buy books few people could read books. 9. I want to learn Korean Trudy wants to learn Turkish. 10. People love peace they hate war. Correct the Following Sentences:

32 Understand how to use commas correctly. Revise sentences to include correct comma use. Write sentences using commas. Objectives:

33 Punctuation guides the reader through the words. It shows the reader exactly what the author wishes to say. Punctuation can change the whole meaning of a sentence! Why is punctuation important?

34 For Example:







41 There are SIX basic situations when commas are used. 1. When separating information that doesn’t need to be there. 2. When separating complete sentences with a FANBOY. 3. When addressing someone in particular. 4. When listing items in a series. 5. When separating adjectives. 6. After an introductory phrase. When to use commas

42 m724LY&index=5&list=PLER3Za86Wx7CR 7oWOn6MO_EO_KAb4izr2 When To Use a Comma Video

43 “Be prepared for the worst, my love, for it lives next door to the best.” ― Melina Marchetta, Finnikin of the RockMelina MarchettaFinnikin of the Rock “Love, as most know, follows its own timeline.” ― Leslye Walton, The Strange and Beautiful Sorrows of Ava LavenderLeslye WaltonThe Strange and Beautiful Sorrows of Ava Lavender The dog, who wore a green sweater, looked hideous. My uncle, Billy Bob, was a famous criminal lawyer. When Separating Information That Doesn’t Need to Be There:

44 “I may die young, but at least I'll die smart.” ― John Green, Looking for AlaskaLooking for Alaska “I know it is a bad thing to break a promise, but I think now that it is a worse thing to let a promise break you.” - Jennifer Donnelly, A Northern Light “We’re here, and then we’re gone, and it’s not about the time we’re here, but what we do with the time.” ― Rick Yancey, The 5th WaveRick YanceyThe 5th Wave We all wanted to ride the giraffe, yet there was only enough room for three of us. When Separating Complete Sentences With a FANBOY:

45 “He's like a drug for you, Bella.” ― Stephenie Meyer, EclipseStephenie MeyerEclipse “I wish we could go back in time and climb trees together again. I love you, Vera. I always will.” ― A.S. King, Please Ignore Vera DietzA.S. KingPlease Ignore Vera Dietz “I killed that boy, Parks. ― M.R. Carey, The Girl with All the GiftsM.R. CareyThe Girl with All the Gifts When Addressing Someone In Particular:

46 “We eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner to the soundtrack of our own impending death.” ― Courtney Summers, This is Not a TestThis is Not a Test “Racism doesn't know color, death doesn't know age, and pain doesn't know might.” ― Jacqueline Woodson, Maizon at Blue HillJacqueline WoodsonMaizon at Blue Hill On vacation, we visited the zoo, the beach, and the Natural History Museum. Her favorite animals are giraffes, pandas, and turtles. When Listing Items in a Series:

47 “You drive me insane June. You're the scariest, most clever, bravest person I know, and sometimes I can't catch my breath because I'm trying so hard to keep up. ― Marie Lu, ChampionMarie LuChampion “Her brain is coated in fine, dark grey strands. Like plague- flavoured candy floss, Justineau thinks.” ― M.R. Carey, The Girl with All the GiftsM.R. CareyThe Girl with All the Gifts The brilliant, talented Ms. Cote made all of the students write five essays. Christine donated her used, designer clothes to Goodwill. When Separating Adjectives:

48 “When I look at my room, I see a girl who loves books.” ― John Green, Looking for AlaskaLooking for Alaska “If you stare at someone long enough, they'll eventually look back at you.” ― Cory Doctorow, Little BrotherCory DoctorowLittle Brother “Once upon a time, an angel and a devil fell in love. It did not end well.” ― Laini Taylor, Daughter of Smoke & BoneLaini TaylorDaughter of Smoke & Bone “When she awoke, the world was on fire.” ― Scott Westerfeld, UgliesScott WesterfeldUglies After an Introductory Phrase










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