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Published byLeonard Scott Modified over 8 years ago
MAKE OUR WORK COUNT October 20, 2009 2009 CSDA Annual Child Support Training Conference and Expo Presenter: David Garcia, Butte County Department of Child Support Services,
MAKE OUR WORK COUNT The Make Our Work Count (MOWC) training was developed by Jeanette Segress in Butte County to: Provide staff detailed information on data they enter into specific fields in CSE and how it effects the performance measures/1257 report.
MAKE OUR WORK COUNT MODULES –Cases With Support Orders Established –Establishing Paternity –Medical Support and Health Insurance –Current Support Due and Distributed –Cases With Arrears Collections
What lines on the 1257 address Cases with Support Orders Established? –Line 1: Cases Open at the End of the Month –Line 2: Cases Open at the End of the Month with Support Orders Established
FEDERAL PERFORMANCE MEASURE How is the Federal Performance Measure (FPM) for Cases with Support Orders Established calculated? Number of cases with support orders established (Line 2) ÷ Number of cases open (Line 1) = Percentage of Cases with Support Orders Established (FPM)
Line 1 – Cases Open at the End of the Month (cont) 1. The Case Status must be “Open” on the last day of the month. 2.The Federal Case Type must not be “Non IV-D”. 3.The CA Interstate must not have the “No US Jurisdiction” box checked. AND
Line 1 – Cases Open at the End of the Month (cont) 4.Must not be a “Spousal Support Only” case – Obligation Column must contain obligation types other than spousal support
Line 2 – Case Open at the End of the Month with Support Orders Established 1.Case reported on Line 1 2.An Active support order exists with at least one of the following support terms for an Active, Emancipated, Not-In-Household or Deceased Dependent or Active CP on the case: - Order Status column (continued on next slide)
Line 2 – Case Open at the End of the Month with Support Orders Established (cont) 2. (cont) …..with at least one of the following support terms……… Child Support, Family Support, Medical Support or Terms, Child Care, Travel Expense, Education Fees, Special Needs OR - Parentage and Health Insurance Terms List - Medical Terms exist
Line 2 – Case Open at the End of the Month with Support Orders Established (cont) 2. (cont) ……..for an Active, Emancipated, Not-In-Household or Deceased Dependent or Active CP on the case:
Line 2 – Case Open at the End of the Month with Support Orders Established (cont) 3. The order is not a Voluntary Pay Agreement (VPA) or a Proposed Order (PRE) 4. There is a Judge Signed Date on or before the report date
Line 2 – Case Open at the End of the Month with Support Orders Established (cont) 5.The order is not a Paternity Only order - Only Parentage Terms are populated 6.The order can be Zero or Reserved - Summary of Current Support Terms - Ordered ($) column may be ‘ZERO ORDER’ or ‘RESERVED’
What lines on the 1257 address Paternity? –There are 11 lines on the 1257 that address paternity. This training will only focus on the three lines most effected by user data entry. Line 5 – Children in IV-D Cases Opened at the End of the Month Born Out-Of-Wedlock Line 6 – Children in IV-D Cases Open During or at the End of the Month With Paternity Established or Acknowledged Line 16 – Children in the IV-D Caseload for Whom Paternity Was Established Judicially During the Federal Fiscal Year (FFY)
Line 5 – Children in IV-D Cases Open at the End of the Month Born Out-of-Wedlock (cont) 1.Must report on Line 1 2.The “Latest Good Cause Status” is NOT “Granted”
Line 5 – Children in IV-D Cases Open at the End of the Month Born Out-of-Wedlock (cont) 3The child must have a status of “Active, Emancipated, Not-in-Household or Deceased” Continued on next slide
Line 5 – Children in IV-D Cases Open at the End of the Month Born Out-of-Wedlock (cont) If child is Emancipated, he/she must not have turned 18 before the start of the current FFY. If the child is Deceased, the date of death must be after the start of the current FFY.
Line 5 – Children in IV-D Cases Open at the End of the Month Born Out-of-Wedlock (cont) 4.The “Unborn Participant” checkbox for the child is not checked.
Line 5 – Children in IV-D Cases Open at the End of the Month Born Out-of-Wedlock (cont) 5.The NCP must have a status of “Active” 6.The child parentage status is NOT “Never at Issue”
Line 5 – Children in IV-D Cases Open at the End of the Month Born Out-of-Wedlock (cont) 7.The NCP must be the Father or Putative Parent on the case
Line 5 – Children in IV-D Cases Open at the End of the Month Born Out-of-Wedlock (cont) 8.If the Father/Putative Parent or Mother is deceased, paternity must have been established - Compare Parentage Status Date to Deceased Date on NP’s Participant Detail Screen
Line 6 – Children in IV-D Cases Open During or at the End of the Month With Paternity Established or Acknowledged (cont) Criteria 1-4 are the same validation steps as 1 – 4 for Line 5. LINE 6
Line 6 – Children in IV-D Cases Open During or at the End of the Month With Paternity Established or Acknowledged (cont) 5. The NCP must have a status of “Active”. AND
Line 6 – Children in IV-D Cases Open During or at the End of the Month With Paternity Established or Acknowledged (cont) 5. (cont) The NCP must be the Father on the case.
Line 6 – Children in IV-D Cases Open During or at the End of the Month With Paternity Established or Acknowledged (cont) 6.The child parentage status is “Adjudicated or Acknowledged” 7.The parentage status date must be before or during reporting period 8.If the child is deceased, the parentage status date must be before (or on) the child’s date of death. - Compare Parentage date with deceased date on child’s Participant Detail screen
Line 6 – Children in IV-D Cases Open During or at the End of the Month With Paternity Established or Acknowledged (cont) 9.The “Unborn Participant” checkbox for the child is not checked.
Line 6 – Children in IV-D Cases Open During or at the End of the Month With Paternity Established or Acknowledged (cont) 10. The order establishing paternity: -Must not be a Voluntary Pay Agreement (VPA) -Must have a judge signed date
Line 16 – Children in the IV-D Caseload for Whom Paternity Was Established Judicially During the FFY (cont) For criteria 1-7 validation steps are the same as Line 6. LINE 16
Line 16 – Children in the IV-D Caseload for Whom Paternity Was Established Judicially During the FFY (cont) 8. Paternity must have been judicially established by the IV-D agency during the reporting period: a) Parentage status must be “Adjudicated” b) Parentage status date must be within the reporting period c) POP Declaration value must be “No”.
Line 16 – Children in the IV-D Caseload for Whom Paternity Was Established Judicially During the FFY (cont) 8. d) Order Type must NOT be “VPA” e) Source Document must NOT be “Family Law Judgment” or “VPA” f) Must have a judge signed date within the period of time the case was open g) Issuing State of order must be California
Line 16 – Children in the IV-D Caseload for Whom Paternity Was Established Judicially During the FFY (cont) 8.h) Parentage Terms must be “Established”
What lines on the 1257 address Medical Support and Health Insurance? –Line 21 – Cases Open at the End of the Month in Which Medical Support is Ordered –Line 21a – Cases Open at the End of the Month in Which Medical Support is Ordered and Provided –Line 22 – Cases Open at the End of the Month Where Health Insurance is Ordered –Line 23 – Cases Open at the End of the Month Where Health Insurance is Provided as Ordered
Line 21 – Cases Open at the End of Month in Which Medical Support is Ordered (cont) 1)An Active support order exists with a Judge Signed Date and the case has one of the following: - Status is “Active” - Signed Date is populated
Line 21 – Cases Open at the End of Month in Which Medical Support is Ordered (cont) 1)(cont) and one of the following exist…. -Heath Insurance ordered OR - Medical Support ordered
Line 21 – Cases Open at the End of Month in Which Medical Support is Ordered (cont) 1.(cont) ……..for an Active, Emancipated, Not-In- Household or Deceased Dependent or Active CP on the case: - The Health Insurance Dependent must be Active or Not-In- Household
Line 21 – Cases Open at the End of Month in Which Medical Support is Ordered (cont) NOTE: A case WILL count when there are multiple children as long one child meets the other criteria for line 21. Case will NOT count when the “Finding and Order Pursuant FC 3751b” or “Court Ordered Stay (Other)” box for the health insurance terms has been checked on the Support Order Detail Page in the Wage/Health Assignment Information section. Proposed orders (PRE), Voluntary Pay Agreement (VPA) are also not considered Active for the purposes of 1257 reporting and will NOT count. Paternity Only orders will NOT count. (Orders for paternity that also address Health Insurance, will count).
Line 21a – Cases Open at the End of the Month in Which Medical Support is Ordered and Provided 1)Case reported on Line 21 2)One of the following is true: a) Dependent has private health insurance b) Medical support for the dependent is ordered and paid c) Dependent has public health insurance and: I. Private insurance not available at a reasonable cost d) Dependent has no private health insurance and: I. Private insurance is not available at a reasonable cost II. A medical support payment was made during the month
Line 21a – Cases Open at the End of the Month in Which Medical Support is Ordered and Provided (cont) a)Dependent has private health insurance - Policy is Active - Dependent is on policy
Line 21a – Cases Open at the End of the Month in Which Medical Support is Ordered and Provided (cont) b) Medical support for the dependent is ordered and paid - Obligation Column must include an obligation type of Medical Support - Amount in the Collections column
Line 21a – Cases Open at the End of the Month in Which Medical Support is Ordered and Provided (cont) c) Dependent has public health insurance and: - End Date blank, within or after the reporting period - Status is “ELIGIBLE” - Aid Code is on the “DCSS Master Aid Code List” - Historical box is NOT checked Click on the Case Number hyperlink
Line 21a – Cases Open at the End of the Month in Which Medical Support is Ordered and Provided (cont) c) Dependent has public health insurance and (cont): - Public Assistance Status must be OPEN
Line 21a – Cases Open at the End of the Month in Which Medical Support is Ordered and Provided (cont) c) Dependent has public health insurance and (cont): I. Private insurance not available at a reasonable cost - Health Insurance Unavailable at a Reasonable Cost checkbox is checked
Line 21a – Cases Open at the End of the Month in Which Medical Support is Ordered and Provided (cont) d) Dependent has no private health insurance and: I. Private insurance is not available at a reasonable cost {Participant Employment Detail screen} II. A medical support payment was made during the month {Case Balance Detail screen}
Line 22 – Cases Open at the End of the Month where Health Insurance is Ordered 1)Case reported on Line 21 2)Either NCP, CP or both NCP and CP are ordered to provide health insurance {Support Order Details page} 3)Dependents are Active, not in household, emancipated or deceased within the FFY {Case Participant Detail page}
Line 22 – Cases Open at the End of the Month where Health Insurance is Ordered (cont) NOTE: A case WILL count when there are multiple children as long one child meets the other criteria for line 22. Case will NOT count when the “Finding and Order Pursuant FC 3751b” or “Court Ordered Stay (Other)” box for the health insurance terms has been checked on the Support Order Detail Page in the Wage/Health Assignment Information section. Proposed orders (PRE) are also not considered Active for the purposes of 1257 reporting. “CP is Providing” will report. “NCP Ordered – Unenforceable”, “Non Specified on Order”, “Court Order No Health Insurance” will not report.
Line 23 Cases Open at the End of Month where Health Insurance is Provided as Ordered 1)Case reported on Line 22 2)The party ordered to provide health insurance (CP/NCP) has: a)An active health insurance policy b)The start date of the policy is less than or equal to the end of the FFY c)The end date of the policy is greater than the start date or not populated d)The ordered party is an active “Associated Participant” on the policy e)An active (or was active during FFY) dependent on the case
What lines on the 1257 address Current Support Due & Distributed? –Line 24: Total Amount of Current Support Due for the Federal Fiscal Year (FFY) –Line 25: Total Amount of Support Distributed as Current Support During the Federal Fiscal Year (FFY)
CURRENT SUPPORT DUE AND DISTRIBUTED How is the Federal Performance Measure (FPM) for Current Support Collected calculated? Total amount of support distributed as Current Support (Line 25) ÷ Total amount of Current Support Due (Line 24) = Percentage of Current Support Collected (FPM)
Line 24 – Total Amount of Current Support Due for the FFY (cont) 1) The case was Open during the reporting period. - The Case Status must be “Open”. If “Closed” the “Status Date” must be within the FFY. - The Federal Case Type must not be “Non IV-D”. - The CA Interstate must not have the “No US Jurisdiction” box checked.
Line 24 – Total Amount of Current Support Due for the FFY (cont) 2) Must NOT be a “Spousal Support Only case – From the Case Balance History screen click on “Month” hyperlink > Case Balance Detail: -Obligation Column must contain obligation types other than spousal support
Line 24 – Total Amount of Current Support Due for the FFY (cont) 3) An “Obligation Charge” transaction must exist with a “Transaction Date”, “Effective Date” and/or “Active As Of” Date which falls within the FFY. – Change “View Options” to: Transaction Type = Obligation Charge Active Status = Both Active as of Date = Current date or last day of the FFY Effective Date Range = First day of the FFY to current date or last day of FFY - Transaction, Effective and/or Active As Of Date must fall within the FFY
Line 24 – Total Amount of Current Support Due for the FFY (cont) NOTE: Line 24 is the sum of all Current Support due for the FFY. Cases that are closed during the FFY will report obligations charged to Current Support for the months the case was open. The total is the sum of the obligation charge transactions for child support (family support & child care amounts are rolled into this amount), spousal support and medical support; the balance adjustment transactions for Current Support (created by CUCA); and obligation charge Current Support transactions created when voluntary payments are processed
Line 25 – Total Amount of Support Distributed as Current Support During the FFY 1)The case was Open during the reporting period. 2)The Federal Case type must NOT be “Non IV-D”. 3)The “No US Jurisdiction” checkbox is not checked. 4)Case must Not be a “Spousal Support Only” case (if it is, review the case for closure) AND
Line 25 – Total Amount of Support Distributed as Current Support During the FFY 5) The total amount of support distributed as current support is calculated as follows: a) Sum all current support distributed to welfare recoupment during the FFY where the distribution date is in the reporting period b) Add all disbursements for current support originated by the SDU (for IV-D cases) during the reporting period c) Subtract all receivables established and add all receivables offset during the reporting period d) Subtract any adjustments during the FFY which result in current collection amounts being backed out
Line 25 – Total Amount of Support Distributed as Current Support During the FFY (cont) Criteria 1-4 are the same validation steps as 1-4 for Line 24. LINE 25
Line 25 – Total Amount of Support Distributed as Current Support During the FFY (cont) 5) The total amount of support distributed as current support – Case tab > Financial hyperlink > Case Financial Transaction History hyperlink > Change “View Options” to: –Transaction Type = Distribution, Non-Standard Distribution and Adjustment –Active Status = Both –Active as of Date = Last day of the FFY –Effective Date Range = First day of the FFY to current date or last day of FFY
Line 25 – Total Amount of Support Distributed as Current Support During the FFY (cont) 5) Click “View” > Case Financial Transaction History screen, click on Distribution hyperlink
Line 25 – Total Amount of Support Distributed as Current Support During the FFY (cont) 5) Distribution Transaction Detail screen > Distribution Results section –Amount distributed to any type of Current Obligation (repeat steps for all transactions in the FFY to get the total for Line 25)
Line 25 – Total Amount of Support Distributed as Current Support During the FFY (cont) NOTE: Direct Payments, Non Welfare Futures, Voluntary Payments and Interstate Processing Fees may be included if the transaction was active during the FFY. For Non Welfare Futures, only the amount satisfying current support will be counted and only when the amount is drawn down to satisfy the obligation. Cases that are closed during the FFY will report distributions to Current Support for the months the case was open.
What lines on the 1257 address Cases with Arrears Collections? –Line 28: Cases With Arrears Due During the Federal Fiscal Year (FFY) –Line 29: Cases Paying Toward Arrears During the Federal Fiscal Year (FFY)
CASES WITH ARREARS COLLECTIONS How is the Federal Performance Measure (FPM) for Cases With Arrears Collections calculated? Number of cases with an arrears collection (Line 29) ÷ Number of cases with arrears owing (Line 28) = Percentage of Cases with Arrears Collections (FPM)
Line 28 – Cases with Arrears Due During the Federal Fiscal Year (FFY) (cont’d) 1)The “No US Jurisdiction” checkbox is not checked: - Case tab > Case Overview > CA Interstate
Line 28 – Cases with Arrears Due During the Federal Fiscal Year (FFY) (cont’d) 2) Must NOT be a “Spousal Support Only case -Obligation Column must contain obligation types other than spousal support
Line 28 – Cases with Arrears Due During the Federal Fiscal Year (FFY) (cont’d) 3) The case must have an arrears balance greater than zero within the FFY - An Amount greater is in the “Balance” field - The transaction date is during the FFY
Line 29 – Cases Paying Toward Arrearages During the Federal Fiscal Year (FFY) 1) Case must have reported on line 28 2) Case has a distributed arrears collection (arrears or interest) – Case tab > Financial hyperlink > Case Financial Transaction History hyperlink > Change “View Options” to: –Transaction Type = Distribution, Non-Standard Distribution and Adjustment –Active Status = Both –Active as of Date = Last day of the FFY –Effective Date Range = First day of the FFY to current date or last day of FFY
Line 29 – Cases Paying Toward Arrearages During the Federal Fiscal Year (FFY) (cont) 2) Click “View” > Case Financial Transaction History screen, click on Distribution hyperlink
Line 29 – Cases Paying Toward Arrearages During the Federal Fiscal Year (FFY) (cont) 2) Distribution Transaction Detail screen > Distribution Results section –Amount distributed to any type of Arrears Obligation, including interest.
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