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Meeting on Social Protection Assessment Based National Dialogue exercise ILO Manila, 28 May 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "Meeting on Social Protection Assessment Based National Dialogue exercise ILO Manila, 28 May 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 Meeting on Social Protection Assessment Based National Dialogue exercise ILO Manila, 28 May 2014

2 Agenda Justification of the ABND (DOLE & ILO) The social protection floor & NSPS of the Philippines (ILO) Presentation of the ABND approach (ILO) including organization of the ABND in the Philippines (discussion) Next steps (discussion)

3 Justification of the ABND

4 Justification: the UN perspective UNDG and ILO’s letter (March 2014) Calls for the implementation of social protection floors as defined by ILO’s Recommendation on social protection floors Suggests 5 actions: 1.UN social protection floors teams 2.National dialogue on SPFs 3.Analysis & recommendations to complete the SPF 4.UNDAFs on social protection 5.Work with national statistics offices

5 Justification: ASEAN Declaration on strengthening social protection (October 2013) Clear reference to the social protection floor concept and ILO’s Recommendation Carry out evidence-based national assessments of the social protection delivery systems in the respective ASEAN member states, in order to identify a number of concrete actions to improve the quality, coverage, and sustainability of social protection

6 Justification: the national perspective The social protection operational framework and strategy of the Philippines identifies four types of interventions: Social insurance Social welfare Social safety nets Labour market interventions The implementation plan of the SP strategy needs to be ready by end of 2016 The National Convergence Programme aims at establishing a Social Protection Floor for workers in the informal sector during 2014-16

7 The social protection floor & NSPS of the Philippines

8 Social protection floors: basic ideas Social security is a human right (Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948)) The SPF = a set of guarantees to ensure that this human right is a reality for all members of society Not only a development concept; also valid for humanitarian interventions

9  All residents have access to essential health care including maternity care  All children enjoy basic income security (providing access to nutrition, education and care)  All persons in active age who are unable to earn sufficient income (e.g. in case of sickness, maternity, unemployment, disability) enjoy basic income security  All older persons enjoy basic income security Social protection floors: four guarantees

10 Poor and near poorInformal economyPrivate sector employees Civil servants Armed forces Social protection floor: social security guarantees providing income security and access to goods and services Non contributory schemes, waivers Partially contributory schemes Compulsory (and contributory) social insurance Social security system: based on the SPF, provide higher levels of protection to as many people as possible Level of protection Social protection floors: a minimum entitlement

11 The SPF and the national social protection strategy of the Philippines Life cycle approach Special attention on poor and vulnerable Universal coverage, in line with fiscal space Identifying and responding to major risks and vulnerabilities Identifying and responding to priority target areas and sectors Universal coverage, in line with fiscal space Elements of the SP operational framework in the Philippines The SPF concept

12 The ABND approach, steps, timeline, stakeholders

13 The ABND approach Objectives Outputs 3 steps Answer a simple question: Is the social protection floor a reality for all members of society? An assessment matrix which compares the SP situation to the SPF leading to recommendations A costing & fiscal space analysis leading to priority policy options & sequencing A mechanism for national dialogue and policy coordination ABND matrix Costing model Endorsement

14 The ABND has three steps Step 1 – Building the assessment matrix including the identification of priority recommendations Step 2 – Rapid Assessment Protocol to estimate the cost of implementing the social protection provisions Step 3 – Finalisation of the assessment report for endorsement and further action by the higher levels of government

15 Each step has sub-steps 1. What is the social protection situation? 2. How far are we from the achievement of the SPF? -> gaps, issues 3. What should be done to complete the SPF? 4. How much would it cost over the next 5 years? 5. Can the Government afford it? Do we need to increase the fiscal space? 6. How to ensure that the recommendations are endorsed and listened to? 7. How to advocate for the SPF as a whole or specific recommendations? STEP 1 STEP 2 STEP 3

16 1. Inventory of schemes through desk review and bilateral consultations (June-July 2014) 2. Draft assessment matrix (July 2014) with additional information from Mindanao and disaster areas 3. Dialogue # 1 to validate the Assessment Matrix and provide policy recommendations (August 2014) 4. Translation of policy recommendations into “costable” scenarios (September 2014) 5. Dialogue # 2 to validate the choice of scenarios (September 2014) 6. Data collection for the RAP protocol and costing of the scenarios (September-October 2014) 7. Dialogue # 3 to present the results of the costing and discuss the fiscal space (November 2014) 9. Endorsement by SC SP and presentation to the government (January- February 2015); publication & launch of the ABND report (April 2015) 8. Finalization of the costing and assessment matrix; writing of the ABND report (December 2014) National dialogue STEP 1 – Assessment matrix STEP 2 – Costing using the RAP model STEP 3 – Finalisation & endorsement

17 A participatory approach involving relevant stakeholders (to be discussed) UNDAF and the Subcommittee on Social Protection Government Workers & employers representatives Senior Citizens Association, etc. UN agencies ILO UNICEF WHO UNFPA UNDP UN WOMEN etc. DSWD DOLE NEDA, NAC SSC, GSIS, ECC PhilHealth TESDA Academia DoAgriculture DoBudget DoEducation DoHealth DoInterior ILS UMID LGU … NGOS

18 The ABND guide & e-box: a useful resource package 1 st round (2011/13)2 nd round (2014/15) ABND Nov’10 Training Oct’12 Training Viet Nam Indonesia Thailand (Cambodia) Lao PDR Mongolia Myanmar The Philippines Solomon Islands Vanuatu Guide published in April 2014 Guide available at:

19 Detailed steps of the ABND

20 Step 1: building the ABND matrix SPF objective s Govt. strategy Existing provision s Policy gaps Implement -ation issues Recom m- endation s Health Childre n Workin g age Elderly Four SPF guarante es Identifying existing situation in the country Identifying challenges and gaps in the system Developin g priority policy options, to complete the SPF

21 SPF objective s Govt. strategy Existing provisions Policy gaps Implement- ation issues Recomm- endation s Health Social insurance PhilHealth Lifetime Social Safety Net CCT & PEPs Social Welfare Indigent & subsidized Children Social insurance Social Safety Net Social Welfare Working age Social insurance Social Safety Net Social Welfare LMIs Elderly Social insurance Social Safety Net Social Welfare  Identification of recommendations to complete the SPF

22 SPF objective s Govt. strategy Existing provisions Policy gaps Implement- ation issues Recomm- endation s Social ins. Health PhilHealth Lifetime Children Working age Elderly LMI s Working age Safety Nets Health CCT & PEPs Children Working age Elderly Social Welfare Health Indigent & subsidized Children Working age Elderly  Identification of recommendations to implement the SP operational framework

23 From step 1 to step 2: converting recommendations into policy options There are 2 types of recommendations Recommendations to introduce social insurance, work on coordination between schemes and operations, qualitative recommendations to improve quality of services We need to conduct further studies We can use the RAP Protocol Recommendations to introduce non-contributory benefits, increase non- contributory benefit amounts, extend coverage

24 Step 2: rapid assessment protocol RAP is a simplified Excel tool developed by ILO to estimate the cost of providing SPF benefits (for health, children, working age and the elderly) over a 5-10 year period

25 Labour market (EAP) Demographic data (POP) Macroeconomi c data (ECO) General government operations (GGO) Costing of benefits Summary and results 1. Data collection 2. Estimated cost of benefits in absolute terms, as % of GDP, and as % of government expenditure 3. Projected cost of combined benefit packages Step 2: rapid assessment protocol

26 Cambodia; 0.4 – 2.4% GDP by 2020 Indonesia; 0.7 to 2.4% GDP by 2020 Thailand; 0.5 – 1.2% GDP by 2020Viet Nam; 2% to 6% GDP by 2020

27 From step 2 to step 3: affordability and sequencing The cost of policy options in % of GDP and government expenditures relatively low -> immediate affordability The cost of policy options in % of GDP and government expenditures decreasing over the years (due to GDP growth) -> allows for sequencing

28 Step 3: finalization and endorsement Political endorsement and launch of the ABND report Government may endorse some policy options and start implementation Finalising the ABND report, technical endorsement Additional studies may need to be conducted (actuarial, legal, institutional)

29 Next steps (discussion) Formal launch of the ABND exercise (invitation to be prepared by DSWD) List of focal points for the bilateral consultations List of national consultations and tentative dates Choice of the provinces where the ABND will be conducted: national level + Mindanao + disaster affected areas

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