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Stockport Childcare Pilot Summer 2010 Sarah Gower-Jones Extended Schools Consultant.

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Presentation on theme: "Stockport Childcare Pilot Summer 2010 Sarah Gower-Jones Extended Schools Consultant."— Presentation transcript:

1 Stockport Childcare Pilot Summer 2010 Sarah Gower-Jones Extended Schools Consultant

2 Background Stockport extended schools infrastructure Gaps in provision identified

3 How we got started Identified interested partners Negotiated proposals with partners ie Commitment to initial consultation Accountability for the funds SLA Profile of the scheme Feedback and evaluation Allocated funding

4 The schemes Werneth High School Offered a range of sessions, including cookery, street dance and sports alongside a breakfast club. Had 125 sessions booked and paid for. Charged £5 per session Reddish Vale Technology College Offered a range of sessions for Year 6 feeder school pupils Monday & Tuesday each week – activities focusing on themes of Every Child Matters & issues encountered in moving to secondary school Wednesday – cultural trip in partnership with Stockport Heritage Thursday – team activities & games; sport/swimming; board games; craft skills; music/samba/steel pans; dance; cheer leading; Cycling Project/Safer Travel; Healthy Cooking Also a three course meal one day per week - developing social skills. Also contributed to the schools aim to increase the uptake of healthy school lunches. The whole scheme cost £14k. Balance to be met via charges to pupils, Disadvantage Subsidy funding and from the school’s main budget.

5 The schemes Castle Hill (Secondary Special School) Offered a range of trips and school based activities such as animal handling, street dance and multi sports. Charged differing amounts for activities. 33% of the school’s pupils pupils attended at least one day. Broadstone Hall Primary Offered dance workshops, structured games, multisports day, visits out, summer quiz. Ran for 3 days with 120 places per day. Charged £5. Bramhall Cluster Allocated £1.5k to enable one out of school club managers to facilitate a patchwork of provision across 4 primary schools in the area. Pupils will pay the whole of the cost of the provision.

6 Heaton School Scheme Stockport CP (Cerebral Palsy) 7 disabled young people each had a total of 10 days holiday club provision. One young person attended with complex needs who required 1-1 support. (This will assist him being able to access the after school club from September.) One child with complex needs attended a mainstream holiday club with 1-1 support. Her younger brother also attended. Transport for 4 children to travel to and from Valley Stay to Play Holiday Club Pupils paid varying amounts for the provision they attended

7 The one that got away… St Anne’s Provisionally allocated £7k. Failed to recruit enough young people to the project and decided that it was not viable.

8 Initial Learning SLA’s St Anne’s

9 Further evaluation of each scheme via Interviews with staff and parents Questionnaires Pupil focus groups Revealed… Type of activities which were attractive Charging / sustainability Transport Benefits for YP and parents

10 Quotes “Helps massively with childcare and enables my children to do activities they normally wouldn’t.” Parent “Working nights – it has meant that I could have 3 days sleep” Parent “It’s a relief to know that your kids are being looked after, doing activities that they enjoy in a familiar environment but with different children” Parent “The club has helped my daughter socialise and make new friends” Parent

11 The real stars!

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