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How to protect your organization. Presented by Amie Remington, Esq. General Counsel by Amie Remington, Landrum HR General Counsel 2016 Update What you.

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Presentation on theme: "How to protect your organization. Presented by Amie Remington, Esq. General Counsel by Amie Remington, Landrum HR General Counsel 2016 Update What you."— Presentation transcript:

1 How to protect your organization. Presented by Amie Remington, Esq. General Counsel by Amie Remington, Landrum HR General Counsel 2016 Update What you don’t know gets you in trouble…



4 Quick Review of State and Federal Anti-Discrimination Laws

5 Prohibits discrimination based on Sex, Color, Race, Religion, or National Origin Title VII: The Basics U.S. Department of Labor

6 GINA FMLA USERRA Equal Pay Act Lilly Ledbetter Act Pregnancy Discrimination Act Americans With Disabilities Act c Federal Laws U.S. Department of Labor

7 Florida Civil Rights Act Protects all of the Title VII categories, plus: Marital status Age Handicap / Disability U.S. Department of Labor

8 c Quiz: How long has it been illegal to discriminate against pregnant women in Florida?

9 Florida Commission on Human Relations Total Number of Charges Filed: 1,372 Florida Commission of Human Resources FY 2013-2014 & 2014-2015 Comparisons Employment, Public Accommodations and Whistle Blower Cases Resolved by Basis Type FY 2014-2015

10 Florida Commission on Human Relations FY 2014-2015 Florida Commission of Human Resources

11 Florida Commission on Human Relations FY 2014-2015 Florida Commission of Human Resources

12 c Equal Employment Opportunity Commission EEOC 2015 Fiscal Year Enforcement Data *Some charges contain more than one substantive basis for discrimination and/or a retaliation claim. Source:

13 U.S. Department of Labor Filing Charges for W & H Violations Is Easier Than Ever!

14 “…coverage of LGBT individuals under Title VII’s sex discrimination provisions as one of its enforcement priorities for 2013-2016.” Equal Employment Opportunity Commission

15 Discrimination Laws by State Equal Employment Opportunity Commission

16 THENNOW Complaint filed to EEOC Employer’ s Story Charging Party’s Story EEOC Field Offices Make Decision Based on Both Complaint filed to EEOC EEOC Field Offices Make Decision Based on Both Charging Party’s Story Employer’s Story EEOC New Case-Handling Process

17 Equal Employment Opportunity Commission NEW: Digital Charge System

18 Equal Employment Opportunity Commission NEW! EEOC Retaliation Guidance Revisions

19 U.S. Department of Labor DoL’s New Persuader Rule

20 National Labor Relations Board

21 Kent Y. Hirozawa Philip A. Miscimarra Mark Gaston Pearce, Chairman Nancy J. Schiffer Harry I. Johnston, III Current Makeup of the NLRB

22 National Labor Relations Board Protects the rights of employees to engage in protected concerted activities, including those in which employees seek mu tual aid or protection ; seek to initiate, induce or prepare for group action ; bring group complaints to management’s attention regarding the terms and conditions of their employment; or address a workplace issue of concern to employees. Section 7 of the NLRB

23 National Labor Relations Board Handbook & Policy Compliance

24 National Labor Relations Board Investigative Confidentiality Rule Hyundai Shipping Agency and Banner Health System

25 National Labor Relations Board Electronic Communications Rule

26 National Labor Relations Board Working Hours Rule

27 National Labor Relations Board Unacceptable Conduct Rule

28 National Labor Relations Board Employees who have access to email have a right to engage in protected communications on non-working time. Purple Communications December, 2014

29 National Labor Relations Board Employees who have access to email have a right to engage in protected communications on non-working time. Purple Communications (Not Purple Rain) December, 2014

30 National Labor Relations Board HIPAA Compliance Photos at work



33 OSHA fines set to rise in 2016!

34 OSHA OSHA offers free, on-site consultations for employers

35 And document the training!

36 Let’s keep the conversation going! Learn more at P.S. This is NOT Russell Van Sickle Busy Business Owner’s Guide Author: Ted A. Kirchharr

37 Presented by Amie Remington, Esq. General Counsel Helping protect and grow businesses since 1970.

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