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Fair Valuation of Guaranteed Contracts: the Interaction Between Assets and Liabilities Erwin Charlier Tilburg University and ABN AMRO Bank Joint work with.

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Presentation on theme: "Fair Valuation of Guaranteed Contracts: the Interaction Between Assets and Liabilities Erwin Charlier Tilburg University and ABN AMRO Bank Joint work with."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fair Valuation of Guaranteed Contracts: the Interaction Between Assets and Liabilities Erwin Charlier Tilburg University and ABN AMRO Bank Joint work with Ruud Kleynen Maastricht University and Kleynen Consultants

2 Overview 1. Introduction 2. General theoretical framework 3. Modelling the assets and the short-rate 4. Data and parameter estimation 5. Results 6. Conclusions 7. Further research

3 Introduction  Balance sheet: book value accounting  fair or market value of assets and liabilities  Market value of assets:  Market prices for publicly traded assets (stocks, bonds)  Valuation models for less liquid assets like real estate  Market value of liabilities:  Very little traded liabilities  Optionalities

4 Introduction In this presentation: Simple insurer:  Assets: investments in stocks and bonds  Liabilities and equity:  Single guaranteed return contract (policy)  Equity Policy characteristics:  Guaranteed return, r offered  Bonus: if the return on equity exceeds r offered then fraction of surplus to policyholder

5 General theoretical framework t=0: t=T: AssetsLiabilities A0A0 L 0 = αA 0 E 0 = (1-α)A 0

6 General theoretical framework 0<=t<=T: t=0: no cross-subsidizing Note: prices under risk-neutral measure

7 Modelling the assets and the instantaneous short-rate Instantaneous short-rate: stochastic, Vasicek LN gross asset returns: normal Geometric Brownian motions correlated Under risk-neutral measure: analytic formulae for price of put and call Real-world measure used to describe economy at time t, also input for prices

8 Data and parameter estimation Parameters in process for instantaneous short-rate:  Cross-section of FR bond prices (Feb 28, 2002)  Time-series of 1-month FIBOR rates Also used to derive instantaneous short-rate series Parameters in process for assets:  Assume two investment categories: stocks and bonds (monthly, Nov 1990-Feb 2002)  Use weights to construct time-series of portfolio returns  But: high mean  used Dimson(2002) Correlation: use imputed instantaneous short-rate and portfolio returns

9 Results alpha=0.95, delta=0.91, r offered =0.04, T=10

10 Results alpha=0.8, delta=0.72, r offered =0.04, T=10

11 Conclusions  Model allows for stochastic interest rates that can be correlated with process for assets.  Parameters in the model estimated from data instead of choosing some value.  Using both risk-neutral and real-world measure we can derive risk-return profiles for both policyholders and equityholders.  Different specifications of the debt-equity ratio and the contract did not lead to satisfying return profiles for both policyholders and equityholders.  Best results for equityholder occur with low debt- equity ratios, conflicting practice.

12 Further research  Further investigate causes of unsatisfactory risk- return profiles.  Extend to more complicated balance sheet (more than one product, different maturities for the policies, etc.).  Consider balance sheet at intermediate times with rule for regulator to interfere.  Use more advanced models to describe the instantaneous short-rate and the assets, while keeping closed-form solutions for the options.  Drop the requirement of no cross-subsidizing.

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