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I3 + C3 = RtI Success Brie Beanne, Melissa Deacon, Sherrard Lewis, Vikki Stevens.

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Presentation on theme: "I3 + C3 = RtI Success Brie Beanne, Melissa Deacon, Sherrard Lewis, Vikki Stevens."— Presentation transcript:

1 I3 + C3 = RtI Success Brie Beanne, Melissa Deacon, Sherrard Lewis, Vikki Stevens


3 1. Take out your computer and make sure that you sign into the ISS webpage 2. Make sure that you are signed into TNL 3. Find the i3 + C3 wiki 4. Make sure that you get the packet of information from the back of the room 5. Think about what kind of learner you are: visual, auditory, or kinesthetic. 6. Take a dot from your table and post it to the board under “Pretest” for how you think you learn best.

4  Identify your particular learning style  Understanding your particular learning style and how to best meet the needs of student with that learning style.  Recognizing student behaviors in the learning environment  How to provide opportunities for students to select and use the most effective learning style as they are working and learning.

5  Go to the wiki: http://i3c3.pbworks.com  Select a “Learning Styles Inventory” from those listed


7  Now that you know your learning style: 1. SAY, as a group, what you learned 2. WRITE one sentence about EACH learning style on your table’s chart paper 3. DO/Draw a picture on the chart paper for each sentence that symbolizes the meaning of the sentence you wrote


9 DIFFERENTIATION Curriculum: Content/Process/ Product/Environment Student: Readiness/Interest/Learning Style

10  Your learning styles will certainly not match those of everyone in your class.  What works well for you may not work well for some (or even most!!) of your students.  Knowing something about learning styles in general and your own learning styles in particular can help you to plan assignments and activities.

11 STUDENT OUTCOMES: You will learn more easily and with greater success once you have unlocked your learning style and discovered the best methods for helping you learn. You may be surprised to discover just how well you can flourish in the classroom, even in subjects that you previously found difficult!

12 Your modality indicates what you need to be able to concentrate, learn, process, and file information. Basically, your learning style is the method you require that best allows you to gather and use knowledge in a specific manner. But, What are Learning Styles?

13  Typically learn through what they are able to see with their own eyes.  These students jockey for the positions at the front of the class, must have front row theater seats and love to be right up front for sporting events in order to obtain the best view. Visual Learners

14 Student can use  Clear visual cues  See the big picture cues  See information on WB  Notetaking / visual images  Computer typing  Concept mapping  Genre / report processes Teacher can offer  Charts, worksheets, diagrams  Webbing, mapping, graphic organizers  Seating in class  Use Frameworks  Diary notes,  Organizational checklists  Assessment timetables

15  SAY to a partner what you understand about VISUAL LEARNERS.  WRITE on a sticky note how visual students may appear to be “off task” or how students could “show what I know” based on what you’ve just learned about VISUAL LEARNERS.  DO/Using any materials (located in the center of your table), create something VISUAL that symbolizes what you’ve just learned.

16  Auditory learners are very good listeners.  They tend to absorb information in a more efficient manner through sounds, music, discussions, teachings, etc.  These individuals will be more likely to record lectures so that they can replay them at a later time for study purposes. Auditory Learners

17 Student can use  Clear instructions & directions  Oral Expressive Language  Listening oral presentation / multimedia supports  Praise  Sight word vocabularly  Computer programs  Calculators  Reading aloud Teacher can offer  Brief - to the point verbal cues  Written supports  Media supports - video’s  Spelling supports  Computer programs

18  SAY to a partner what you understand about AUDITORY LEARNERS.  WRITE on a sticky note how visual students may appear to be “off task” or how students could “show what I know” based on what you’ve just learned about AUDITORY LEARNERS.  DO/Using any materials (located in the center of your table), create something AUDITORY that symbolizes what you’ve just learned.

19  Kinesthetic learners are tactile learners.  They learn best through moving, doing, acting out and touching.  Projects that are hands-on in nature are best for kinesthetic learners. Kinesthetic Learners

20 Student can use  Hands on activities  Quick writing activities  Memory strategies Teacher can offer  Responsible rules  Breaks  Workbook requirements  Assistive Technology  Seat changes  Guided practice support  Meta-cognitive strategies

21  SAY to a partner what you understand about KINESTHETIC LEARNERS.  WRITE on a sticky note how visual students may appear to be “off task” or how students could “show what I know” based on what you’ve just learned about KINESTHETIC LEARNERS.  DO/Using any materials (located in the center of your table), create something KINESTHETIC that symbolizes what you’ve just learned.

22  Based on YOUR modality:  Visually  Auditory  Kinesthetically  Record/capture/note your overall learning or “a-ha” moments from this session.

23  How did the regular “SAY, WRITE, DO” segments increase your engagement and understanding? How might you use “SAY, WRITE, DO” in your classroom this week?  Discuss at your table:  What did you learn about Yourself? Your students? Your colleagues? Your family members?

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