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PREPARED BY ANDREJ KURUŠIN Problems and solutions of territory protection Seminar: “Perimeter – first line of protection ”

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Presentation on theme: "PREPARED BY ANDREJ KURUŠIN Problems and solutions of territory protection Seminar: “Perimeter – first line of protection ”"— Presentation transcript:

1 PREPARED BY ANDREJ KURUŠIN Problems and solutions of territory protection Seminar: “Perimeter – first line of protection ”

2 Overview 2016.06.12 Perimeter – first line of protection 2 o Commercial and private territory protection issues o Unpleasant life situations o Issues of security services in protecting a territory o Standard territory protection solutions – advantages, disadvantages o Protecting a territory by means of electronic devices – advantages, disadvantages o Opportunities of perimeter protection system and integration solutions

3 Territory securing problems 2016.06.12 Perimeter – first line of protection 3 Main issues each owner of a territory or a site faces : o Various things, tools and construction materials disappear from a territory. o Protected cars and other equipment is often damaged. Often the damage caused is significantly higher than the value of the stolen property since entire device is ruined in an attempt to remove a single part. o Fuel disappears from the tanks of cars even though the cars are stationary. o Company employees lack discipline during the work. It is known that the majority of thefts in the territory are arranged by employees. o Outsiders come into a territory. A person lacks a sense of security inside the building or in the yard. The second slogan of our systems is: “Protect not only property, but a person’s life as well.” Let’s imagine several unpleasant situations in a house:

4 An intruder observes a territory 2016.06.12 Perimeter – first line of protection 4 o A fence does not prevent intrusion. An intruder may enter your territory unseen and watch what your family is doing.

5 Assault An intruder may enter a territory unseen and jump at an opportunity to attack you. 2016.06.12 Perimeter – first line of protection 5

6 Assault You won’t even feel him approaching... 2016.06.12 Perimeter – first line of protection 6

7 Theft You are reading a newspaper or engage in other activity and don’t even suspect someone is trying to steal your belongings. 2016.06.12 Perimeter – first line of protection 7

8 Theft of a car Is your car secure? 2016.06.12 Perimeter – first line of protection

9 Theft of a car Where do you keep your car keys? 2016.06.12 Perimeter – first line of protection 9

10 Issues of security services in protecting a territory 10 Other problems in addition to issues the security services face with when protecting an object: Lack of visual and graphic information about the territory. The less information, the longer it takes for security officer to react especially in large objects. Crew lacks precise information about the place of activation. The densier the security zones are set, the more precise place of activation you get. Lack of information about intruder’s actions (movement direction). Often the object lacks perimeter protection control zones. 2016.06.12 Perimeter – first line of protection

11 A watcher falls asleep during the work It is an obvious thing that a watcher’s job is boring. There are a lot of opportunities to snooze. A professional and dutiful security specialists need to be paid more 2016.06.12 Perimeter – first line of protection 11

12 Typical solutions of territory protection There are several possible solutions to these issues: A typical solution is hiring watchers or security service to protect the territory 24 hours a day.  Advantages: No need for major initial investment; A watcher may immediately take action against intrusion, provided that he is not asleep;  Disadvantages It is costly: 6000-10000 LTL per month. Watchers may fall asleep or drink. Watchers may arrange a theft with the help of their accomplices. 2016.06.12 Perimeter – first line of protection 12

13  Advantages:  An intruder is detected immediately as soon as he attempts to enter a territory.  An alarm is signaled to a security panel which coordinates arrival of a security crew.  A security service panel or its owner may observe the situation in an object remotely with the help of Internet and take necessary actions (perimeter + video).  You may forgo using services of watchers.  Disadvantages:  Initial investment needed. A cost of a system may range from 7000 to 50000 LTL. Exact price depends on the size of a territory. But the investment pays off in a few months since there is no need to hire watchers.  Relatively long response time from initial signal is received until arrival of a security team Protecting a territory by means of electronic devices

14 Opportunities of perimeter protection system and integration solutions 14 o A big advantage of a perimeter protection system is an opportunity to develop it step by step. An opportunity of gradual development provides for cost planning and organization of protection. o A perimeter protection system and a video surveillance system are a perfect match. Automation of an object surveillance is an active practice. Eg.: a camera is automatically directed towards the place where the security device is triggered. Result: precise and immediate security action. 2016.06.12 Perimeter – first line of protection

15  Full perimeter interaction with safety alarm. Eg.: a perimeter protection system may be turned on and off at a preset time; installation of a perimeter status indication in an outdoor alarm housing.  Turning perimeter entrance protection system on and off, operation of an automatic roadblock with a press of a single button.  Perimeter protection is an additional tool to ensure discipline of a watcher. Being within the protected perimeter the watcher will not be able to leave the territory or to let someone else into security office without triggering the alarm.  In order to provide temporary protection of events or objects one may use a quickly deployed radio wave perimeter protection system BRK  When a customer cannot afford expensive physical protection in construction site it is possible to rent a perimeter protection set for a time period of construction works and sign an electronic protection contract. Additional opportunities of a perimeter protection system and integration solutions 2016.06.12 Perimeter – first line of protection 15

16 Thank you for your attention Any questions...? 2016.06.12 Perimeter – first line of protection 16

17  Sensors may be connected to an existing or a new security central unit at the object  A remote control to operate the system and entrance zone Forteza FMW  Metal carriers of sensors are placed in concrete, crossing is possible (8 or 4 pcs.)  Sensors are powered through signal cables. It is enough to connect power supply to the sensors; two cables are connected to receivers (to transmit signals and supply power) 2016.06.12 Perimeter – first line of protection 17 A typical cost estimate with Forteza FMW (4 units) No.Equipment / ServiceUnit. / M. Perimeter protection system 1 Expansion module to existing alarm system (or a new protection central unit and console) 1 2Metal casing for expansion module1 312V, 7Ah leakproof battery1 4 1.5A-2A source of power supply 1 5Light indicators2 6Portable control, set1 8 Perimeter protection detector Forteza FMW, receiver- transmitter 4 9 Holders for detectors (height 1.10 m, ground of a holder 0.35x0.35m) 4 10Cable connection box 10x84 11 FTP OUTDOOR KAT5 cable 4x2x0.5; for outside use (adjusted to the fact) 500 12Plastic pipe for cables, black (adjusted to the fact)200 13Accessory mounting materials1 14Transportation expense 15Installation, cable laying, connection, and adjustment works We provide a 18 month warranty for an installed perimeter protection system

18 Forteza FMW 18 Zone overlay Alarm cable 2 meters Power supply and NC Power supply Power supply unit Power supply Power supply unit Receiver Power supply Transmitter

19  Operation of Forteza Fonar sensors is the same as Forteza FMW, the only difference is in design (illuminator housing)  Each illuminator (220 V) has a separate power supply cable Forteza FONAR  It is possible to bind turning on/off of illuminators to triggering of sensors (automation) or to install a manual independent switch to turn the lamps on or off. 19 A typical cost estimate with Forteza FONAR (4 units) No.Equipment / Service Unit. / M. 1 Expansion module to existing alarm system (or a new protection central unit and console) 1 2Metal casing for expansion module1 3A transformer set / a transformer, log, fuse1 412V, 7Ah leakproof battery1 5 1.5A-2A source of power supply 6Light indicators2 7Portable control, set1 8 Perimeter protection detector Forteza FONAR, inside a lamp casing 4 9Cable connection box 10x84 10 FTP OUTDOOR KAT5 cable 4x2x0.5; for outside use (adjusted to the fact) 500 11Plastic pipe for cables, black (adjusted to the fact)200 12Power supply cable (adjusted to the fact)500 13Accessory mounting materials1 14Transportation expense 15Installation, cable laying, connection, and adjustment works We provide a 18 month warranty for an installed perimeter protection system

20 Conditions of use:  Mesh wire or metal welded grating (other versions are also possible).  Shape or relief of a territory is of no importance.  Advantages: it can be used in heavily loaded territories. It is possible to install on any kind of a fence. Forteza Tribo-M 2016.06.12 Perimeter – first line of protection A typical cost estimate with Forteza Tribo and Forteza FMW entrance zone (1 unit) No.Equipment / ServiceUnit. / M. 1 Expansion module to existing alarm system (or a new protection central unit and console) 1 2Metal casing for expansion module1 312V, 7Ah leakproof battery1 41.5A-2A source of power supply1 5Light indicators2 6Portable control, set1 7Perimeter protection detector Forteza FMW, receiver-transmitter1 8Holders for detectors (height 1.10 m, ground of a holder 0.25x0.35m)2 9Concrete bricks (bracing of a stand)2 10Cable connection box 10x82 11Processor unit Forteza Tribo1 12Sensitive cable; tribo effect TPPep (adjusted to the fact)500 13Cable for connection of sensitive cable and processor unit (adjusted to the fact)50 14Transition coupling, adapter4 15FTP KAT5 cable 4x2x0.5; for outside use (adjusted to the fact)200 16Plastic pipe for cables, black (adjusted to the fact)200 17Accessory mounting materials1 18Transportation expense 19Installation, cable laying, connection, and adjustment works We provide a 18 month warranty for an installed perimeter protection system

21 Forteza Tribo-M installation examples 21

22 Forteza Tribo-M installation examples 2016.06.12 Perimeter – first line of protection 22

23 Forteza Tribo-M installation examples 2016.06.12 Perimeter – first line of protection 23

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