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NORTH AMERICAN PVC MARKET USA & Canada – 2013- 2014Domestic Market Segments.

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1 NORTH AMERICAN PVC MARKET USA & Canada – 2013- 2014Domestic Market Segments

2 NORTH AMERICAN PVC MARKET SEGMENTS Source: ACC (American Chemistry Council )

3 GLOBAL PVC PRODUCERS & RANKING 2014 North AmericaWorld

4 CHINA PVC CAPACITY vs DEMAND: 2005 - 2015 Source: CMAI China’s capacity additions are expected to exceed demand growth. Most of this new capacity is based on carbide versus the traditional ethylene process.

5 2013-2014 PVC MARKET CONDITIONS Domestic PVC demand was strong in 2013-2014 attributing housing and construction growth spending. Total Domestic Volumes higher by 3.2 % 2013 – Total domestic volume 390,000 mt / (1 month) – Demand increased by 79,000mt / 1 month - over Dec 2012 Exports volumes higher by 14.5% in 2013, and 2014 was a mixed year with low and high volumes export as per the demand and season in many countries, and due to geo political situation in European continent. – Average Total exports volume 180,000mt / (1 month) (from 2 nd half 2013 – 1 st half 2014 ) – Export volumes improved in 2 nd half of 2013 and early 2014. Industry operating rates 85.7% in 2013 – Higher operating rates in 2013 compared to 2012 – Jan 2013 operating rate higher by 3% vs Jan 2012 – Operating rates improved further in 2013

6 2013- 2014 PVC INDUSTRY DYNAMICS Domestic PVC demand started with very strong growth in 2013. Feedstock outages combined with strong demand in N. American and export markets have made PVC supply very tight in 1Q2013. Domestic demand growth is attributed to construction demand Low or no margins in PVC business Caustic Soda market and prices improved steadily as general economy recovers & also due to supply tightness, Chloro-vinyl margins too low and well below investment economics As long as economy grows, so does PVC market – overall housing & construction market believed to be growing steadily in USA and in many countries importing American PVC/

7 GLOBAL PVC PRICING: 2009 – 2013-2014, $/mt Source: CMAI / IHS Chemical (Houston TX)

8 FORECASTED LANDSCAPE (TO 2015) Little to no growth in domestic PVC demand until 2013, then increasingly strong growth through 2015- 2016,once job growth begins to improve and the back-log of home foreclosures has been worked off the market. As a result of weak domestic market ( if any in 2015-2016 ), producers will continue to push PVC into the growing global market to allow them to run their facilities at high production rates and take advantage of the attractive export market.

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