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SAS Integration Trainer (SASIT) September 2011. Please Do the Following: Connect to the Internet Navigate to:

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Presentation on theme: "SAS Integration Trainer (SASIT) September 2011. Please Do the Following: Connect to the Internet Navigate to:"— Presentation transcript:

1 SAS Integration Trainer (SASIT) September 2011

2 Please Do the Following: Connect to the Internet Navigate to: http://www.pdesas.org – If a registered user, sign-in – If not a registered user, join now Place your name and school district/organization on your name tent Copyright ©2011 Commonwealth of Pennsylvania 2 Your Name Your School District/Organization

3 SASIT Objectives Demonstrate an in-depth understanding of the intent of the Standards Aligned System (SAS). Demonstrate an in-depth understanding of the six elements of the Pennsylvania SAS and how they align to promote improved student achievement. Demonstrate an in-depth understanding of the features and navigation of the SAS Portal Home Page. Practice using the different functions of the six elements for varied purposes in preparation for future trainings. Copyright ©2011 Commonwealth of Pennsylvania 3

4 SASIT Objectives Articulate the differences of the search methods within the Standards element. Create examples of scenarios for each of the different functions in the Clear Standards section to use when providing trainings. Explain how the Curriculum Framework guides and reinforces instruction and student learning. Demonstrate an in-depth understanding of the Curriculum Framework components. Identify ways to use the Curriculum Framework to create cross-curricular and grade level connections. Copyright ©2011 Commonwealth of Pennsylvania 4

5 SASIT Objectives Develop a deeper understanding of formative, summative, diagnostic, and benchmark assessments. Practice training others on creating customized student assessments using released test items aligned to PA Standards and Eligible Content. Review assessment materials to share with future audiences in SAS trainings. Examine the resources in the Instruction section and identify ways they can be integrated into SAS trainings. Examine the various instructional strategies, multiple intelligences, and levels of learning. Copyright ©2011 Commonwealth of Pennsylvania 5

6 SASIT Objectives View a video from the Instruction section of the SAS Portal and identify the best practices modeled in the video. Identify the different content types within the SAS Portal Materials & Resources section. Identify and select Materials & Resources aligned to Pennsylvania Standards and Eligible Content to share with audiences in future trainings. Utilize all Teacher Tools. Join the SAS Professional Learning Community for SASITs and participate in the Communities, Blogs, and Forums. Copyright ©2011 Commonwealth of Pennsylvania 6

7 SASIT Objectives Identify ways to address the needs of all learners. Develop deeper understanding of instructional techniques for working with adult learners. Articulate the dynamic quality of SAS and its ongoing enhancements. Develop and discuss action plans for providing professional development to colleagues on SAS and the SAS Portal. Practice using the Workshop Evaluation tool for creating training sessions and administering surveys/ evaluations to their participants. Copyright ©2011 Commonwealth of Pennsylvania 7

8 Rules of Participation Cell phones should be switched off or placed in silent mode Don’t be afraid to ask questions If you think of a question that may be off topic, write the question on a Post-it to be addressed at the appropriate time Respect opinions If you need assistance please raise your hand or place your name tent in the vertical position Copyright ©2011 Commonwealth of Pennsylvania 8

9 How Comfortable Are You as a SAS Trainer? Locate others in the room that possess a comfort level similar to your own. Identify one person in the group who will act as a recorder, and another who will act as the reporter. Discuss the questions (p. 16) for your comfort level, and record your answers on chart paper. Copyright ©2011 Commonwealth of Pennsylvania 9

10 The Intent of SAS The intent of the Standards Aligned System is to ensure that every student, every teacher, every parent and every school has the quality tools and resources to ensure quality instruction and student achievement regardless of zip code, socioeconomic status or size of school. Copyright ©2011 Commonwealth of Pennsylvania 10

11 The Six Elements of SAS Clear Standards will be re-titled Standards Fair Assessments will be re-titled Assessment Instruction provides resources and interventions to facilitate achievement of the standards for all students. Safe and Supportive Schools supplies resources and exemplars to promote active student engagement in a safe and positive learning environment. Copyright ©2011 Commonwealth of Pennsylvania 11

12 Assessment Anticipation Guide Assessment is a process used by teachers and students before and after instruction to provide feedback and adjust ongoing teaching and learning to improve student achievement. Agree or Disagree? Copyright ©2011 Commonwealth of Pennsylvania 12 before, DURING, and after

13 Assessment Anticipation Guide Formative Assessment results or information should be used to shape teaching and learning. Agree or Disagree? Copyright ©2011 Commonwealth of Pennsylvania 13

14 Assessment Anticipation Guide PSSA and 4Sight are considered to be Summative Assessments. Agree or Disagree? Copyright ©2011 Commonwealth of Pennsylvania 14

15 Assessment Anticipation Guide In Pennsylvania, Formative Assessment is described as being: “Designed to provide feedback to both the teacher and the student about how the student is progressing towards demonstrating proficiency on grade level standards.” Agree or Disagree? Copyright ©2011 Commonwealth of Pennsylvania 15 Benchmark

16 Assessment Anticipation Guide Diagnostic Assessment ascertains, prior to instruction, each student’s strengths, weaknesses, knowledge, and skills so that the teacher can meet individual student needs. Agree or Disagree? Copyright ©2011 Commonwealth of Pennsylvania 16

17 Draw Me a Picture Drawing #1 Copyright ©2011 Commonwealth of Pennsylvania 17

18 Draw Me a Picture Drawing #2 Copyright ©2011 Commonwealth of Pennsylvania 18

19 Draw Me a Picture Drawing #3 Copyright ©2011 Commonwealth of Pennsylvania 19

20 SAS Portal Help Desk Email: Toll Free: 1.877.973.3727 1.877.9PDESAS Copyright ©2011 Commonwealth of Pennsylvania 20

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