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A Sound Investment A Sound Investment 1. Learning Goals Gain an understanding of FL and where it fits Establish a network of colleagues Increased awareness.

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Presentation on theme: "A Sound Investment A Sound Investment 1. Learning Goals Gain an understanding of FL and where it fits Establish a network of colleagues Increased awareness."— Presentation transcript:

1 A Sound Investment A Sound Investment 1

2 Learning Goals Gain an understanding of FL and where it fits Establish a network of colleagues Increased awareness of resources to support the teaching of FL Toolbox of strategies to use in your classroom Create a classroom ready lesson plan/unit plan to take away 2

3 Who’s in the Room? Four Corners 3

4 Ministry of Education Presentation 4

5 Raise awareness of the report Focus is on recommendations page 19,20 Why is this report important? Small group discussion, report back to large group 5

6 Break 6

7 Post it Pile it Financial literacy backgrounder … and personal connections Where is Financial Literacy in your life? What 5 major financial decision have you made? Write them down on a post-it note (one per post it note) Group similar ones from your group under headings What knowledge or vocabulary did you need to make these decisions? Where did you find/learn this information? 7

8 Post it – Pile it (cont’d) What financial decisions do your students make every day? Record on chart paper. Compare and Share – How are their decisions similar and how are the different? – Discuss. How can you help them? Relate the learning from this activity to the Financial Literacy competencies (page 13) 8

9 Financial Literacy Resource Develop criteria What makes a good Financial Literacy Resource 9

10 Web Search for Resources Sharing one resource that each person has found parents parents 10

11 Lunch 11

12 Put yourself on the Line 12 Should movie stars be idolized? Cell phones should be allowed in public schools Are our taxes too high? Is Financial Literacy less relevant for elementary students than for secondary students?

13 Scope and Sequence Relation to your grade/subject Examine the document ◦ View your own grade/subject area 13

14 Lesson Plan Development Select your group/partner ◦ Area of interest ◦ Grade level ◦ Similar subject ◦ Friends Brainstorm ideas for lesson topic 14

15 Break 15

16 Developing Learning Goals Choose an overall expectation and do the following: Create a learning goal from the overall expectation. Consider what specific expectations support that overall expectation and write them as learning goals. Make sure that they meet the criteria that you recorded. 16

17 Exit slip (handout) What topic/grade are you developing lesson materials for? What goals have we met today? What goals do we still need to address? Sharing – looking forward to tomorrow 17

18 Energizer Ball toss (Spheres of Influence) 18

19 Day 2 – A Sound Investment Welcome ◦ Review goals ◦ Moving Forward 19

20 BINGO Financial Literacy Style! 20

21 What do you know about Assessment? 21

22 Assessment Graffiti W5H 22

23 Assessment For, As and Of Learning Growing Success 23

24 Fundamental Belief The primary purpose of assessment and evaluation is to improve student learning 24

25 25 Assessment for and as Learning The policy states that teachers need to: share learning goals and success criteria with students; gather information about student learning using a variety of assessment strategies and tools; use assessment to inform instruction, and help students monitor their progress towards achieving their learning goals; give and receive specific and timely descriptive feedback about student learning; and help students to develop skills of peer and self-assessment. 25 Chapter 4 p. 28 Activity 1

26 Who is the Active Partner? 26 Assessment for Learning Assessment as Learning Assessment of Learning Who is the active partner What is the informati on used for?

27 27 Expectations and the Achievement Chart

28 28

29 29 Assessment for Learning and as Learning 5 Strategies 1. identifying and clarifying learning goals and success criteria; 2. engineering effective classroom discussions and other learning tasks that elicit information about student learning; 3. providing feedback that helps learners move forward; 4. through targeted instruction and guidance, engaging students as learning resources for one another; 5. through targeted instruction and guidance, helping students understand what it means to “own” their own learning, and empowering them to do so. Ministry Videos available

30 Break 30

31 Differentiated Instruction students learn best when they are actively involved in and physically interactive with their environment; students develop a deeper understanding when they are encouraged to construct their own knowledge; students benefit from choice, both as a motivator and as a mechanism to ensure that they are working at an optimal level of understanding and development; students need time and encouragement to reflect on and communicate their understanding; students need considerable and varying amounts of time and experience to construct scientific and mathematical 31

32 Tiering Creating more than one version of a task so that we can respond to varied levels of readiness. Tiered assignments focus on the same learning goal for all students but vary in their complexity, structure, open-endedness or degree of independence Teachers choose or create a learning task that for grade level, then create additional versions of that task to meet the readiness needs you identified through pre-assessment All tasks are respectful - engaging, interesting and challenging for all learners 32

33 IEF Presentation Chris Allum 33

34 LUNCH! 34

35 3-Part Lesson Plan Continue working on lessons Look at exemplar & template 35

36 3-Part Lesson Plan Minds-on Action Consolidation 36

37 Break 37

38 IEF Presentation Tom Hamza, President 38

39 Exit slip (handout) One tool you learned about today and will incorporate into the lesson What goals have we met today? What goals do we still need to address? Sharing 39

40 Day 3 – A Sound Investment Welcome ◦ Review goals ◦ Moving Forward ◦ Summing it all up 40

41 Classroom Connections Pair up with a partner to search through today’s paper 41

42 Lesson Development 42 Time to develop your lessons

43 Break 43

44 Finishing touches on Lesson Plan Lesson planning wrap-up Plan to micro teach 44

45 Lunch 45

46 Gallery Walk Share lesson plans with colleagues! 46

47 Micro teaching Mini lesson from your lesson plan Pick learning goal and share a quick summary of your lesson 47

48 Break 48

49 Parking Lot 49

50 Exit slip and evaluation How will/can you share what you have learned to support colleagues? What goals have we met today? What goals will you continue to explore? Sharing – provide copies of handouts of activities today and an USB of resources and workshop material OTF overall workshop evaluation 50

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