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WARM UP Do the Pre Assessment on A Blank Sheet of Paper.

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2 WARM UP Do the Pre Assessment on A Blank Sheet of Paper

3 E NERGY 2013-2014

4 E NERGY V OCABULARY Energy Vocabulary Chart ANSWERS Energy Vocabulary Chart

5 W HAT IS ENERGY? Energy is the ability to do work. Everything that happens in the world uses energy! Most of the time we can’t see energy, but it is everywhere around us!

6 E NERGY … is NEVER created or destroyed! can only be STORED or TRANFERRED.

7 Batteries store energy! This car uses a lot of energy We get our energy from FOOD! Even this sleeping puppy is using stored energy.

8 Remember: ALL matter is made up of particles. The particles NEVER stop moving.

9 H OW IS ALL ENERGY DIVIDED ? All Energy Potential Energy Kinetic Energy

10 P OTENTIAL E NERGY IS … The energy stored in an object. "Potential" simply means the energy has the ability to do something useful later on.

11 E XAMPLES OF P OTENTIAL E NERGY : Hoover Dam Potential Energy Discovery Ed.. Water at the top of a waterfall.. Yo–Yo held in your hand.. A drawn Bow and Arrow…

12 POTENTIAL ENERGY CON’T The higher an object, the more potential energy. The more mass an object has, the more potential energy it has.

13 Which object has more potential energy? A B

14 ANSWER A This brick has more mass than the feather; therefore more potential energy!

15 C HANGING AN OBJECTS ’ HEIGHT CAN CHANGE ITS POTENTIAL ENERGY. If I want to drop an apple from the top of one of these three things, where will be the most potential energy? A B C

16 ANSWER The higher the object, the more potential energy! A

17 P OTENTIAL E NERGY C ONVERTED TO K INETIC E NERGY … When stored energy begins to move, the object now transfers from potential energy into kinetic energy.

18 K INETIC E NERGY I S … The energy of a moving object. "Kinetic" means movement! When stored energy is being used up, it is making things move or happen.


20 The faster the object moves, the more kinetic energy is produced. The greater the mass and speed of an object, the more kinetic energy there will be.


22 ANSWER The semi- truck has more mass; therefore, more kinetic energy!

23 POTENTIAL ENERGY CON’T An object has the MOST kinetic energy when it’s movement is the GREATEST. When an object has the LEAST potential energy, it has the MOST kinetic energy.

24 A WATER BOTTLE IS KNOCKED OFF A DESK. W HEN DOES THE BOTTLE HAVE THE MOST KINETIC ENERGY ? A. At the top of the fall. B. In the middle of the fall. C. At the bottom of the fall.

25 It has the most kinetic energy when its movement and speed are greatest, which is at the bottom of the fall right before it hits the ground. When an object has the LEAST potential energy is when it has the MOST kinetic energy. Study Jams

26 R OLLER C OASTERS When does the train on this roller coaster have the MOST potential energy? AT THE VERY TOP! The HIGHER the train is lifted by the motor, the MORE potential energy is produced. At the top of the hill the train has a huge amount of potential energy, but it has very little kinetic energy.

27 As the train accelerates down the hill the potential energy is converted into kinetic energy. Potential/Kinetic Energy Roller Coasters There is very little potential energy at the bottom of the hill, but there is a great amount of kinetic energy.

28 When does the train on this roller coaster have the MOST kinetic energy? (When is it moving the fastest?) (When does it have the LEAST potential energy???) At the bottom of the tallest hill!

29 Animated Roller Coaster

30 Lets Get Moving.docx How High Does a Ball Bounce Lab.docx

31 All energy is divided into two types: potential and kinetic. Potential Energy: The energy stored in an object. Kinetic Energy: The energy of a moving object. Energy is never created or destroyed. It is always stored or transferred.

32 TYPES OF ENERGY Mechanical, Electromagnetic, Electrical, Chemical and Thermal

33 E NERGY Energy is the ability to do work. Energy is anything that can make matter move or change. Some forms of energy include: Mechanical (kinetic and potential) Thermal (heat) Chemical Electrical Electromagnetic Sound Light Nuclear

34 W HAT IS M ECHANICAL E NERGY ? o Energy due to a object’s motion (kinetic) or position (potential). The bowling ball has mechanical energy. When the ball strikes the pins, mechanical energy is transferred to the pins!


36 W HAT IS E LECTROMAGNETIC E NERGY ? o Light energy o Includes energy from gamma rays, xrays, ultraviolet rays, visible light, infrared rays, microwave and radio bands

37 W HAT IS E LECTRICAL E NERGY ? o Energy caused by the movement of electrons o Easily transported through power lines and converted into other forms of energy

38 W HAT IS C HEMICAL E NERGY ? o Energy that is available for release from chemical reactions. The chemical bonds in a matchstick store energy that is transformed into thermal energy when the match is struck.


40 W HAT IS T HERMAL E NERGY ? o Heat energy o The heat energy of an object determines how active its atoms are. A hot object is one whose atoms and molecules are excited and show rapid movement. A cooler object's molecules and atoms will show less movement.

41 Electromagnetic waves – Electromagnetic energy The energy of light and other forms of radiation. – Ex.) Ultraviolet radiation, infrared radiation, microwaves, etc. R ADIANT E NERGY /E LECTROMAGNETIC

42 R ENEWABLE E NERGY /G REEN E NERGY An Energy Source that can be easily replenished. Examples: Solar Energy Geothermal energy (Heat Inside Earth) Nuclear Energy – NOT GREEN Hydropower Wind Power Biomass (Energy from plants (Biodiesels)- NOT GREEN

43 N ON R ENEWABLE E NERGY An energy source that we are using up and cannot recreate. Examples: Fossil Fuels Coal Oil Natural gas

44 QUIZ TIME! What type of energy cooks food in a microwave oven? ELECTROMAGNETIC ENERGY What type of energy is the spinning plate inside of a microwave oven? MECHANICAL ENERGY

45 QUIZ TIME! Electrical energy is transported to your house through power lines. When you plug an electric fan to a power outlet, electrical energy is transform into what type of energy? MECHANICAL ENERGY

46 QUIZ TIME! What energy transformation occurs when an electric lamp is turned on? ELECTRICAL ENERGY  ELECTROMAGNETIC ENERGY

47 W HAT TYPES OF ENERGY ARE SHOWN BELOW ? Mechanical and Thermal Energy (Don’t forget friction)


49 W HAT TYPES OF ENERGY ARE SHOWN BELOW ? Electrical, Mechanical and Electromagnetic Energy

50 W HAT TYPE OF ENERGY IS SHOWN BELOW ? Chemical Energy (yummy)


52 Draw a flow map showing the flow of energy transformations in a car from starting vehicle to driving. You should have 5 different types of energy.

53 E NERGY T RANSFER Chemical Electrical Sound (mechanical) Light (Electromagnetic) Thermal Mechanical

54 R EVIEW Energy Conversions ANSWERS Energy Conversions.pdf

55 R EVIEW Energy Transformations.pdf ANSWERS Energy Transformations.pdf

56 I T ’ S E LECTRIC !

57 A B ASIC C IRCUIT All electric circuits have three main parts 1. A source of energy 2. A closed path 3. A device which uses the energy If ANY part of the circuit is open the device will not work!

58 T HERE ARE 2 TYPES OF C URRENT DC = Direct Current - current flows in one direction Example: Battery AC = Alternating Current - current reverses direction many times per second. This suggests that AC devices turn OFF and ON. Example: Wall outlet (progress energy)

59 W AYS TO W IRE C IRCUITS There are 2 basic ways to wire a circuit. Keep in mind that a resistor could be ANYTHING ( bulb, toaster, ceramic material…etc) Series – One after another Parallel – between a set of junctions and parallel to each other

60 R EVIEW Go with the Flow.pdf


62 B RIEF H ISTORY OF MAGNETS Magnets have been known for centuries. The Chinese and Greeks knew about the “magical” properties of magnets. They used the mineral “magnetite” to help in navigation, because it always pointed in the same direction.

63 W ILLIAM GILBERT An English Physician, William Gilbert, first proposed in 1600 that the Earth itself is a magnet. He predicted that the Earth had magnetic poles.

64 W HAT IS MAGNETISM ? Magnetism is the force of attraction or repulsion of a magnetic material due to the arrangement of it’s atoms, particularly its electrons.

65 M AGNETIC POLES The ends of a magnet are where the magnetic effect is the strongest. These are called “poles”. Each magnet has two poles. One North and One South.

66 L IKE OPPOSITES. Like REPELS Like…. Opposites Attract!!!

67 T HE EARTH IS A MAGNET It exerts magnetic forces and is surrounded by a magnetic field that is strongest near the North and the South magnetic poles.

68 T HE EARTH FLIPS ? Sometimes, the Earth’s magnetic poles flip. (We can see evidence of this in rocks along the mid- ocean ridge.) This happens every half-million years or so.

69 H OW DOES A COMPASS WORK ? We use the Earth’s magnetic field to find direction. The needle of the compass always points toward the magnetic south pole. YES! That is correct. We call this direction “North”. Remember!! Opposites Attract!

70 H OW BIG IS THE EARTHS MAGNETIC FIELD ? Earth’s magnetic field extends far into space. We call this the “magnetosphere.” When magnetic particles (mainly from the sun), called “solar wind”, strike the magnetosphere, we can see a phenomenon called the… Aurora Borealis in the Northern Hemisphere. Aurora Australis in the Southern Hemisphere.



73 E LECTRIC C URRENTS & M AGNETISM Since moving charges create magnetic fields, an electric current creates a magnetic field. A coil of wire can concentrate the magnetic field and create an electromagnet.

74 M OTORS An electric motor uses a magnet to exert a force on a current-carrying coil of wire.

75 M AGNETIC F ORCE What is Magnetism? Practice sheet Electromagnet Activity

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