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Unit Two - Culture. Today in class we are going to discuss the agents of socialization and how they impact culture and our social interactions.

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Presentation on theme: "Unit Two - Culture. Today in class we are going to discuss the agents of socialization and how they impact culture and our social interactions."— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit Two - Culture

2 Today in class we are going to discuss the agents of socialization and how they impact culture and our social interactions.

3  Today in class we are going to discuss four major elements of socialization:  The Family  The Mass Media  Peer Groups  School

4  We are socialized by our reference group.  Reference Group – group whose norms and values are used to guide behavior; groups with whom you identify

5  You learn many things for your family. You learn attitudes, cultural traditions, religious practices, about relationships, acquire self image, etc…  Family and social class affect us throughout our whole lives  How does family affect each of these following groups?

6  Schools have a hidden curriculum  Hidden Curriculum – the informal and unofficial aspects of culture that children are taught in school  Just think…everything I ever need to know I learned in Kindergarten  Schools teach children discipline, cooperation and conformity  How did school help socialize these individuals?

7  Peer Group – set of individuals of roughly the same age and interest  Children have the ability to make friends…  What do your friends say about you as a person? Who do you choose to be friends with?  Lets revisit our groups…

8  Mass Media – means of communication designed to reach the general population  The mass media introduces children to culture at a very young age  The media provides children with role models to imititate  Lets take one last look at this group of people…

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