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GCSE Graphic Products What to Revise What: 2 Hour Mock Exam. When: Tuesday 16 th December – 13.10 What: Worth 40% of your entire Grade and split up into.

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Presentation on theme: "GCSE Graphic Products What to Revise What: 2 Hour Mock Exam. When: Tuesday 16 th December – 13.10 What: Worth 40% of your entire Grade and split up into."— Presentation transcript:

1 GCSE Graphic Products What to Revise What: 2 Hour Mock Exam. When: Tuesday 16 th December – 13.10 What: Worth 40% of your entire Grade and split up into two different sections.

2 GCSE Graphic Products What to Revise Section 1: The Design Task What: This is generally worth around 25% of your entire mark and is your chance to demonstrate how creative you are. You will be advised as to how long you should spend on this section at the start. Here you will be required to answer a focused question on a given subject and ask for two or more creative ideas and a final design. Context: Promoting Firework Safety.

3 GCSE Graphic Products What to Revise Section 2: The Questions What: The remaining 75% can be about just around anything to do with the creative process, printing, promotion, nets packaging and, of course, one of the five designers. Again these will advise you how long to spend on each question and sometimes even where the marks will be allocated. Hint: Always read the question carefully.

4 GCSE Graphic Products What to Revise Section 2: Barcodes What: Just about everything to do with barcodes. What they are used for, how they are made and how they could be used in design. You may also want to look specifically at Black and White line drawings both as an art form and how they can be used in other types of illustration. Hint: Never leave anything blank. You will gain marks for any attempt.

5 GCSE Graphic Products What to Revise Section 2: The Designer What: Previous years GCSE papers have focused on Robert Sabuda and Wally Ollins but this paper will look at the work of Harry Beck. Find out what he is famous for, how his designs are constructed and how are they used by todays transport planners throughout the world. Hint: Always guess at 50/50’s.

6 GCSE Graphic Products What to Revise Section 2: Nets What: Packaging and structures are always popular and every GCSE has featured these. This will deal with your ability to think about objects both in 2D and 3D. You will generally be given a grid to draw these on but precision is vital here and you must draw everything with the greatest care and attention to detail. Hint: Think Logically and always use the information given.

7 GCSE Graphic Products What to Revise Section 2: CAD and CAM What: What is CAD and CAM, what are they used for and why is this process helpful to graphic designers. All questions will require you to give full and detailed answers. Think about your content. For example an 8 mark question should contain 8 unique points. Hint: Use your time wisely.

8 GCSE Graphic Products What to Revise Section 2: Die of Forme Cutting What: If your are producing a Kinetic Book, Fast Food packaging, Cinema Standee or CD Packaging they will all require a Die or Forme Cutting process. Know what this is and how and why it is used in the production of almost all graphic products. You Tube Link: grG4HQ grG4HQ Hint: Watch your spelling.

9 GCSE Graphic Products What to Revise Section 2: Die or Forme Cutting

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