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Copyright issues in Text and Data Mining OAI9 Jonas Holm Legal counsel, Stockholm University

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1 Copyright issues in Text and Data Mining OAI9 Jonas Holm Legal counsel, Stockholm University e-mail:

2 The (amended) Reda Report adopted by EP JURI committee

3 What do we mean by copyright protection?  Economic Rights: the exclusive right to..  Produce copies and reproductions  Import or export the work  Create derivative works  Perform/display the work publicly  Display/transmit by TV and radio  Sell, license or transfer these right to others  Moral rights: included in civil law and some common law jurisdictions  Right of attribution  Right to the integrity of the work  Sui generis right:  Database protection

4 The Berne Convention  Require its signatories to recognize the copyright in works of authors from other signatory states  States minimum protection terms  Includes moral rights  Fair use  Three-step-test: 1) Signatory countries can permit exceptions for reproduction 2) Provided such reproduction don’t interfere with the normal exploitation 3) And does not unreasonably prejudice the legitimate interests of the authors

5 How does this apply to Text and Data Mining (content mining, DM, TDM)?  Most legal scholars agree that legal consent from right holders is required for TDM-like activities on input works currently protected by copyright  TDM activity is considered a disposition within the zone of exclusivity for the legal right holder in a work  Mining would then require licensing clearance procedures for each scientific projects  Such licensing negotiations could be burdensome and costly

6 The EU Legal Framework on Copyright  Satellite and cable directive 1993  Database directive 1996  Infosoc directive 2001  Directive on the resale right 2001  Directive on the enforcement of intellectual property rights 2004  Directive on rental and lending rights 2006 (modified)  Directive on the legal protection of computer programs 2009 (modified)  Directive on term of protection 2011  MoU on Out-of-commerce works 2011  Orphan works directive 2012  Directive on collective management of copyright 2014

7 Infosoc directive 2001 (aka Copyright directive)  Definitions of the exclusive rights granted under copyright  Contains a number of exceptions to copyright and related rights:  Reproduction for private use  Reproduction by libraries (non-commercial)  Illustration for teaching and scientific research  Use for criticism and review  Use for non-commercial research  However, these exceptions are not mandatory, and the implementation varies greatly amongst member states

8 Database directive 1996  In addition to the copyright protection offered by the national copyright regimes, the EU Database Directive contains legal protection for databases  … that are considered to be the result of a significant investment  Database creators will receive a protection similar to copyright  This is called a sui generis right  Such protection is a barrier to Text and Data Mining (TDM)  The database protection is specific to the EU and is a competitive disadvantage for EU researchers

9 National copyright exceptions rules for TDM  Exception rules in national copyright regimes facilitates legal certainty around TDM activity  Such exception rules rests on the assumption that lawful right to read a work also implies a lawful right to mine  With such exception rules, no separate permission for TDM activity needs to be obtained.  National exception rules for TDM exists in, among others, Japan, Israel, South Korea and the United Kingdom  However, the UK exception rule is for non-commercial TDM activity only

10 Fair use and fair dealing  Countries within the anglo-american copyright system has fair use or fair dealing provisions in their copyright regimes that allows for certain activity in works, without consent.  Fair dealing (Commonwealth countries) is list of specific actions allowed (TDM activity not included).  Fair use (United States) has an open ended list with activities “such as..” – This allows for TDM!  The Fair dealing provision in Canada is more open ended and similar to U.S. Fair dealing

11 How does legal uncertainty affect TDM research?  Studies has shown that research publications with TDM elements are significantly fewer in countries without legal certainty around TDM than in countries with an exception rule or fair use  Apparently, this makes for a competitive advantage for the American science community compared to the European counterpart  Similar studies has also shown that research publications with TDM elements in Europe has declined since the issue of legal certainty was raised

12 Current debate – Market licensing solution?  In may, the academic publishing community through STM (The International Association of Scientific, Technical and Medical Publishers) issued a statement that legal certainty around TDM activity in Europe already exists  The STM statement offers a solution through a market licensing mechanism where permission for TDM activity can be obtained through licensing negotiations and TDM infrastructure.  The academic community has already issued statements objecting to this solution as insufficient.

13 So, what’s currently in the Reda Report?  Calls on the EU to “Examine the possibilities of reviewing a number of existing exceptions and limitations”  Suggests minimum standards for the exceptions and limitations  “need to properly assess the enablement of automated analytical techniques for text and data”

14 Current EU Copyright reform work - The Digital Single Market  Digital Single Market Strategy – May 2014  Impact assessment in June 2015  Proposal expected in October?

15 Likely outcome of the Digital Single Market?  2-3-4 of the Exception rules in the Infosoc directive to be made mandatory  Exception rule for TDM – unclear if for commercial and non-commercial use?  Not yet specified actions to facilitate cross-border access to works protected by copyright

16 Solutions  Copyright exceptions (Infosoc directive, new directive?)  (Licensing)  Re-definition of the reproduction right (would require a legal instrument)  Open Norm - Fair Use? Fair Dealing? - The Lisbon Treaty, Article 118, opens for a Single European Copyright Title (similar to patents)

17 LIBER’s work on Copyright Advocacy  Response to the Commission’s Copyright Consultation 2014  LIBER wants a copyright exception for Text- and Data Mining (TDM) that does not differentiate between commercial and non- commercial use  Copyright exceptions should not be over-ridden by contracts or technical protection measures  We call for cross-border solutions for access  Licensing is not enough!  The Hague Declaration  Meetings with MEP’s and with Commission officials.

18 The Way Forward?  European Parliament to vote in plenum on the Reda Report – July 9 th  Commission impact assessment on the Digital Single Market Strategy – before summer 2015?  Commission proposal expected in October 2015 - will be debated in parliament and between member states

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