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María Eugenia Bustos Rodríguez Manuel Reyes Espinoza Physics… even in the clouds.

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1 María Eugenia Bustos Rodríguez Manuel Reyes Espinoza Physics… even in the clouds

2 Expert Educator: Manuel Reyes Espinoza, Educational Technology Professor, Masters in Education Microsoft Innovative Educator Expert, 2014, Barcelona, Spain. María Eugenia Bustos Rodriguez, Licenciado en física c/m Astronomía. Educational Institute: Netland School Netland School opened in 2012 and started to operate as an Innovative Microsoft School in 2014. Through the Microsoft program, we strive to give Antofagasta’s school community an education of academic excellence with a strong emphasis on developing skills related to English, sports, and technology. Our goal is to give youth a solid ethical base so that they can participate in society as leaders and agents of change for a better and new world. Netland School belongs to the Holding Educacional Magíster (HEM) and therefore takes part in a tradition that we call Educational and Academic Excellence, which is expressed in the five following paradigms that strengthen the schools involved. -High Academic Results - Highly-qualified professors - A philosophy of continuous improvement - Collaboration between teachers - Use of informational technology and communication Context/Material or curricular area Science Age/ educational level/ grade/ age Website/blog/other: Students from 12 to 13 years old, 304 total students from 8th to 9 th grade.

3 Physics…even in the clouds Objectives: Create an interactive and entertaining way to complete physics workshops Use the Microsoft Tutorial Software to solve problems (theories and formulas) Mathematics 4.0, Learn to share files in the cloud from for group work (from OneNote, OneDrive and Word) The physical sciences aims to explain natural laws. Mathematics are used to simulate and show natural laws in a simple language. Some of the challenges of teaching physics are that it is unclear if the students understand the material because they are unclear of what information is relevant, and they struggle with applying mathematical concepts to physics. We realized that Technology Skills for Communication and Information related to the learning process are essential for students’ knowledge in the XXI century. Therefore, students should have the ‘’ability to solve problems related to information, communication and knowledge.’’ If we are able to foster these skills in students, it will be easier to incorpórate new technology in physics class, therefore making the classes more attractive to students. Currently, students from 8th to 9th grade (12-13 years old) have problems learning physics concepts dealing with math. We used Microsoft Mathematics 4.0 Simulator to solve these problems (workships, work guides and evaluations) and then we shared them on the platform using OneDrive, OneNote, or Word Online. Students used these platforms to créate documents with their classmates and Innovative character of the project The way to develop Physics is rigid and structured, which has not been modified with the passing of time and year, where the center of knowledge is the teacher. In our hectic world, we need to teach in an updated way, and it is necessary to elaborate a teaching of autonomy as well as the development of knowledge and especially change the appreciation of the subject, which usually is the basis of the current technological development. Physics is not easy to understand because of the mathematical language that exists in between, which prevents people, especially the students understand it properly, so we use two existing tools such as and Mathematic 4.0 to facilitate the comprehension, the analysis, problem solving and especially physical understanding. In addition, we save time and optimize administrative management of teachers because the material is not printed to develop the class.

4 Tutorial Microsoft Mathematics 4.0 Tutorial Microsoft OneNote 4.0 Rubrica

5 Videos de Trabajos

6 Development of critical thinking Although all of our students have the ability to think, they don’t do it in a correct way, tha is, thinking firmly, logically, with basis, coherent and obtaining relevant conclusions. So, to teach physics, there are some rules that are important to know and employ to obtain the best result. To reach the goal of making students to think better and know the importance for the daily life, to do it the best way is useful in every field in life. Our 8th and 9th graders have been able to use Simulator Mathmatic 4.0. This simulator will enable them to solve problems of physics in a quick and efficient way to learn the fundamental contents of the subject. Extension of learning beyond the classroom Students using platform can access quickly to all your guides, workshops and assessments. From any device with internet access, at home, at school and in the city. They just need to download the application movile Office will know when their classmates share workshops and work, plus know when the teacher sends the comments and feedback on your work immediately. Achieving enhance skills and Work century classroom more dynamic and entertaining

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