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 Top-Down – interpretation / perception  Bottom-Up – sensation/biology/same in all  Absolute Threshold – min. amount needed  Difference Threshold.

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3  Top-Down – interpretation / perception  Bottom-Up – sensation/biology/same in all  Absolute Threshold – min. amount needed  Difference Threshold – amount needed to notice change  Weber’s Law – 2 stimuli must differ by a constant proportion not a constant amount for a difference to be detected  Signal Detection – expectation matters

4 Frequency of the wave tells you hue (color) Amplitude of the wave tells intensity/brightness

5 Retina = the light-sensitive inner surface of the eye, containing the receptor rods and cones plus layers of neurons that begin the processing of visual information. 1. Retina 2.Bipolar Cells 3.Ganglion Cells Feature detectors

6 Basilar Membrane: Semicircular Canals: Vesibular Sense: Place Theory: where hits along cochlea (HIGH PITCH) Frequency Theory: cochlea vibrates fast or slow (LOW PITCH) Conduction: bones (Can’t fix) Sensorineural: Nerves (Can fix) decibels hertz




10 Social Influence Theory: good subject Divided Consciousness Theory: dissociate / Hilgard

11 Psychoactive Drugs Barbiturates; opiates


13 I. Pavlov John Watson B.F. Skinner A. Bandura Operant Conditioning Observation al Learning

14  Habituation: decreasing responsiveness with repeated stimulation  Sensory Adaptation: get used to a continuous, unchanging stimulus


16  Fixed Ratio (FR): aware of # of responses needed to gain reward  Variable Ratio (VR): unaware of # of responses needed (slot machine)  Fixed Interval (FI): aware of amount of time that has to pass before reinforced  Variable Interval (VI): unawareof amount of time that has to pass before reinforced Overjustification: rewarded externally for behavior you used to get internal joy from so now don’t do


18  Instinct Theory  Drive Theory: (Clark Hull)  Need is a motivated state caused by physical deficit (lack of food)  Drive reduces need (eat)  Incentive Theory:  Biological push / external pull  +/- external stimulus  Arousal Theory  Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs


20  Achievement Motivation  McClelland  Use TAT test  Internalized standard of excellence  Affiliation  Need to be with others

21 separate & different (thalamus)

22  Hans Selye General Adaptation Syndrome Sympathetic arousal Adaptation-level phenomenon: satisfaction/dissatisfaction success/failure are all relative to our most recent experience Relative deprivation: the notion that we are worse off relative to those with whom we compare ourselves


24 Vygotsky: zone of proximal development

25  Preconventional morality self interest Rewarded/punished  Conventional morality laws & social rules  Postconventional morality universal ethical principles personal code of ethics


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